Austenesque Novel Finds – January 2017


Hi friends!  I hope you all have had a fabulous start to 2017!  Have you been reading any Austenesque novels this month? Do you want to know which ones came out in the last 30 days?

Here’s a list of Austenesque Novel Finds for January 2017 for your perusing pleasure!

*This is a list of books published, not my personal recommendations.


Austenesque Novel Finds – January 2017


A Compromise at Rosings Park by Isabelle Mayfair

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A Contrary Wind: A Variation of Mansfield Park by Lona Manning

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A Lie Universally Hidden by Anngela Schroeder

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A Night with Mr. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Erotic Tale by Mary Higgens

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A Recontre: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate by Susan Langford

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A Twist of Fate by Brenda J. Webb

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A Valentine for Darcy by Jane Grix

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A Wedding Necessity: A Pride and Prejudice Regency Variation Novella by Charlotte Browning

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According to Jane by Marilyn Brant (rerelease)

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Accusing Mr. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Kitty Unwin

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Affection and Adventure (Pride, Prejudice, and New Adventures Volume 9) by Ney Mitch*

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An Accidental Assignation by April Floyd

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An Altered Path: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate by Rose Arabella

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An Offer of Impropriety: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Variation by Sophia Grace

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Before a Fall by Jennifer Kay

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Chance and Change (Pride, Prejudice, and New Adventures Volume 4) by Ney Mitch*

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Coincidence by Jann Rowland

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Conversations with Mr. Darcy by Mary Lydon Simonsen

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Darcy, Elizabeth and Emma by Barbara Silkstone

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Darcy’s Adventures: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Anthology by Zoe Burton

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Darcy’s Big Wish by Cassandra B. Leigh

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Darcy’s Hope at Donwell Abbey (Great War Romance Book 2) by Ginger Monette

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Dear Cate Rancho Valle Book 1 by Reina M. Williams

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Designs of a Tart: A Pride and Prejudice Erotic Tale by Mary Higgens

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Desire and Destiny (Pride, Prejudice, and New Adventures Volume 3) by Ney Mitch*

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Eclipse of the Heart (Love in Three Acts Book 2) by Moira Bianchi

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Elizabeth’s Passion: A Pride and Prejudice Erotic Tale by Mary Higgens

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Expectations: The Transformation of Miss Anne de Bourgh by Melinda Wellesley

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Faith and Family (Pride, Prejudice, and New Adventures Volume 7) by Ney Mitch*

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Fitzwilliam’s Bed Chamber: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Variation by Sophia Grace

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Her Final Wish by Renata McMann and Summer Hanford

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Holidays with Jane: Will You Be Mine? by Jennifer Becton, Melissa Buell, Rebecca M. Fleming, Cecilia Gray, Jessica Grey, and Nancy Kelley

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Hope and Hopelessness (Pride, Prejudice, and New Adventures Volume 6) by Ney Mitch*

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Intrigue at Pemberley by Madeleine Pye

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Longbourn’s Library by Trudy Wallis

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Love Hurts (Love in Three Acts Book 1) by Moira Bianchi

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Love Inside and Out (Love in Three Acts Book 3) by Moira Bianchi

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Mansfield Parsonage by Kyra C. Kramer

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Marrying Well for Fun and Profit by Laura Hile

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Mr. Darcy by Moonlight by Millie Denham

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Mr. Darcy’s Change of Heart by Harriet Knowles

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Mr. Darcy’s Dilemma by Kitty Unwin

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Mr. Darcy’s Resolve by E. Bradshaw

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One Night with Darcy by Melissa Belle

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Passions at Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate by Rose Arabella

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Pride and Peace (Pride, Prejudice, and New Adventures Volume 4) by Ney Mitch*

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Pride and Prejudice Everything Will Change Collection by P. O. Dixon

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Pride, Prejudice and Pygmalion by Michelle M.

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Resolve and Revelations (Pride, Prejudice, and New Adventures Volume 5) by Ney Mitch*

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Ruined at Rosings: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate by Rosemarie Stringer

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Shadows Upon Netherfield by Nora Kipling

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Snowbound at Hartfield: A Sweet Tea Novella by Maria Grace

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The Best Part of Love by Amy D’Orazio

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The Collins Conundrum by Meg Osborne

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The Dreams: Will Set You Free by Sherrie Brown

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The Honourable Mr. Darcy by Caroline Bryant

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The Pride and Prejudice of Musicians by Jessica Daw

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To Tempt Me by Susan Langford

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Words Spoken in Anger: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Margaret Gale

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*I’m not positive, but this might be a reissue of a already published novel under a different title.

Hold onto your bonnets, Austenesque fans!!!! There are 59 new Austenesque releases for the month of January!  This is the highest count I’ve seen so far! Whoa!!!

