Austenesque Novel Finds – April 2018


Hi readers, I don’t know where April went, do you?!? I swear the month just started a few days ago! It might feel that way for me because we just had our big day of recitals at our studio on Saturday and there was so much extra work to do preparing for the big day! But I’m happy that now that is all accomplished because I can get back to doing some more reading! I have lots to catch up on, but that is nothing new! 😉 LOL!  Did you happen to see all the Austenesque books published this last month?  If not, have no fear!

Here’s a list of Austenesque Novel Finds for April 2018 for your perusing pleasure!

*This is a list of books published, not my personal recommendations.


Austenesque Novel Finds – April 2018


A Dash of Darcy and Companions Cottage Collection 1: 5 Pride and Prejudice Novellas by Leenie Brown

A Gentleman’s Daughter: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Ann Goodman

A Higher Education: A Modern Retelling of Pride & Prejudice by Rosalie Stanton

A Storm Over Netherfield: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Romance by Rosemary Barton


Amanda (The Jane Austen Series): A Contemporary Retelling of Emma by Debra White Smith (re-release)

Ardently Loved: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Lory Lilian

Darcy’s Deception: A Pride & Prejudice Variation by Campbell Davies

Deception & Debauchery: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Cinnamon Worth


Dressed by Darcy: A Modern Mr. Darcy Romance by Beverly Farr

Elizabeth Bennet’s Wedding: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Olivia Kane

Elizabeth of Pemberley by Carrie Mollenkopf

First Impressions (The Jane Austen Series): A Contemporary Retelling of Pride and Prejudice by Debra White Smith (re-release)


From Peril to Joy: A Darcy and Elizabeth Pride & Prejudice Variation by Sophia Sheppard

Guiding & Protecting: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Deborah Ann Kauer

Hypothetically Married: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Renata McMann and Summer Hanford

INCANDESCENT: A modern day mingling of Pride & Prejudice and Persuasion by Georgina Young-Ellis


Jane and Dorothy: A True Tale of Sense and Sensibility:The Lives of Jane Austen and Dorothy Wordsworth by Marian Veevers

Jane and the Sins of Society (Jane, Bow Street Consultant Book 7) by Sarah Waldock

Letters from Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Sybil Morton

Mr. Darcy’s Comfort: A Pride and Prejudice Novella (Dash of Darcy and Companions) by Leenie Brown


Our Neighbours’ Sport Beyond the Seas: The further adventures of Mr Bennet, of Longbourn by Ronald McGowan

Possibilities (The Jane Austen Series): A Contemporary Retelling of Persuasion by Debra White Smith (re-release)

Pride and Porters by Charlotte Greene

Returning to Mr. Darcy by Sheena Austin


Sense and Sensibility in Space by Sybil Nelson

The Bearskin-Rug: A Collection of 10 short Pride and Prejudice Intimate Variations by Laura Maybrick

The Best Laid Flight Plans: A Modern Pride and Prejudice Variation (Pride in Flight Series Book 1) by Leigh Dreyer

The Darcy Contradiction by Tom Austin


The Darcys and the Sirens’ Songs: A Pride & Prejudice Variation by Glenna Mason

The Heir’s Disgrace (Courage Always Rises: The Bennet Saga Book 1) by Jann Rowland

The Immovable Mr. Tanner: A Pride & Prejudice Variation (A Meryton Mystery Book 4) by Jennifer Joy

The Intriguing Mr. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Audrey Belmont


The Last Miss Bennet: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Wynne Mabry

The Lost Letters: A Pride & Prejudice Variation by Lane Cossett

And here are some shorter Austenesque inspired works for your perusing pleasure!

