Winners of Georgiana Darcy, Matchmaker and Elizabeth Adams Giveaways!!!


Hi everyone!  I’m so happy to announce some very lucky winners today!

I’m so thankful to the lovely authors who came to visit Austenesque Reviews and sponsored these recent giveaways – Bronwen Chisholm and Elizabeth Adams.  I am so thrilled to have had the opportunity to read and review Ms. Chisholm’s Georgiana Darcy, Matchmaker.  And I was so happy to have the charming Elizabeth Adams come visit and share a little more about her recent projects (I’m halfway through reading Meryton Vignettes right now and I am loving it!!) Thank you, authors, for all you did to make these visits possible!

And a big thank you to everyone who stopped by and read and comment on all these posts!  You are so supportive of these authors and I’m so happy that I can share these posts with you!

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners are…

Vesper ~ Georgiana Darcy, Matchmaker (ebook)

Lenora Robinson ~ Georgiana Darcy, Matchmaker (paperback)

Mary Anderson ~ The Houseguest (audiobook)

Kneyda ~ Unwilling (audiobook)

Sophia Rose ~ Meryton Vignettes (ebook)

Winners, when it is convenient, email me the email address you’d like your book to be sent to!


  1. Woohoo! Tickled to win a copy of Elizabeth Adams’ short story antho and can’t wait to read it seeing everyone’s positive reactions. Thanks to Elizabeth and Meredith for the giveaway.

    And yay, congrats to the other winners.

  2. Thank you for having this giveaway and congrats to the prize winners of which I am one. I sent an email in this morning but haven’t heard back. Perhaps, it is in spam? Thank you again!

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