Austenesque Novel Finds – September 2018

Hi readers, I hope you all are enjoying the last days of September! Even though I feel this month was hijacked by Hurricane Florence a bit, I was able to celebrate two special anniversaries! One was my anniversary with Mr. Bingley on September 14th (10 years!) This anniversary was even more memorable thanks to Flo coming the same day! And the second special anniversary is my blog’s anniversary, on September 22nd (9 years!)

If you didn’t see yet, we are celebrating that special occasion with some lovely giveaways!

Was it a busy month for you too? Did you happen to see all the Austenesque books published this last month?  If not, have no fear!

Here’s a list of Austenesque Novel Finds for September 2018 for your perusing pleasure!

*This is a list of books published, not my personal recommendations.


Austenesque Novel Finds – September 2018

A Year with Jane Austen: Modern Austen Short Stories by Jennifer Becton

An Unwanted Proposal: A Pride & Prejudice Variation by Lane Cossett

Casual: A Modern Pride and Prejudice Variation by Different Thoughts

Darcy and Elizabeth: A Peculiar Courtship: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Alice Morgan



Emma and the City: The Ultimate Feel-Good Romantic Comedy Retelling of EMMA by Amy Hilliges

Forever, Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation (Mail Order Bride and Prejudice Book 2) by Harriet Knowles and Georgina Peel

From Longbourn to Pemberley, With Love: Longbourn Stories 1 to 19 by Margaret Lynette Sharp


Indebted: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate Variation (Darcy, A Little Dark Book 2) by Cora Aston

Mr. Darcy’s Magpie by Kara Louise

Murders in London: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Kate Speck

Obstacles by Belén Paccagnella


Painting Mr. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Grace Hollister

Pastimes and Pleasures in the Time of Jane Austen by Sarah Jane Downing

Please don’t say you love me : A pride and prejudice variation by Saturn Oboo

Pride and Prejudice and Secrets: A Pride and Prejudice Variation (The Poison Series Book 2) by Bella Breen


Pride & Prejudice & P*nis: A Heroic Mr. Darcy Tale by Emmaline Wade

Recognizing Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Lizzy Brandon

Riches to rags : A pride and prejudice variation by Rhonda Hoskins

Seeking Mr. Dependable: The Jane Austen Pact by Cami Checketts


The Darcys and the Stolen Thoroughbreds by Glenna Mason

The Ruin of Elizabeth Bennet: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Darcie Rochester

Undue Influence: A Persuasion Retelling by Jenny Holiday

Until My Last Breath: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Rose Lorimer


When Jane Got Angry: A Pride and Prejudice Novella by Victoria Kincaid

Where There’s a FitzWILLiam Darcy: There’s a Way by Regina Jeffers

And here are some shorter Austenesque inspired works for your perusing pleasure!

A Secret Best Kept: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate (Elizabeth’s Awakening Book 14) by Jane Hunter

An Unexpected Guest: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate (Saving Longbourn Book 1) by Alice Everley

False Presumptions: A Pride & Prejudice Sensual Variation by Sophia Grace

In the Heart of the Storm: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate (Saving Longbourn Book 2) by Alice Everley

Pride & Prejudice & Pirates (Steampunk Pride & Prejudice Book 2) by Caylen McQueen

Saving Longbourn: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate Trilogy by Alice Everley

Storm’s End: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate (Saving Longbourn Book 3) by Alice Everley

The Carriage Ride: A Pride and Prejudice Short Story by Mary Simonsen

The Colonel’s Son: A Pride & Prejudice Novella Variation (The Lost Heir Series Book 2) by April Floyd

The Seduction of Lizzy: A Steamy Pride & Prejudice Variation (The Seduction Series Book 2) by Emma East


Plenty of reads to catch up on! There are 36 new Austenesque releases for the month of September!

There are so many to choose from!  Which ones do you want to read?

I have not read yet, but I do have Recognizing Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation and When Jane Got Angry: A Pride and Prejudice Novella on my TBR pile!

I definitely hope to check out some others! Lots of good ones this month!

If you have any recommendations, please do share them!  


Click here to see the past month’s Austenesque Novel Finds!


  1. Team Jane Bennet approves “When Jane Got Angry”!! And I believe there’s at least one scene most P&P fans will really enjoy.

  2. What a lovely list of books! I’d love to win any, but am especially interested in Emma in the City as I’ve had some conversation with the author. Welcome fall, time to read!

  3. What a big month of book releases. Some gorgeous covers there. I have only read “Recognizing Love” and the old version of “Obstacles”…both which I canneasily recommend.Because I loved Karen M Cox’s modernized EMMA “I Could Write a Book”, I can’t help but be intrigued to read “Emma in the City”, plus I loved that author’s book trailer on your site (Loved it so much, I was inspired to make a book trailer for #RationalCreatures!!!!)

    I am so relieved that your Netherfield weathered the storm well! How scary for all of you.

    1. Great recommendations! And like you, I am a fan of Emma retellings! The trailer for Emma and the City and Rational Creatures were wonderful! You all are so talented!

  4. Hi Meredith!
    Happy Anniversary of marriage!. For me it will be easy to remember as my birthday is the 13 th of September! !!. And happy Blogiversary! . September has good vibes! 🙂
    As for the books I also find interesting the new Victoria Kincaid novel ( why will Jane get angry? because of her sister in law Caroline? LOL) and I’m curious about the magpie of Mr Darcy by Kara Louise ( which role will the bird play?).
    Have a fine weekend! 🙂

    1. Teresa, I got to read some chapters posted online, and the Magpie reference is so entirely charming. I think you’re going to love it.

    2. Thank you my friend! 🙂 Happy belated birthday to you! I hope it was an enjoyable one! September does have good things to celebrate!

