Austenesque Agenda – November 2017


Hi friends!  Happy November to you!  I’m still wondering what happened to October…did someone it the fast-forward button?

As per our usual, Mr. Bingley and I have been keeping busy with work this month (but happily we’ve had a little bit of a break from the busyness/craziness of September!)

So Mr. Bingley got himself a new toy….

And we’ve been having some fun with it.

Look who wants to go to the beach now… (Typically I am the one always ready for the beach, and Mr. Bingley is the one who needs to be persuaded to come!)

We also had a fun one-day trip to Busch Gardens Williamsburg again for their Howl-o-Scream. 

It was our first time doing all the haunted bits and scary shows.  We aren’t typically big into horror and being scared, but we actually liked it!  It was funny to get startled when people jumped out at you.  It was especially funny to see the boys get startled! 😉


Want to know what Austenesque fun I’m getting into this month?

…here is what’s on this month’s

Austenesque Agenda:






I am ambitious this month!  Trying my hardest to keep up!



Riana Everly – November 1st

Victoria Kincaid – November 8th


Kara Louise – November 22nd

Joana Starnes – November 27th

I am sad to see October go, but am very excited about all the fun I will be having in November!

What are you looking forward to this month?  What did you do in October?


  1. Hi Meredith,

    Mr Bingley’s jeep is beautiful!!! I’d love to take it for a spin and just drive….over hills,rough terrain…..heaven!

    Am so excited to see the range of books you’re reading and reviewing in the upcoming weeks! Have heard fantastic things about some of them from GR friends so I can’t wait to see what you think of them!

    I see you’ve got Kara and Joana visiting! So looking forward to seeing what they’re up to. Bet Joana has another audiobook coming out! The Falmouth Connection with Stevie Zimmerman was wonderful!

    Happy reading and safe driving,Meredith!

    1. He is in love with it! LOL! Never had anything but a normal sedans before. Like you said it is fun to drive on rough terrain and get messy!

      There are some exciting new releases coming out this month! I hope you get to read some yourself soon!

      So excited to have these authors visit this month. It’s always great to learn about them and what they are working on/releasing! 😉

      Wishing you a very happy month!

  2. Love Mr. Bingley’s new toy! 🙂 Glad he now wants to go to the beach with you.

    Now that was some pumpkin!!! My goodness, what a monstrosity! Wonder how long it took it to grow?

    Glad you all had a great time at Busch Gardens. It sounds like it would be lots of fun. (as long as it wasn’t too scary) lol

    You have a great November lineup!

    1. He is ready for lots of adventures now! 😉

      The pumpkin was a prop they decorated with for Halloween, but it does look very authentic, doesn’t it?

      Thanks so much for checking out my plans for the month! Hope you have a great November, my friend!

  3. Hi Meredith!
    Wow, What a fabulous car! I think Santa has come for Mr Bingley before Christmas 😉
    The best thing is that, being so great, there’s a lot of space to put many austenesque novels inside LOL.
    Great visits this November : I’m looking forward to Kara Louise, Joana Starnes and Victoria Kincaid! . And I’m waiting for your review of “Holidays with Jane “. Happy weekend!

    1. LOL! So true, Teresa. 😉

      And I agree, plenty of room for me to bring as many books as I want for any road trip! 😉

      I’m enjoying that one right now, I love these stories! Will post my review next Friday, the 10th!

      Hope you have a great weekend, Teresa!

  4. That is one packed month ahead. It’s going to be a fabulous month to kick off a beautiful holiday season. (And that pumpkin at Busch Gardens was Gigantic!!!)

  5. Ooooo neat, Meredith. Great agenda. I am especially looking forward to your review of Side by Side, Apart. I hope you love it. Quite angsty and sad but so beautiful too. I wanted it to go on and on at the end.

    Ok, I see your lovely guest list, which is exciting as it is. But I ONLY see Joana Starne’s picture! Dare I hope she’s go a new book out??? Be still my heart. What a great line-up.

    1. Oh I nearly forgot. Mr Bingley looks so happy and proud, what fun. And is that your house in the background? I assume so, and that is the first time I’ve seen the larger picture…the house as a whole. What a sweet pretty house.

    2. Thanks, Michelle! I have a lot to look forward too! 😉 I’ve heard so much about that one, I’m glad I’m finally reading it!

      You will have to wait and find out about Joana, Michelle. 😉

      It is our Netherfield in the background, I had to share the pics. Thought Mr. Bingley looked so cute! Thanks so much, we love our little home so much!

  6. October went by in a blur for me, too. Pretty truck and neat theme at the park.

    LOL, lots of books on the agenda. I read a few of those and loved them. Hope you have a great reading month.

    Looks like a great month for guests too.

    1. It was such a great month, but it sure when fast! 😉

      Very excited about my reading this month. Looking forward to seeing if I can fit them all in! We are just around the corner from the end of the year and I have a TBR challenge goal to meet! 😉

  7. Nice truck, It’s so shiny too! That pumpkin is enormous… I always wondered how the farmers grow them that large.

    I can’t believe how fast this year is flying by and we are already in November. My favorite time of year! I love Thanksgiving… how can you not love a holiday celebrating food/families/friends!

