Austenesque Agenda – June 2017


Happy Summer, everyone!  With daily temps in the 80s it feels like summer is officially here in North Carolina!

There are some other signs that summer is here…

1. I’m reading more outside!  During the summer I try to go to the beach every couple of days. I love the water, the sand, and the sun!  This year I’ve made it a goal to bring 20 different books to the beach this summer!  So far, I’ve brought 4! 😉


2. Mr. Bingley is gigging a whole lot more!  With festivals and outdoor shows, Mr. Bingley has been keeping extra busy on the weekends!  And because I miss him terribly when he is gone (and always love to see him play!), I try and tag along whenever I can! I even brought my dad last weekend! 😉


3. We are going to the movies a lot!  We love seeing the summer blockbusters!!  And we were counting down the days to May 5th which was the release day for Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2we were sooooo hyped about this one!!  We’ve already seen it twice! Gah!  I loved it so so so much!  And we’ve also seen Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales and Wonder Woman! 😉  I love summer movie season!!!


Want to know what Austenesque fun I’m getting into this month?

…here is what’s on this month’s

Austenesque Agenda:





Pride and Prejudice Edition!  I have a lot P&P inspired stories in my TBR pile!  I thought it might be fun to group some of them here.  One modern, one sequel about a minor character, and one retelling – which one would you like to see me read and review? The Girl from Summer Hill by Jude Deveraux, The Pursuit of Mary Bennet by Pamela Mingle, Master Under Good Regulation by Kara Lousie?



Pamela Lynne – June 12th

Cassandra Grafton – June 23rd


J. L. Ashton – June ??

I’m so happy June is here!  I can’t wait to get a lot of reading done!

What are you looking forward to this month?

**A word about email subscriptions.  So sorry to those of you who are receiving double emails.  After months of trying to find a way to install a plug-in that would enable readers to subscribe to comments I’ve given up and switched back to using WordPress for email subscriptions. :/ Since many readers are subscribed through MailChimp and I haven’t exactly figured out how to transfer them, I plan on keeping both subscriptions running for the time being.  If you don’t want to continue receiving duplicates, you may want to unsubscribe from one.  So sorry for the confusion and hassle!


  1. So many new reads that I have wondered about and a few I had never heard of! The Girl In The Gatehouse sounds interesting just from the title. And I love anything Pamela Lynn writes, so I am eager to hear about her new book and don’t you just love the cover on A Quest For Mr. Darcy? I do. Can’t wait to hear what you think about all these new tales, Meredith. My son is in the music business (behind the scenes now) so summer is a busy time for him as well. I am so proud that you get to see Mr. Bingley play so much as I seldom got to see my son playing when he was out front. 🙂

    1. Hi Brenda! So lovely of you to visit! Isn’t it such a romantic title? It fit the story well. 🙂 I can’t wait to learn more about Pamela Lynne’s new story!! That great that your son is in the music business! I hope he enjoys it! I don’t go to nearly as much gigs as I would like. Sometimes the hours just don’t work – like if he has to leave early in the day when I’m still working or if he is playing to 1 and then driving back two hours. Staying up that late doesn’t work well for my teaching schedule! 😉

  2. Oh my! I would choose Kara Louise’s book. P&P as seen by Darcy’s dog? I think I would definitely love this.
    I love all your guests this month and can’t wait to see these posts.
    I’m so glad that someone is enjoying summer, we seem to have a few nice days then it is cool wet and windy again like this week .
    Happy reading Meredith

    1. Hi Glynis! I’ve heard so many great things about that one!

      We’ve had some rainy days here, in fact there have been a couple days these last two weeks that I was all set to go to the beach and couldn’t because of rain!

      Happy reading to you!!

      Girl – 0 / Mary – 0 / Master – 1 Thanks for voting! 🙂

  3. I’m really looking forward to coming to visit later in the month, Meredith! <3

    Brenda, I'm so happy you love the cover!

  4. Hi Meredith, I vote for Master Under Good Regulation as I have wanted to read this book for a while now. It is torrential rain today in the UK. Going to the Lake District at the end of June in a cottage so fingers crossed the weather improves. Looking forward to your featured authors this month. Take care.

    1. Oh my! So much rain! I hope it stops in time for your visit! How lovely to go to the Lake District!!! I hope you enjoy your travels!!

