Austenesque Novel Finds – May 2018


Hi readers, I hope your month of May was lovely!!! Did you get a lot of reading in? Or is it a busier time of year for you with the holidays and end-of-school year activities? I think I’m averaging about the same amount of reading this month, but I am usually able to fit in a little more reading time in the summer months! So I hope that will be true for June. I can’t wait!  Did you happen to see all the Austenesque books published this last month?  If not, have no fear!

Here’s a list of Austenesque Novel Finds for May 2018 for your perusing pleasure!

*This is a list of books published, not my personal recommendations.


Austenesque Novel Finds – May 2018


A Chance at Happiness: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Meg Osborne

A Christmas Miracle At Longbourn: A Pride and Prejudice Variation (The Darcy And Lizzy Miracles Book 1) by Catherine Bilson

A Trip To Brighton: Darcy and Elizabeth What If? #14 by Jennifer Lang

An Illustration : A Pride and Prejudice variation by Karthikeyan Kasinathan 

Anything Is Possible: A Story of the Darcys and Bennets by Don Miller

Being Mrs Darcy: A Pride & Prejudice Variation by Elizabeth M. Bridges

CATHERINE (Pride & Prejudice continued. Book 2) by Sue Barr

Confounding Caroline: A Pride and Prejudice Variation (Marrying Elizabeth Book 1) by Leenie Brown


Darcy’s Hidden Depths: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Lily Whittaker

Darcy’s Match (Darcy and Elizabeth Fair Trade) by Kate Bedlow

Darcy Vs Lady Catherine: A Pride and Prejudice Variation (Darcy Versus Series) by Gianna Thomas

Elizabeth Bennet’s Impertinent Letter: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by JP Christy


Engaging Mr. Darcy: An Austen Inspired Romantic Comedy by Rachel John

Inspired Reflections: Three Short Pride and Prejudice Variations by Cassandra B. Leigh

Lessers and Betters: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Don Jacobson

London Holiday: A Pride and Prejudice Romantic Comedy by Nicole Clarkston

Looking for Mr Darcy by Sue Pickard

Lost & Found: A Pride & Prejudice Novella by Christie Capps

Marry My Daughter Already!: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Romantic Comedy by Gemma Wilton

Persuaded (Walden Beach) (Volume 2) by Andrea Boyd

Phi Alpha Pi (21st Century Austen) by Sara Marks

Pride and Patience: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Lorraine Hetschel

Pride And Prejudice: Further Erotic Variations by G. Scott Gray

Promises to Keep: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Mary Jane Ballew


The Events at Branxbourne: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Caitlin Williams

The Tense Future of Miss Jane Fairfax by Dee Madore

To Save and Protect by Paisley James

And here are some shorter Austenesque inspired works for your perusing pleasure!

A Beautiful Prospect: A Pride and Prejudice Intimate Short Story by Laura Maybrick

A certain step towards falling in love: A Pride and Prejudice Intimate Short Story by Laura Maybrick

A somewhat pleasant surprise & Mistress of the Parsonage: Two Pride and Prejudice Intimate Short Stories by Laura Maybrick

A Surprise at Netherfield: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate Variation (Mr. Darcy’s Secret Engagement Book 2) by Abbie Hawksworth

An Afternoon at Oakham Mount & In the Arms of his Angel: Two Pride and Prejudice Intimate Short Stories by Laura Maybrick

And I Love Jane Austen: Sweet & Steamy Love Stories by Melinda Cassidy

Ardent Love: A Pride and Prejudice Intimate Short Story by Laura Maybrick

Becoming Mr. & Mrs. Darcy: A Pride & Prejudice Sensual Intimate (Love Comes To Pemberley Book 1) by Anna Darrell

Change Comes to Pemberley by Margaret Lynette Sharp

Elizabeth’s Choice: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate Trilogy by Alice Everley

Elizabeth’s Daydream: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate Variation (Mr. Darcy’s Secret Engagement Book 1) by Abbie Hawksworth

Elizabeth’s Sweet Surprise: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate (Elizabeth’s Engagement Book 1) by Avis McGinnis

How to Rescue a Lady: A Sweet Pride & Prejudice Variation Short Story by Gisele Vezelay

Lizzie’s Dilemma by Elizabeth Hopkins

Maritial Pleasures: A Pride and Prejudice Intimate Short Story by Laura Maybrick

One Night at Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate (Elizabeth’s Choice Book 3) by Alice Everley

Pride, Pleasure and Surrender (Pride and Pleasure Book 1) by Elle Forster

Pride, Pleasure and Satisfaction (Pride and Pleasure Book 2) by Elle Forster

The Demanding Mr. Darcy: A Pride & Prejudice Sensual Intimate (Love Comes To Pemberley Book 2) by Anna Darrell

The Seduction of Darcy: A Steamy Pride & Prejudice Variation (The Seduction Series Book 1) by Emma East

The Wedding Night: Darcy and Elizabeth (Darcy and Elizabeth After the Curtain Book 1) by Nadine Reynolds


What a great selection of new reads! There are 48 new Austenesque releases for the month of May!

There are so many to choose from!  Which ones do you want to read?

Books I’ve Read: 0

Books In My TBR Pile: 1 – To Save and Protect

Books I’m Interested In: Many! I definitely want to check out the new releases by Caitlin Williams, Nicole Clarkston, and Christie Capps, but I’m also intrigued by those 2 modern Austenesque books with beachy covers! 😉

If you have any recommendations, please do share them!  With so many new authors coming onto the scene, it is always helpful to hear which ones my friends recommend!


