Mystery Cover Reveal – Clue #2

Hi friends!  Did you see Rita’s blog post yesterday on From Pemberley to Milton?  

If not, then let me fill you in!  We are in the midst of a guessing game for an upcoming cover reveal which will take place tomorrow on Claudine’s blog – Just Jane 1813.  Your job is to look at the clues given on this blog post and Rita’s blog post and try and see how much you can deduce correctly about what will be revealed on March 9th – the title, the author, what the images represent. 

Sounds fun, doesn’t it?  I love to play games and this seems like such fun way to announce and celebrate a new release!

Are you ready for your clues?

Good morning, Meredith! We are so excited to host this post at your blog today.  Today we are sharing our second set of clues for an exciting new type of cover reveal for an upcoming JAFF book that remains to be somewhat of a mystery. After all, what better way is there to help launch a JAFF mystery based on Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice?

I have brought with me some more clues to share with your readers, who hopefully also gathered the clues we shared yesterday at Rita’s blog, From Pemberley to Milton.  We are sharing another look at this book’s cover, along with some clues about the book’s title and author too.

This should be a really fun mystery to solve since this author has already published some very popular JAFF stories and we are revealing some very telling clues about this story!!

So get your detective hats on and help us solve the hottest mystery in JAFF right now…

Clue #1 is this piece of our book’s cover…

Clue #2 is the book’s description:

A great love. A perplexing murder. Netherfield Park harbours many secrets.  

Fitzwilliam Darcy is in a tangle. Captivated by Miss Elizabeth Bennet, a girl of no fortune and few connections. Embroiled in an infamous murder in the home of his friend, Charles Bingley. He is being tested in every way. Fearing for Elizabeth’s safety, Darcy moves to protect her in the only way he knows but is thwarted. Thus, he is forced to turn detective. Can he overcome his pride for the sake of Elizabeth? Can he, with a broken heart, fathom the villainy that has invaded their lives? Is there even a chance for love born of such strife?

——–  ——– is a Pride and Prejudice variation story, with a bit of mystery thrown in.

Clue #3 is this set of clues about the book’s title and author:

The author of this book has previously published two JAFF books; one is a forced marriage scenario, the other is a timeshift story. Both of these past titles contain three words in them.

The title of this book is synonymous with ropes that are tied with knots to symbolize love, friendship and affection, which dates back to antiquity.


Meredith, we are hopeful that your readers will help us solve this mystery. To do so, they can answer the questions in this JAFF Mystery Cover Reveal Survey today and tomorrow the winner will be picked from the group of respondents who answer the questions on this survey correctly. The winner will receive a $20.00 Amazon gift card.

Thanks again, Meredith, for hosting this post. I can’t wait to share this cover, author, and book title, along with our contest winner, to the world at large tomorrow!

Thank you so much for the opportunity to take part in this fun cover reveal game!!  I’m so looking forward to reading this new release!  Especially after hearing there is a bit of murder and mystery thrown in!!  Can’t wait to see Detective Darcy!! 😉

So there you go, detectives! 

Can you solve parts of the mystery now? 

Better act fast as the answers will all be revealed tomorrow!  Best of luck!

Click HERE to enter your answers and visit Just Jane 1813 tomorrow to see the big reveal!


  1. Hmmm…I’m thinking of Trinity Knot…but what is throwing me is the author wrote a time shift story…my brain feels like a rolodex trying to figure out who did that and the fact that the author has written only two novels prior…or is that another red herring… I was leaning with Janet on her thoughts too but now that doesn’t fit. Argh! I’ll just have to continue spinning that rolodex for now and maybe comeback later before the reveal on Friday! This is actually a very enticing puzzle! Love the portion of the cover I see already! Wait! I’m now thinking Jenetta James…will have to go pull her books from my shelves! Yes I believe it is Jenetta James!

  2. I’m thinking along the lines as you, Carole, for the knot. I’m wondering if there are only two words as the blanks suggest or if there are three like the other two novels by this author. Hmmm… I was busy looking up authors too! LOL I filled out the form so will be anxious to see how close I am on the answers!

    1. OMG…I am so sorry I didn’t see that part!!!!Can my response be deleted? I missed that section where it says to enter your answer…in all my excitement!!!!

  3. Oh dear. I think I may be right on the author? No idea of the title but went with three words like the other two books. Think I’m right about location, guessed at character and was stumped by what you meant by Reader’s name!!! Then assumed it must be my name 🙂 🙂
    Oh well, living in the UK I couldn’t spend a .com gift certificate anyway 🙁

      1. Thank you so much Claudine but I don’t think you are in any danger in my case still I had fun so thanks for that

  4. Okay! I have to come back and comment one more time! I promise this will be the last time. LOL I’m getting more and more excited about the author, especially if I am correct on who this author is! One thing of which I am sure, if it is who I think, the person is an excellent author and I have loved both of his/her previous books! I can hardly wait. This one sounds wonderful, too! That’s it…until tomorrow!

    1. Thank you for those lovely words Janet. This has been a fun way to reveal a upcoming release, thanks for your enthusiasm:-)

    1. Thank you for following along! It is fun! I am happy to take part, but I almost wish I got do it without knowing the answers so I could play the guessing game too! 😉

  5. After reading the post at Rita’s blog, I didn’t have a clue as to who the author might be, but I think I’m a lot closer now. However, the title is still a big poser! This is a lot of fun and thanks to whoever thought up the whole idea!

    1. The creative genius behind the idea is Claudine – and I appreciate that the title would always be hard to guess. It feels a bit like cluedo doesn’t it?! Thank you for playing and following along Anji:-)

  6. This game was super fun Meredith! I loved being a part of it with you 🙂 I have to say that I absolutely love the part of the cover you have shared today, it is so befitting! Looking forward to see people’s reactions upon the great reveal at Claudine’s post :))

  7. What a fabulous idea for a cover reveal!! I went AWOL from FB last week and missed all the fun of the guessing game, because the mystery is now revealed, but I’m so happy to hear it’s not long till this great book is published. Wonderful news!

  8. A big thank you to Meredith for hosting this batch of clues! It has been great fun unveiling the book in this way thanks to everyone who has followed along and or had a go at answering the questions!

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