      Girl – 0 / Mary – 0 / Master – 2 Thanks for voting! 🙂

  5. It’s suppose to be Summer here too in Ireland. We have a Bank Holiday this weekend and the weather has been awful. Today it’s bucketing down and we have fog!!
    I hope you enjoy The Girl in the Gatehouse. It was the first Julie Klassen book that I read and I now have all of her’s. I thought it was a great read.

    1. Oh so sorry to hear about the bad weather! I hope it improves soon! Awesome! I’ll be posting my review tomorrow. I now have just one Julie Klassen that I haven’t read – Lady of Milkweed Manor!

  6. Yes Please… to All!!! I loved the first Galaxy movie and look forward to the new one… and who wouldn’t love Wonder Woman. I think my husband is still in love with Linda Carter after all these years. We saw her interviewed with the approaching movie debut and she gave it her blessing. I’ve put up the umbrella on my deck and have already been reading… outside. Now that I am retired… I can actually do that. I could cry from the sheer joy of it. I look forward to your blog and the author tours. And then we have the summer books… too little time. Have a blessed summer and don’t y’all forget the sunscreen.

    1. Oh, Jeanne! It was so terrific! I hope you love it! The new Wonder Woman was great, she did a great job! Yay for reading outside! 🙂 I hope you get to enjoy it a lot this month!

  7. Ooh, readers’ choice! I’ll go for the Mary Bennet book, I have a soft spot for those.

    Love the look of your line up, Meredith, and will anticipate seeing your posts 🙂

    1. Thanks, Ceri! I love seeing your monthly planned reads! I do love quiet and introverted heroines so I too love Mary Bennet books, I think I’ve read at least 3 so far! 😉

      Girl – 1 / Mary – 1 / Master – 2 Thanks for voting! 🙂

  8. Hi Meredith,

    Would love to read your thoughts on Kara Louise’s Master Under Good Regulation simply because I love this author’s work and I think it could be a great read, definitely something outside the box!!

    Have read The Longbourn Letters and loved it!!!

    I read The Best Part of Love before its publication and loved it. I’m thinking of buying it and enjoying it all over again!!

    Happy reading!! Here’s hoping the sun continues to shine in your corner of the world.
    As Teresa said,it’s pouring rain here, across the pond!!

    1. I too love Kara Louise’s books! It does look like a fab read!

      The Best Part of Love was terrific! Wow! 🙂 Will be sharing my review later this week. 😉

      We have some clouds and rain predicted for today, but hoping there is more sun ahead for us all!

      Girl – 2 / Mary – 1 / Master – 3 Thanks for voting!

  9. Hi lucky girl living near the sea!. Enjoy this beautiful time reading in the beach!
    I vote for “Master Under good regulation” (the dog captivated me and I like very much Kara Louise).
    What an interesting agenda!. I’m curious about Pamela Lynne’s book.
    I’m glad you enjoyed the blockbusters. What about “wonder woman”?.I saw the trailer last weekend during the break of the final of the Champion football league and the film seemed promising with a lot of “girl power”LOL.

    1. Don’t I know it! I love being near water so much!

      I enjoyed Wonder Woman, it wasn’t my favorite super hero movie (some parts of it were a bit slow-moving), but I loved the beginning and the actors and actresses in it. Definitely a lot of girl power!

      Girl – 2 / Mary – 1 / Master – 4 Thanks for voting! 🙂

  10. Well we are suppose to be getting summer here next week…the 3H’s (hot, hazy, humid). We have had more rain than usual that I feel as if I’m in N. Ireland/Ireland/Scotland (have yet to visit Wales or England)! Your summer is looking amazing already with your books at the beach, the gigs and the movies! I so want to see The Guardians 2, Wonder Woman, The Mummy, etc. I can’t wait for your 3 wonderful guests as I’m looking forward to their books! The covers of all 3 are amazing and the premises of each story are too!

    Looking forward to your reviews on ‘The Best Part of Love’ which I read and loved, ‘The Longbourn Letters’ which I want to read, and ‘Searching for Mr. Tilney’ which I have on my Kindle to read. I will vote for ‘The Pursuit of Miss Mary Bennet’ as I had enjoyed that one. The other two are on my wishlist to get.

    My next book to read is Joy’s new one ‘Friends and Enemies’. I hope to start it this week!

    Happy Reading!

    1. LOL! We get those H’s too! Which is why it is good to go to the ocean! Mr. Bingley is interested in The Mummy, I’m not usually one to go for scary movies like that so I’m not so sure if I’ll join him! 😉

      Thanks so much for sharing your enthusiasm! I’m glad you like the summer plans so far! 😉 Hope you enjoy so sunshine soon and yay for reading Friends and Enemies! 😉 Happy June!