Is this an extra big surge or do you think there will be this many releases from now on?

Which of these books have you read?

I’ve read 2 book on this list so far – A Lie Universally Hidden and According to Jane (older release) and I have 2 on my TBR – A Contrary Wind and Darcy’s Hope from Donwell Abbey.

And I’m adding sooooo many others to my wishlist!!

Click here to see the past month’s Austenesque Novel Finds!


  1. Another big month of reading. Regrettably I’ve only gotten to about 4! Must find time!!!!!!! Thanks for the great info.

  2. I don’t think I can read any more about Darcy and Elizabeth at present. I’m trying to find ones that are associated with the other novels. Trouble is there doesn’t seem to be that many out there. This is some list you compiled Meredith.

    1. I can understand that, Teresa! Once in awhile it is nice to spend time with some of Jane Austen’s other characters. 😉 There are two MP books that look interesting on this list and I’m looking forward to reading one soon – A Contrary Wind. I’m real excited about it because it is a Mansfield Park variation!

  3. I am astonished. Fifty-nine (59) new titles?
    (Sir Walter Elliot’s Marrying Well isn’t precisely fiction, but he’s not complaining! Neither am I. 🙂 )

    Every time I think the Austen genre might fade from popularity, I am proven wrong. Thanks for keeping us abreast of the trend, Meredith.

  4. I only read Darcy and Elizabeth books but checking this list I have only read the Brenda Webb one although I do have a number of others on my list so will hopefully get around to them soon. I do tend to get behind as I have to ‘re read my favourites (some many many times!) I have read many good things about a few of them so they will be next. Thanks for this list Meredith.

    1. Ohh, that one looks great, Glynis! Such a lovely cover! 🙂 It is impossible to keep up, but good to know there is an endless supply of Austenesque stories should we ever be searching for more!

  5. Hi Meredith,
    I haven´t read any of them but there are 3 that have caught my eye: “Holidays with Jane: will you be mine?”, “Longbourn Library” and “Pride, Prejudice and Pygmalion”. With these cold days, it´s the right time to start a new novel sat on a comfortable sofa with a cozy blanket and a cup of chocolate 😉

  6. Nice cover on the Brenda Webb book! Thanks as always, Meredith, for the service you offer to the Austenesque community by keeping track of all these works!

  7. Meredith thank you so much for this monthly list of books! I can hardly believe there are 59 new ones for January and I have only read 1 (Darcy’s Hope at Donwell Abbey – excellent!!!). There are some on my wishlist as well and one currently on my Kindle. I really don’t think I will ever catch up at this rate! Not complaining mind you!

    1. HI Carole! 🙂 I know, I was astounded by the number! Biggest list yet! I can’t wait to read Darcy’s Hope at Donwell Abbey, so glad you thought it was excellent!

  8. I have read 8 of these…but continue to feel that I am only sinking deeper in the muck of unread books. Thank you this continuing great service, Meredith. No one can complain about not knowing what is being published or available to read.

  9. What a list! Am exhausted from just flicking through them,not mind attempting to read them! Have read A twist of fate and Dacry’s hope which I really enjoyed.
    Thanks for bringing all these great reads to our attention! Happy reading!

    1. Hi Mary! It is such a huge list! Busy, busy authors! Great to hear that you enjoyed both A Twist of Fate and Darcy’s Hope! I can’t wait to read them! Happy reading to you!

    1. My pleasure, Dung! I’m glad you find it helps. I’m such a visual person, so for me it is always easier to see things on lists or in the same place. 🙂

  10. I Will Never Catch Up! However, I can fortunately (perhaps better stated unfortunately?) eliminate quite a few off this list. I found quite a few that were around the 40-50 page count for $2.99. Come on, really? Also I can eliminate those whose ONLY purpose is titillation and eroticism. I’m not a prude, I love some heat, but I want STORY. We all interpret story somewhat differently, I realize.

    And very, very fortunately there are some great looking titles from authors I already trust to give us good stories. And for whatever that means to other readers I feel happy knowing I won’t tilt my wish list over the cliff, and have some titles to really look forward to.

    Thanks Meredith!

    1. LOL! Yes, I think we all can kiss the idea of catching up goodbye! Especially if this is the new norm! The great thing about having so many options is it does present readers with more choices. If there is a type of story you don’t enjoy reading then you can steer clear of those and still have so many others to choose from.

      Like you, I’ve become more discerning with what I read. I don’t add every Austenesque/JAFF story to my wishlist. My wishlist is long enough without me doing that! LOL!

  11. Yeah, wow! I’ve read two of those. I planned on reading two others, but hmm, I see about a half dozen that also perk my interest up.

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