Alone with Mr. Darcy: A Pride & Prejudice variation by Misha Williams

An Ardent Affection: Part 2 of a Pride and Prejudice Intimate Variation (Volume 2) by Grace Reeve

Elizabeth: A Pride and Prejudice Novella by Christie Capps

Elizabeth, Overwhelmed: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate Variation (Elizabeth: Overwhelmed Book 3) by Alice Everley

Elizabeth, Overwhelmed: Books 1 – 3: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate Collection by Alice Everley

Forget Me Not, Mr. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Intimate Variation (Mr. Darcy’s Promise Book 1) by Petra Belmonte

Lizzy’s PemBEARly Mate (BEARLY Jane Austen) (Bears & Prejudice Book 1) by Bex Hartley

Mr. Darcy’s Promise: A Pride and Prejudice Intimate Variation by Petra Belmonte 

Mr Darcy’s Rude Pictures: A Pride and Prejudice Steamy Variation (Charlotte and Sir Richard Book 4) by C.P. Waterman and Julia Beaumont

Netherfield Park Is Let at Last: A Pride and Prejudice Novella by Mary Lydon Simonsen

Pride and Prejudice and Coffee by Mary C. M. Phillips

One Night at Rosings: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate (Elizabeth’s Choice Book 1) by Alice Everley

Remember me, Mr. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Intimate Variation (Mr. Darcy’s Promise Book 2) by Petra Belmonte

Reunited with Mr Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Natalie Moore

The Case of the Patriarch (A Sherlock Holmes and Elizabeth Bennet Mystery) by Amelia Littlewood


What a lovely group of new reads for this month!!! There are 49 new Austenesque releases for the month of April!

There are so many to choose from!  Which ones do you want to read?

I have read technically read 3 lovely books from this list – the Debra White Smith books, but I read the first editions, not these newer ones, which have such colorful covers!  I’m definitely adding several of these books to my wishlist…! 😉

If you have any recommendations, please do share them!  With so many new authors coming onto the scene, it is always helpful to hear which ones my friends recommend!


Click here to see the past month’s Austenesque Novel Finds!


  1. Phew! Well the only one I have read is Ardently Loved by Lory Lilian and I must say I ardently loved it . I have several others on my wish list and I will check out the rest. My main goal at the moment is ploughing through my TBR list but of course when I keep adding to it it’s impossible to catch up. Thanks for this list Meredith

  2. It’s really hard to choose what to read nowadays with so much offer. From this list I’m currently reading A Storm Over Netherfield which is so far an ok read, and I really want to read The Immovable Mr. Tanner. Thanks for the list Meredith, I enjoyed checking out the new releases as always 🙂

    1. Hope your next read is better than okay, Rita! 🙂 I enjoy seeing all the new releases available, but I am pretty selective on which ones I want to read, but you are correct, sometimes it is really hard to choose!

  3. My eyes actually crossed at this list. Man… you sure do know how to bust up a TBR pile. Thanks for all this hard work that you do for us Meredith. We certainly appreciate your efforts. Say hello to Mr. Bingley for me. I hope he is a big help to you.

  4. I’ve read two: First Impressions and Jane and Dorothy. I definitely want to read Best Laid Flight Plans. But whew, maybe I’ll catch a few others. 🙂

  5. Just one on that list for me – The Immovable Mr. Tanner by Jennifer Joy. Definitely a worthy addition to the Meryton Mystery series, especially if, like me, you’ve developed a soft spot for Jonathan Tanner!

    Definitely adding Lory Lilian’s Ardently Loved, the new Christie Capps and The Best Laid Flight Plans to my Wish List and the sci-fi geek in me is rather intrigued by Sense and Sensibility in Space.

    1. Ooh sounds intriguing! I love mysteries! 🙂 Great choices, Anji! I’m interested in many of the same ones you are! LOL! Yes, that one does seem up your alley! 😉

  6. I have just added Ardently Loved and Best Laid Flight Plans to my to be read list. There are so many wonderful books out there and so little time. Well, actually, I am retired so I do have a lot of free time and fill most of it reading JAFF!

  7. The Lost Letters sounds so good Mr. Darcy’s life getting even more complicated with the arrival of Elizabeth!!

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