      Girl – 2 / Mary – 2 / Master – 5 Thanks for voting! 🙂

  11. I enjoyed Summer Hill and hope you will too!! I also enjoyed The Longbourn Letters and Searching and look forward to your reviews​.

  12. Reading outside is one of the best things about summer as is festival season so glad you can enjoy that with Mr. Bingley. And look at you, those are three we are considering for our summer movie pleasure, too.

    Oh, nice line up of guests and reading plans. My vote book is for The Pursuit of Mary Bennet (love a good underdog romance).

    Happy June, Meredith!

    1. Awesome! I hope you like these three movies as much as we did! 🙂 Yes, I love summer and all that it brings! 🙂

      Happy June, Sophia! 🙂

      Girl – 2 / Mary – 3 / Master – 5 Thanks for voting! 🙂

  13. Looks like a great lineup! I’ve only read The Best Part of Love, which is excellent, and Master Under Good Regulation, which I also loved. I will admit to shedding tears over both.

    I normally don’t go to the movies a lot but I’ve heard Wonder Woman is so amazing so I may have to see it soon.

    Glad your summer is kicking off well. I’m off work this week and if it ever stops raining I can go read outside and get some sun on my neon white skin. Lol

    1. Thanks, Monica! Glad to hear you thought highly of The Best Part of Love! I’m glad to hear that Wonder Woman is getting so much good feedback!

      LOL! Hopefully you will see the sun soon! Looks like we’ve got your rain now!

  14. Looks like an exciting month for you Meredith. Where we live in the UK, we’re just about as far from the sea as it’s possible to get in the UK. It’s around 50 mile to Scarborough (if we wanted to visit the Bingley family!) which would be at least a two hour drive on UK roads. On a day like today (pouring with rain), definitely a non-starter! So, I don’t get much beach reading done, but outside in the garden does happen sometimes, depending on the British summer weather.

    Some interesting reviews coming up. Two of them are on my TBR list, so it’ll be good to see what you think of them. Looking forward reading your posts with your visiting authors. I loved reading along with Cass’s online postings of A Quest for Mr. Darcy and anything by Pamela is sure to be good. I haven’t read anything by J.L. Ashton yet but A Searing Acquaintance forms part of my physical TBR pile.

    Finally, I’m voting for Master Under Good Regulation, as it’s the only one in my TBR list.

    1. Thanks, Anji! I’m real excited for this month! Reading outside no matter what your scenery is lovely, isn’t it? 😉 Glad you are interested in the authors visiting and the books I’m planning to read! 🙂 I look forward to hearing your thoughts on them too! Hope you enjoy a wonderful June!

      Girl – 2 / Mary – 3 / Master – 6 Thanks for voting! 🙂

  15. So jealous of all the lovely books and beach access. In Central Kentucky so beach access is limited to maybe once a year trips but I can add some of these titles to my TBR list. I’ll have to settle for a porch swing with some lemonade. Have fun.

    1. A porch swing sounds lovely, Stephanie! 😉 Reading outside in the summer is great no matter what your view is!! 😉 Hope you get to enjoy a lot of good reads this month!

  16. Happy summer! Yay for reading outside, music, and movies! We’re going to see Wonder Woman this weekend. I’m currently reading Seeking Mansfield and it will come to the beach with me next week (just a little swim lake, but it’s got sand! 🙂 Hope you enjoy your summer!

    1. Awesome, Reina! I hope you enjoy it as much as we did! 🙂 And yay for Seeking Mansfield and reading by a body of water! Hope you have an enjoyable month!

  17. I have seen Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Wonder Woman. I want to see Pirates even though the ratings are not as good. Saw Cinderella back when it came out. I read Master Under Good Regulation but neither of the other two. I vote for The Pursuit Mary Bennet. Looking forward to A Quest for Mr. Darcy as I read it as a WIP and loved it. Also reading so much about Mendacity and Mourning I am ready to grab that when it is released. I have been reading more unpublished stories that other talk about on Goodreads. Enjoy the beach and times with Mr. Bingley’s gigs.

    1. We saw that to about PotC, but we liked it! 😉 More than the 4th one. 😉 Hope you have a great month, Sheila! Thanks for stopping by!

      Girl – 2 / Mary – 4 / Master – 6 Thanks for voting!

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