    Cheers to all the reading this month and authors stopping by!

    1. Yes, he has always taken pride in his vehicle, but I can already see that Mr. Bingley will be very vigilant about keeping his truck looking clean. 😉

      It is crazy that we are in November! I feel like we are still in the first half of the year, but it is the opposite – we are in the end of the year!

      I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration! I’m looking forward to it too!!

  8. Congrats on the new toy! My was able to surprise my hubby with his first big boy truck a whole back and I have never seen him so excited. You will have so much fun together. I look forward to hearing more about your reading choices. I love October and unfortunately where I live it has been unseasonably warm. I am ready for boots and sweaters and to break in my new Pride and Prejudice scarf. So bring on November!

    1. Thanks, Sagan! 🙂 It is his first and I think it will definitely be a big change for him. He already wants to do more outdoor stuff and go places. 🙂 I’m very happy for him.

      We’ve had some warm days in October too – still 70s and maybe 80s a time or too. But I’m not one to hurry the cold. Oh, but I hope you get to wear your new Pride and Prejudice scarf soon!!! That must be lovely!

    1. Happy birthday, Denise! I hope you have a wonderful day! Everyone else in my family has a November birthday – brother, mom, and dad! So we celebrate all month long! LOL!

  9. Love your amazing photos, Meredith! That perfect blue sky, Mr B’s shinny new toy and the Halloween ones, awesome. LOL, looks like someone’s got their finger on the fast-forward button every month, doesn’t it?

    Love your Nov Agenda, so many gorgeous books I can’t wait to read. Looking forward to be your guest, so kind of you to have me, and thanks for having the naughty boys round too 😀 I can’t wait to see what you thought of them. Take care and have a fun November!

    1. Thanks, Joana! It was a lovely month. I can’t believe how fast the year is going!

      I’m very excited to have you visit, Joana! And I’m itching so bad to get my hands on DtK! I know it will be awesome!

      Hope you have a lovely month, Joana!

  10. Bigger boys = bigger toys…LOL. My husband is not into those pickups but there is a niece who loves hers. I have read or have acquired to read some of the listed books. I am planning to begin Dangerous to Know this weekend and also have Teaching Eliza on my pile. Kara’s new book is, in addition, a must!

    I also want to go see the new Thor movie! Chris is a bit of eye candy!

    My family and I visited Busch Gardens way back while we were spending time touring Williamsburg, VA.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate that holiday. We are still having warm days which end up requiring A/C but then at night we turn on the heat.

    1. Lol! So true! I never would have expected Mr. Bingley to be the type to get a truck, but he is loving it! I know it is way too big for me to drive though…I wouldn’t be comfortable at all!

      Thor was awesome! I hope you enjoy it! I do agree!!

      Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and November, Sheila!

  11. Now THAT is the truck for beach trips! I love the color too. Mr. Bingley has good taste. I see that Pamela Lynn’s new book is among those to review and I look forward to seeing what you think! She has such talent. And I love that you are having my friend, and a brillant JAFF author, Joanna Starnes visiting this month. Her books are always on my ‘must read’ list. Looking forward to Kara Louise’s visit as she was one of the first JAFF authors I ever read and she never disappoints. All in all a great month scheduled!

    1. I agree! The color is one the best parts, IMO! LOL! 😉 I cannot wait to read about Lord Granville, I loved seeing him in her excerpts! 😉 Thanks so much for stopping by, Brenda, and for sharing on Facebook! You are the best! Hope you have a wonderful month!!

  12. Yes, October flew by and from the looks of it so will November! I love your line-up of guests and books to read and review! I really enjoy Side by Side Apart and loved Pamela’s book! So looking forward to Dangerous to Know coming out and hope to read Chance and Circumstances and Teaching Eliza. I am really curious to see what Joana has to say when she joins you!

    Was just up visiting the grandchildren this weekend for my granddaughter’s 4th birthday. Had a little bit of snow but has since melted (5.5 hours north of us). I’m looking forward to reading more this month and getting more Christmas shopping done!! I hate scrambling at the last minute and the crowds in December!

    Enjoy Mr. Bingley and his new truck!

    1. You are so right. :/ I’m so glad to hear you loved Side by Side Apart and Surrendering the Past! And great choices on what you want to read this month! They all look great! 😉

      Oh wow! Snow, I saw some friends in Washington had some too! That’s so smart about shopping ahead. I’m trying to d that a little too. It would be nice to not feel overwhelmed by all the busyness! Hope you had a delightful time with your family!!! 😉

  13. My Mr. Darcy got a new toy this month too. His Toyota is not near as nice as your Mr. Bingley’s! We both have truck envy! Sounds like you have a busy month full of great reading! I see several on my TBR list and I loved Surrendering the Past by Pamela Lynne.

    1. Oh fun! My brother has an old Toyota, so now he and Mr. Bingley are car buds…I am not. I have a Hyundai. :/ So great to hear! Hope you have a great month too!! 😀

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