      Love your questions! Hoping to learn the answers myself!

  5. I have read Obstacles, Recognizing Love and Where There’s a Fitzwilliam Darcy and just ordered Mr. Darcy’s Magpie, which I had followed on her blog. She doesn’t post the last chapters so you must obtain the book to read the conclusion. I have read all of Kara’s other books and enjoyed them.

    Congratulations on your 10th anniversary. My husband and I celebrated 50 years on August 31st.

    Also congratulations on the anniversary of your blog. Thanks for your lists.

    1. Ooh those are all on my list! Great choices! I hope you are enjoying Mr. Darcy’s Magpie – I love Kara’s books!

      Happy belated anniversary to you and your husband!! That is lovely!!! These 10 years have gone very fast! I’m hoping they slow down!

      Thanks so much for your lovely visit, my friend!

  6. Undue Influence and Mr. Darcy’s Magpie just caught my eye, but I also planned to read Emma in the City, When Jane Got Angry, and Where there’s a FitzWilliam Darcy There’s a Way.

    Yay for surviving Flo and celebrating two big milestones. 🙂

  7. I read The Ruin of Elizabeth Bennet online, and it’s so compelling. Don’t miss it!! And I read some of the early chapters of Mr. Darcy’s Magpie which were delightful. I highly recommend both!! 🙂

    Thanks, Meredith, for compiling all the JAFF released this month!!

    Susanne 🙂

    1. Ooh! Thanks for the recommendation, I especially appreciate it as Darcie Rochester is a new author for me!

      My pleasure, thank you so much for checking out my list!

  8. Thank you so much Meredith for posting these new books. It makes my life easier. I usually search for new books as soon as i am able to. I have read the Ruin of Elizabeth Bennet online. I am so glad it is now out.
    I fell in love with Mr Darcy’s Magpie.

    I am not sure if you had seen/posted about the second book/second part of the story by April Floyd – The Colonel’s Son: A P & P Variation (The lost heir Series)

    1. I’m so happy to hear that these lists are helpful! 🙂 Those two seem popular with readers, I am looking forward to checking them both out!

      I haven’t read The Colonel’s Son by April Floyd yet, I do see it came out this month though. 🙂 Happy reading!

  9. Glad you are safe, Meredith. We had lots of flooded areas around here, as well. I am still waiting to have siding replaced on my house, but my little village was lucky in many respects. Thank you for including “Where There’s a FitzWILLiam Darcy, There’s a Way” on the list.

    1. Thank you, Regina! It is amazing how much of NC and SC were impacted by this storm. I’m glad to hear that your village was lucky and that you didn’t have flooding or trees falling down to deal with!

      My pleasure!! Congrats on your release!

  10. Hope you had a lovely wedding anniversary, and congratulations on your blog anniversary. I am so glad you were safe from the weather, and that Netherfield escaped unscathed.

    Such a lot of books! I usually haven’t read any of the newest releases, but this month I have, I read Emma and the City. I have my eye on a few of these, and hadn’t heard of others, so I’ll check them out. Happy reading in October, Meredith!

  11. I’m always so glad you post this monthly list, Meredith. Even though I’m not always thrilled when the post itself shows up and I’m reminded another month has flown by in a blink. I’m eager to read a handful of the books listed. I want to read Angry Jane, and I have already read a lot of Mr. Darcy’s Magpie online and can’t wait to finish it now that it’s out, it’s so good. I was so lucky to get Where There’s a FitzWILLiam Darcy: There’s a Way in a giveaway, and can’t wait to read that! I read a couple excerpts and it’s going to be complicated and angsty and great! A lot of new names this month, and i’m going to check out some of those too.

    I add my congratulations again on your two anniversaries. And my gratitude on your safety from Hurricane Florence. I’ll think of you every anniversary of Flo. It was very kind of you to post your news on FB to let your Austenesque friends know you were safe since we were all concerned. I know how your family must have worried about you.

    Back before I was on Facebook we experienced this with our son and his best friends who got married in Houston during Hurricane Rita. Cell towers got overwhelmed by millions of people trying to get news out or news from their loved ones. (The news on TV was mostly about all the blocked interstates and highways totally jammed up evacuating Houston, running out of gas and water in the heat.) Pretty worrisome.

    1. LOL! I know, sometimes these lists get mixed reactions from people! 😉 This might be the first time I am glad a month has passed, I’m kinda over September!

      Ooh! I love complicated and angsty! Congrats on a wonderful win!

      It seems like FB was a place of communication and therapy during the storm. So many people were sharing their updates, some sharing when they needed help, and others sharing what help they know of and can offer. It is quite an experience to live through. We are lucky that we could stay connected to the outside world, especially when for a couple days the news was calling Wilmington an “island cut off from the rest of the state!” That’s amazing that they got married during the hurricane, what a memorable wedding!

      1. Thanks for sharing that extra part about your experience. I’m glad for the ability to communicate better these days, it’s nice to know it is really good in these cases. Sometimes it’s one of ‘those days’ on FB when you just want to pull the plug and never go there again. So many people affected by Florence. And it takes some areas so much longer to recoup. I liked your description of your community coming together (earlier post???)

  12. Meredith, Congratulations on your two Anniversaries. Thanks for the list of books. I just ordered Mr. Darcy’s Magpie.

  13. Thanks for compiling this awesome list, Meredith. And congratulations on your wedding and blogging anniversaries. I am so happy for you and Pedro. To be still married after 10 years is quite an achievement in this modern world.

    I believe you are missing a few new titles which was published at the end of last month. They are Pride and Prejudice and Secrets by Bella Breen, The Darcys and the Stolen Thoroughbreds by Glenna Mason and Darcy and Elizabeth’s Affair of the Heart by Joann Louise.

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