Announcement And Cover Reveal of Mistaken (2nd Edition!)!!

Hi friends! I’m so excited to welcome author Jessie Lewis to my blog today! I’ve so loved everything I’ve read by Jessie Lewis (for proof see: here and here) and I almost was lucky enough to meet up with her when I was in England last year (don’t worry, Jessie, we will make it happen next time for sure!) Jessie is visiting today to share a special announcement, and I hope you are as excited by it as I am!!

From the Author

Thank you, Meredith, for welcoming me back to Austenesque Reviews. Many of your readers are familiar with the novel I’m talking about today — Mistaken was kindly voted one of your readers’ favourite Austenesque novels in 2017 and one of your own favourites for 2018.

I am here to let your readers know that, after a short hiatus, Mistaken is once more available as an ebook on Amazon, both to purchase and via the Kindle Unlimited programme. It’s had a bit of a make-over and has a few extended and a few new scenes, plus a new epilogue. Other than that, in essentials, it is very much what is ever was, which I hope will please those who enjoyed it and wish to read it again on KU.

~ Book Description ~

A tempestuous acquaintance and disastrous marriage proposal make it unlikely Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet will ever reconcile. Despairing of their own reunion, they attend with great energy to salvaging that of Darcy’s friend Mr Bingley and Elizabeth’s sister Jane. People are rarely so easily manoeuvred in and out of love, however, and there follows a series of misunderstandings, both wilful and unwitting, that complicates all four star-crossed lovers’ alliances more than ever before.

A witty and romantic novel that delights in the folly of human nature, Mistaken both honours Austen’s original and holds appeal for readers of all genres.


Saturday 25 April 1812, London

Bingley stared at the implacable butler and puffed out his cheeks helplessly. He really ought to have known Darcy would not be at home. It was Saturday, and Darcy invariably visited Angelo’s of a Saturday morning. “I might as well wait here for him. I daresay he’ll not object as long as I behave myself.”

“Miss Darcy and her companion are here, sir, also awaiting Mr Darcy,” Godfrey replied.

“Even better!” he cried, whipping off his hat and bowling past him into the house.

“Did you enjoy the theatre on Wednesday?” he enquired of Darcy’s sister once he was settled in the morning room.

“We did not go in the end. My brother was unwell.”

“I am sorry to hear that,” Bingley replied, though it did explain why Darcy had seemed so out of sorts. “Is he recovered? He must be if he has gone fencing.”

“I have not seen him since, so I cannot say.”

“If he is sickening for something, I might have some luck convincing him to come with me for a few weeks for some country air.”

“You are leaving Town?”

“I am!” Bingley resisted the urge to bounce up and down in his seat. “I am returning to Hertfordshire.”


Mrs Annesley cleared her throat. Miss Darcy glanced at her, as did Bingley, but he could see nothing extraordinary in the way she looked at her charge, to whom he replied, “Yes, I return within the week for an indefinite stay.”

“But you will miss the remainder of the Season!”

“You share Caroline’s outrage, I see. Be assured, Hertfordshire has far pleasanter diversions than Town, as your brother recently reminded me.”

“He did? Might I enquire—did he enjoy his time there, do you think?”

Mrs Annesley cleared her throat again, more loudly.

“Do you know, I am not sure,” Bingley said. “I had not thought him much enamoured of the place while we were there, but he has since assured me otherwise.”

“What made you think he was displeased?”

Miss Darcy’s companion cleared her throat again, and Bingley looked askance at her. “He was forever squabbling with Miss Elizabeth, for one,” he replied, more candidly than he might have had he not been distracted. Would that Mrs Annesley just cough and have done with it!

“He argued with a lady?” Miss Darcy cried, sounding horrified.

“What? Oh—yes. Frequently and fiercely.”

“That is quite shocking! She must have been frightfully disagreeable, for I cannot believe he would have been uncivil without good reason.”

“On the contrary, she was a perfectly charming houseguest.”

“Oh! Was it she who fell ill at your house?”

Mrs Annesley coughed loudly, satisfying Bingley that whatever had been irritating her—and him—must now be dislodged.

“No, that was her sister, Miss Jane Bennet. Miss Elizabeth stayed to nurse her well again.”

