Guest Post + Giveaway with Author Sara Marks

Happy Memorial Day, readers! Today, Austenesque Reviews is paid a visit from an author who may be new to some of you – Sara Marks, who just recently published a Persuasion modern-day retelling titled Modern Persuasion!  A new release that I’m looking forward to reading soon!  While chatting with Sara through emails, we discovered that we are both fond of making lists!  Since Sara is a list-maker, I asked if she would make one for dear Anne! 🙂  We hope you enjoy!

Top 10 Things I Love About Anne Elliot

1. Anne is not your typical middle child.  Instead of trying to grab any attention she can, she is thoughtful and measured.  I always felt she was more like the eldest child, Mary the middle child, and Elizabeth the spoiled youngest.

2. She sees and judges people on what she can observe about them, not on their status in society.

3. She loves Mary and tries to give her sister the attention she thinks Mary craves.

4. She sees Lady Russell as the next best thing to her mother, recognizing that sometimes you need a parent (especially when your living one refuses to act the role).

5. She may regret her choices and circumstances, but she lives her life seemingly the way she wishes.

6. How many parents would have let her turn down Charles Musgrove’s proposal?  I always wanted to read that story because I suspect it was a huge deal for her to turn him down and THEN watch her sister say yes.  That she felt confident enough to make that choice and not regret that decision, makes me adore her.

7. Once she has confirmation that Wentworth still loves her, she does not give up her second chance.

8. She doesn’t play games with people.  She is upfront and genuine without being mean.

9. She’s an introvert who is very self-reflective.

10. She is a Girl Scout!  Not in that she is sweet and good, but that she is prepared and organized.  She is totally the reason Louisa lives.

So very true!  Anne is definitely one of my favorite introverts, there is so much to admire in her actions.  She is selfless, giving, and honest.  Thanks for sharing this terrific list with us, Sara!  Can’t wait to meet your “Anne,” who I believe is named Emma Shaw in Modern Persuasion!



Sara Marks is a first time published author, but a long time writer. A librarian in Massachusetts, Sara has been writing as part of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) since 2004. Modern Persuasion is the first she has published. Sara was born in Boston, MA and raised in Miami, FL. She attended Florida State University for 3 years, but graduated with an A.A from Miami-Dade College and a B.A. from Florida International University before moving back to Boston for graduate school. There she got her M.S. in Library and Information Science from Simmons College and a M.S. in Communications from Fitchburg State University. Now Sara lives in Lowell, MA where she works with local writing group Mill Pages, which creates an annual anthology of short stories, poems, and art work. She is a member of the Society of Independent Publishers and Authors (SIPA), a group supporting writers in the Merrimack Valley.

 Connect with Sara

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In conjunction with her blog tour, Sara Marks is hosting a couple of giveaways!!!  One is an ebook copy of her book, Modern Persuasion, for one lucky reader of this blog!

To enter for this giveaway leave a comment, question, or some love for Sara below.

  • This giveaway is open internationally.  Thank you, Sara!
  • This giveaway ends June 3rd!

And the other prize is a package of Frederick’s Book Tour Knick Knacks and a signed paperback copy of Modern Persuasion.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To enter this giveaway fill out the rafflecopter form above!

  • This giveaway is open to US residents.  Thank you, Sara!
  • This giveaway ends June 5th!


~ Check out the rest of the tour! ~

5.22 – My Jane Austen Bookclub

5.22 –  Most Agreeably Engaged

5.23 – Half Agony, Half Hope

5.24 – JustJane 1813

5.24 – The Ardent Reader

5.25 – From Pemberly to Milton

5.26 – Diary of an Eccentric

5.26 – My Love for Jane Austen

5.27 – Babblings of a Bookworm

5.28 – Musings from the Yellow Kitchen

5.29 – vvb32 Reads

5.29 – Austenesque Reviews


  1. At last one based on Persuasion!! Anne Eliott is my favorite Austen heroine. She’s such a gentle soul. I wish you the very best with your new novel.

  2. Definitely a book I want to read. Persuasion is second favorite on the list of JA’s books for me. P&P is first, of course. Thanks for the list of traits for Anne and so accurate. I have a middle child/daughter who has some first child traits as my first child abdicated that role. She just marched to the beat of her own drummer. Would love to win – thanks for a chance.

  3. I do apologize… but, yes Sara Marks… I am stalking you through this blog tour. I would love an eBook of your story. I love Anne Elliot as she speaks to me on so many different levels and I’m dying to see your Modern Persuasion. Blessings on the launch and much success in your writing career.

    Memorial Day is a day of remembering. Say a prayer for those military men and women that are currently serving and protecting, those that have served and those that were lost. We will remember… Blessings.

  4. I’m always interested in how people adapt Persuasion to a modern context. Looking forward to this book!

  5. Persuasion has been my all time favorite book, mostly because of Anne and her character. She was young and foolish but she accepted the consequences of her actions without becoming bitter and passing the blame to others. And when faced with seeing him again she wished him well, she did not say anything negative about him to another in order to try and keep them apart, she cared more for his happiness. Then when she had a chance to fix her mistake she did. She is just one of those characters that we wish we relate and feel for. I am excited to read a modern day telling of this story. 🙂

  6. I love Anne; she’s one of my favorite Austen heroines because she is an introvert and yet so kind. She judges people by the way they behave toward others, especially those lower than themselves. And it is her willingness to visit a poor widowed friend that shows her the true “Mr. Elliott” behind his mask of civility. I truly admire her and look forward to a modern retelling of Persuasion.

    Thank you, Sara!!

    Susanne, NaNoWriMo since 2008 😉

  7. Why did you change Anne’s name to Emma? Will a reader get confused and associate Emma with Emma Woodhouse? I like your list and agree. Thank you for the giveaway.

  8. I love your 10 things about Anne, Sara. They could be regarded by anyone as not a bad way to live your life!

    Thanks for so many interesting posts along the way during your tour and for the giveaways. Now I have to cross my fingers!

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