Click here to see the past month’s Austenesque Novel Finds!


  1. Thanks for putting together these wonderful lists, my TBR list grows and grows…DH appreciates the help too…Makes gift shopping so much easier..See a lot of MUST HAVES out this month….

    1. My pleasure! I’m glad it is helpful! 🙂 My family has become such a fan of making amazon lists for gift ideas! It is so much easier now!

  2. Another great list thanks Meredith. I read and enjoyed Confounding Caroline as it was posted. Same with Lost and Found which I loved and have been lucky enough to win from Joy.
    I’ve read and loved London Holiday and I pre ordered The Events at Branxbourne which has arrived today.
    I will check out the others although I’m still trying to reduce my TBR list not add to it (as if!) Oh well, who needs to do housework?

    1. Thank you, my friend! I know what you mean about housework, it is so easy to move it to the bottom the priorities list!! Happy reading!!

  3. I read London Holiday, Lost & Found, The Events at Branxbourne, Phi Alpha Pi and To Save and Protect. I have to say I was amused at all the “sensual” and/or “intimate” books in the lower list. I have now learned to avoid those as they are usually just a little too graphic for my tastes. Thank you for all your hard work putting this list together. I plan to read Engaging Mr. Darcy plus Lessers and Betters.

  4. I enjoy all of Leenie Browns stories and if found Confounding Caroline a fun read. Right now I am most looking forward to The Events at Branxbourne by Caitlin Williams. Thank you for compiling a list of all the books I shall ever have time to read. 🙂

  5. I read London Holiday and Engaging Mr. Darcy already, the former was a smile a minute and the other not so much, but it could be that it’s really YA and I’ve never been much for teen-aimed romances–too tame and immature to be NA. I’m catching up with Ardently Loved before heading on to The Events at Braxbourne. I also just beta read a story coming out later in the year by Leslie Diamond, a modern that everyone will enjoy.

  6. Is it the end of the month already? Wow, where did the month go? I have several that I want to read from your list. It is so cool how you find all these titles. Well done. Thanks for keeping the list for us. It also provided a venue for us to look at something we might overlook otherwise. Blessings on your summer. Say hello to Mr. Bingley for me.

  7. Thank you again Meredith! There are at least 5-6 I want to read on your list and have already read, Leenie’s, Nicole’s and Christie’s which were fabulous! I am finishing up Don’s today ‘Lessers and Betters’ which I have already read at least 2x before when they were not combined under one cover. I do so love these two stories together!

  8. The Tense Future of Miss Jane Fairfax sounds really interesting. I’m going to put it on my TBR. I lost my Mam at the end of April. I’ve been finding it difficult to get through the days and my reading has suffered a bit. I’ve been trying to read to keep my mind occupied but my concentration is not great so I’m putting off reading anything that’s too engrossing because I won’t remember it in a week. I’ll save it though as I did like Jane Fairfax and always felt sorry for her.

    1. This is for Teresa, who posted the comments above mine. I’m so sorry for the loss of your mother. I lost mine in 2011 and I still feel it keenly. We were very close and I have no other close relations except for my children, who both, of course, have their own lives to lead. And thank you Meredith, for the nice long lists! I love all the JAFF I can get, and hopefully one day I’ll have enough money to be able to get these books or can find them in the library.

      1. You are such a dear, Denise! I can only imagine how hard it is to lose someone you are so close to. That is lovely that you enjoyed such a lovely relationship together. 😉

        Hope you have a great month!!

    2. Oh, Teresa, I’m so very sorry! And it is quite understandable that you would be feeling as you are. I hope with time things will get a little better. Thank you for your lovely visit and please know you are among friends and we are here if you ever need some cheer! 🙂

  9. Like Sheila, I’ll be avoiding anything from the lower list. I don’t mind MA content, but when that becomes the point of the story, then I reckon it becomes rather tedious. So, of the 26 pictured works, I’ve only read Lost and Found, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Of the rest, I’m hoping to eventually read Nicole’s, Sue Barr’s, and Caitlin’s. Several of the others are already sitting on my TBR list.

    Thanks for compiling this list once again.

  10. Yes, summer is a big reading time. Love getting outside to read.

    I shake my head each month and know I’ll never exhaust all the ones I want to read. I’ve got Lessers and Betters and I hope to read Caitlinn’s book.

  11. With so many Austenesque books to choose from, it’s hard to know where to start! Leenie Brown’s books are always must reads for me, and I already have Paisley James’ book in my Kindle TBR folder, so at least I have a starting point. I’m looking forward to reading your review of To Save and Protect.

    1. Definitely, Nancy! It is great all these authors are keeping us busy with new books to read! 🙂 I’m so looking forward to reading To Save and Protect!

  12. Oh, my gosh!!! At first, I thought that your book finds/suggestions were only four– that first row! Wow, there are so many lovely books.
    In May I didn’t get much reading in at all: the weather was AWFUL, and it was unbearable inside the house. I ended up getting sick for several days. Now that it’s milder, I have some major catching-up to do! Thank you for this great post. 🙂

  13. I’m looking through these and wow I’m so glad to find so many that sound great. I’m really interested in London Holiday: A Pride and Prejudice Romantic Comedy by Nicole Clarkston!

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