Austenesque Novel Finds – June 2018


Hi readers, how are you enjoying your summer so far? Going anywhere fun? Doing any reading? We’ve been camping a little each weekend whenever Mr. Bingley has a gig out of town and that his been fun! And even though camping can keep you pretty busy, I’ve been squeezing in some reading time!!

Must keep up, you know! Ha! (Not keeping up really, just treading water. I’m always behind on new releases!) Speaking of… did you happen to see all the Austenesque books published this last month?  If not, have no fear!

Here’s a list of Austenesque Novel Finds for June 2018 for your perusing pleasure!

*This is a list of books published, not my personal recommendations.


Austenesque Novel Finds – June 2018

A Love Most Ardent: A Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet Story by Martine Jane Roberts

A Match Made in Mayfair: A Pride & Prejudice Variation by April Floyd

A Tale of Two Courtships by Jann Rowland

A Trip to Pemberley (Three Sisters from Hertfordshire Book 1) by Meg Osborne

An Imprudent Engagement: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by E. Bradshaw

Central Park: A Contemporary Retelling of Mansfield Park (The Jane Austen Series) by Debra White Smith (re-release)

Courtships & Corruption: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Cinnamon Worth

Designed for Each Other: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by P. O. Dixon

Elizabeth Bennet in Disguise: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Lillian Swift

Elizabeth Bennet’s Secret Protector: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Barbara Leyton

Elizabeth’s Deception: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Sophia Grey

Master of Longbourn: A Pride and Prejudice Novella (Dash of Darcy and Companions) by Leenie Brown


Mr. Darcy – A Man of Honour by Jadie Brooks

Mr. Darcy & Elizabeth: The Tree on the Green by Alyssa Jefferson

Mr Darcy’s Vice: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Romantic Comedy by Lin Mei Wei

Northpointe Chalet: A Contemporary Retelling of Northanger Abbey (The Jane Austen Series) by Debra White Smith (re-release)


Proof of Love by Brenda J Webb

Prosperity: Progression Vol. 4 (a continuation of Pride and Prejudice) by Jodi L. Covey

Reason and Romance: A Contemporary Retelling of Sense and Sensibility (The Jane Austen Series) by Debra White Smith (re-release)

Reluctantly Mrs. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Regency Variation by Claire Cartier


The Darcy Legacy by Joana Starnes

The Journey to Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Bronwyn Murray

The Pemberley House Party: A Pride & Prejudice Continuation Novella by Jemima Selkirk

The Ramsgate Intervention: A Darcy and Elizabeth Pride and Prejudice Variation by Lily Whittaker


Tug of Love: A Darcy and Elizabeth Pride and Prejudice Variation by Harriet Knowles

What Kitty Did Next by Carrie Kablean

And here are some shorter Austenesque inspired works for your perusing pleasure!

A Letter for Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate (Darcy and Elizabeth After the Curtain Book 2) by Nadine Reynolds

A Material Lesson: A Pride and Prejudice Short Story (A Pride and Prejudice Interlude Book 1) by Aubrey Anderson

A Narrow Escape: Pride and Prejudice Variation Short Story by Aubrey Anderson

A Promise at Longbourn: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate Variation (Mr. Darcy’s Secret Engagement Book 3) by Abbie Hawksworth

A Question of Honor: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate Novella (A Complicated Arrangement Book 1) by Perdita Lyons

An Ardent Affection: Part 3 of a Pride and Prejudice Intimate Variation by Grace Reeve


Darcy and the Wicked Waltz: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Jane Grix

Elizabeth’s Decadent Delights: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate Collection by Avis McGinnis

Forever with Mr. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Stephanie Chambers

Mr. Darcy Plays His Part: A Pride and Prejudice Romantic Variation Sophia Woodford

Mr Darcy Wants More: A Pride and Prejudice Steamy Variation (Charlotte and Sir Richard Book 5) by C.P. Waterman and Julia Beaumont

Mr. Darcy’s Morning Glory: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate (Marrying Miss Bennet Book 1) by Jane Hunter

Mr. Darcy’s Secret Engagement: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate Trilogy by Abbie Hawksworth

Mr. Darcy’s Surprise: A Pride & Prejudice Sensual Intimate (Love Comes To Pemberley Book 4) by Anna Darrell

The Darcys Go to Town: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate by Abigail Lynn

The Irresistible Mr. Darcy: A Pride & Prejudice Sensual Intimate (Love Comes To Pemberley Book 3) by Anna Darrell

Where the Lilacs Bloom: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate (Marrying Miss Bennet Book 2) by Jane Hunter


Doesn’t feel like Christmas has come early? There are 44 new Austenesque releases for the month of June!

