Winners of Holidays with Jane: Will You Be Mine? and ARC Giveaway #15!!!

Hope everyone is enjoying a lovely weekend!  We are about to go see Black Panther in the theater, but before we leave I just wanted to announce some lucky winners!  Woot woot!

First I want to thank the wonderful ladies of Indie Jane Press for not only writing 6 amazing anthologies with clever updates of Jane Austen’s characters, but for always giving me the opportunity to spotlight and share these terrific books on my blog!  I’m such a fan of this series (and if you didn’t already know that, check here, here, here, here, here, and….here!) and I have thoroughly enjoyed celebrating so many wonderful seasons and holidays with Jane Austen and her characters.  I’m very happy to have read Holidays with Jane: Will You Be Mine? earlier this month and I’m so thankful to share such a lovely giveaway opportunity with my review. 😉

In addition, thank you all for the wonderful response to the recent ARC giveaway contest!  I’m always so glad to see some lovely previously owned Austenesque books find new homes! 😉

A special thank you to Jean and Reina for contributing many of the lovely books featured in this giveaway! Thank you so much for your generosity!

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners are… 

Arelys Lugo ~~~ Holidays with Jane: Will You Be Mine? (paperback)

Maria ~~~ Holidays with Jane: Will You Be Mine? (ebook)

AnitaP ~~~ Mr. Darcy Presents His Bride – Helen Halstead (paperback)

Dena@shaldenandneatham ~~~ Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star – Heather Lynn Rigaud (paperback)

Shelly Dixon ~~~ Darcy and Fitzwilliam – Karen Wasylowski (paperback)

Eva Edmonds ~~~ The Plight of the Darcy Brothers – Marsha Altman (paperback)

Michelle Fidler ~~~ Still a Young Man – P. O. Dixon (paperback)

Malia McLatchie ~~~ Reader’s choice (ebook)

Winners, when it is convenient, email me the email address/address you’d like your book to be sent to!


Your conversation and participation are always welcome; please feel free to "have your share."