“Then my brother has mentioned her in his letters. She was in Kent when he visited our aunt lately.”

“Yes, so I understand.”

“He did not mention that they argued.”

“I should imagine not! Though, he cannot have been all that displeased, for he danced with her at my ball.”

Miss Darcy looked positively triumphant. “Did he indeed?”

Mrs Annesley coughed again, and Bingley turned to her in frustration. “Are you quite well, madam? Allow me to call for some water.”

She declined, and after several reassurances as to her perfect health, Bingley returned his attention to Miss Darcy. She looked somewhat contrite, but that did not prevent her, after a surreptitious glance at her companion, from leaning towards him and asking, “Is Miss Elizabeth very handsome?”

“Miss Darcy!” Mrs Annesley interrupted. “I think it high time you called for tea.”

Bingley judged it best to say no more, but as the ladies busied themselves ordering refreshments, he reflected that the answer to the question was very simple: Yes, she is.

And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

What a lovely design! I love all the hidden objects amongst the leaves, and I’m always a fan of silhouettes!! 👤

New scenes?!? I LOVE new scenes…sounds like I have to reread this whole book now… #NotComplaining 😉

LOL! That scene with Georgiana and Mrs. Annesley is hilarious…Mrs. Annesley trying to check Georgiana’s prying into her brother’s affairs! 😝

What do you think, friends? ☺️


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Jessie Lewis is a reasonably grown up individual who nevertheless spends most of her time daydreaming that it’s the 1800’s (except with flushing loos and penicillin) and wishing unicorns had been a thing when she was a kid. Oh yes, and writing. She adores sci-fi and fantasy but is a total sucker for a dashing Regency hero. Her works include Mistaken, a witty romance based on Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, and The Edification of Lady Susan, a short story in the anthology Rational Creatures, which celebrates Austen’s strong female characters. When Jessie’s not cavorting about Regency England in her daydreams, she can be found in modern-day Hertfordshire, where she lives with her husband, two children, and an out of tune piano.

Thanks so much for sharing, Jessie! We are so excited for this re-release and we wish you all the very best!!


  1. I have the original of this and really enjoyed it. What a mix up!
    I don’t have KU so unfortunately will have to pass on the extra scenes and the epilogue but I wish you good luck with it Jessie.
    PS I love this new cover.

  2. Bingley had no clue why Mrs. Annesley kept clearing her throat! Haha! I’m sure Georgiana did though! I was wondering what happened to this book! So glad to see it is back and the cover is delightful! Why the change though as the first one was just as delightful? Looking forward to reading this one!

  3. Congratulations, Jessie! I love the new cover! Who was your designer? Will you be re-releasing the paperback as well?

    1. Thanks so much, Jennifer! The cover was done by Hartford Design, a UK company. The paperback is not on the cards right at the moment. Next challenge – audiobook! 🙂

  4. I just recently read the original and I thought it was fantastic. Now I’m intrigued to go see the additional scenes and epilogue. Best of luck on the new launch. And keep bringing us more of your amazing writing.

    1. It could be a number of people actually, Buturot, which makes it all the more fun 😉 I hope you get the chance to read it and find out more. Thanks for commenting. 🙂

  5. One of my absolute all time favorites has updates and new scenes and an epilogue! Oh my! (In my most excited Mrs B voice!)

  6. Love the new cover! I read this book when it first came out. Curious about the new additions. Thanks for sharing.

    1. It’s very much the same story, Jen. But a few scenes have been extended, a few added, and a little bit of tweaking has gone on here and there to give it a little freshen up. Lovely to hear you like the new cover! 🙂

  7. I have to confess that the original edition of Mistaken is still languishing on my TBR List, lurking somewhere in the catacombs of my Kindle. I don’t have KU (the aforementioned TBR List is the size of a small planet) as I just couldn’t justify the expense right now when I have so much yet to read.

    This scene is such a hoot! Bingley is just so clueless about Mrs Annesley’s coughing, isn’t he? Thanks for sharing it with us. And the new cover is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you Anji, I’m glad you like it! I’m just the same – my TBR list is shamefully long, but real life is so very demanding isn’t it! LOL! I hope you enjoy whichever edition you end up reading. 🙂

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