There are so many to choose from!  Which ones do you want to read?

I have read 0 (or if you count older releases 3 – as I’ve read the previously released books by Debra White Smite years ago). But I’m hoping to read several others I see on this list, starting with Brenda Webb’s new release!

If you have any recommendations, please do share them!  


Click here to see the past month’s Austenesque Novel Finds!


  1. When I see all these new books I am reminded of how thankful I am for the reviews you post. Without them I doubt I would read half of what is being published for want of time to check them out. Thank you for all you do for the JAFF community.

    1. I’m thankful for reviewers too! With most of us having limited reading time and limited reading budgets! It is always so helpful to hear which books are worth reading! And while I’m game to try new authors, it really is great when you find a new author that many other readers recommend and give favorable reviews to! The JAFF community is great and I love being a part of it!

  2. I’m a disabled senior living on a fixed income, and I hardly ever find room in the budget to buy books of any kind. I’ve been accumulating free books offered by some Amazon affiliates so I’m not pressed for something to read. Once in a great while, a JAFF book will be offered for free, and you can be sure I scarf those up! I sure appreciate your listing all the new releases every so often! Hopefully in a few months, I’ll have some debts paid off so I can free up some money to buy some of these!

    1. I hope that does happen for you, my friend! It is great that you have found some alternative methods for acquiring new books! I know many readers are thankful for all authors do like offering sales, free books, and giveaways! They are very generous! Especially in the JAFF community!

  3. Meredith! Oh how JAFF has grown since I starting blogging/reviewing 10+ years ago. We were lucky to have a dozen books a year. Now, there are hundreds! I don’t know how you keep up with it all. Well done indeed.

  4. I read Brenda’s Proof of Love as WIP but want to reread the published version. I did post a review – loved the story. I also read A Tale of Two Courtships. So I am way behind on keeping up but that is nothing new. Thanks for all the hard work you put into these lists, Meredith.

    1. Same here, Sheila! I’m not even sure if I’m reading 2018 releases yet?!? I still may be catching up on 2017! Thanks for checking out my list and sharing your thoughts!

  5. It’s been crazier than average at our house for the last 4 mo. and therefore I haven’t checked your monthly list for a long time. That makes it slightly easier to not be so overwhelmed by what came out in just the past month!!!

    I’m sure I will want to read some of these as soon as I can: Brenda’s newest, Leenie’s. And I’m looking forward to your reviews of some many more. A lot of authors I havn’t read yet and probably should. And a couple titles that grab my attention.

    I always appreciate the hard work it must be to compile these lists. I too rely on your reviews. And I’m excited to see July’s agenda coming up way too fast! July??

    1. I hope all is well for you, my friend, and getting better!!

      Great choices! Yes, there are still so many new authors that I haven’t heard of in this list!

      Will post the July agenda on Wednesday! It did feel fast, although when I think back to the first weekend in June (our very first camping experience) it feels so long ago!! 😉

  6. Okay, I’ve read one. LOL What Kitty Did Next was good stuff. I do see a couple I want to read. I actually have been reading some older ones mostly this past month.

    1. That’s great to hear! That one looked interesting! Oohh! I’m curious to see which older books you have read (off to stalk you on GR!) 😉

  7. Looking forward to reading master of Longbourn and designed for each other. Thank you again for putting these lists together – it is the email I look forward to receiving most each month!

    1. Great choices! I think both of those just came out in the last week! I’m so glad you like the list! I love making it (although it takes several hours!) 😉

  8. Excellent post Meredith. Thanks for all your hard work in finding all these new launches.

    I hope you are enjoying camping. Enjoy it while you are young… you won’t want to travel when you are older. Say hello to Mr. Bingley…

    1. Thank you, Jeanne! It is fun to see all the new lovely releases that came out each month! So thankful for authors who are writing and releasing more and more wonderful books into this genre!

      LOL! It has been a lot of mini-adventures so far, but we are learning! And so far, nothing too terrible has happened!

  9. Thanks for compiling this list, it’s overwhelming but the good thing is that we’ll never run out of books! LOL 😉

  10. Read What Kitty did next and Master of Longbourn. Enjoyed both of those especially Master of L. Will be buying A Trip to Pemberley (Three Sisters from Hertfordshire Book 1) by Meg Osborne as this is about Mary Bennet

  11. Oh no Meredith, I haven’t read any of those!!! In my defence I had family here and am trying to work through the unread books on my kindle. BUT I will definitely be reading some of these soon starting with Joana’s Darcy Legacy and Brenda’s Proof of Love.
    I will check out the others so thanks again for the great list and sorry I only just got round to to checking it out.

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