Austenesque Novel Finds – October 2016


Guess what, my friends?   There was a considerable bounty of Austenesque books published this past month!!

Here’s a list of Austenesque Novel Finds for October 2016 for your perusing pleasure!

*This is a list of books published, not my personal recommendations.


Austenesque Novel Finds – October 2016

a-certain-persuasion an-encounter-at-longbourn an-unwelcome-guest-at-the-netherfield-ball casa-madera

A Certain Persuasion: Modern LGBTQ+ fiction inspired by Jane Austen’s novels

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An Encounter at Longbourn by Margaret Lynette Sharp

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An Unwelcome Guest at the Netherfield Ball by E. Bradshaw

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Casa Madera: Emma in the Rio Grande Valley by Shawn Marie Simmons

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condescension-and-condemnation constant-as-the-sun darcy-comes-undone darcys-last-chance

Condescension and Condemnation by Perpetua Langley

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Constant as the Sun by Diana J. Oaks

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Darcy Comes Undone: Elizabeth’s Redemption Book 3 by Gillian Gadsden

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Darcy’s Last Chance by Josie Linley

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edgar-and-emma elizabeth-and-mr-darcy elizabeth-and-mr-darcy-4 frankenstein-darcy

Edgar and Emma: A Novel After Jane Austen by Robert Rodi

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Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy: Engaged at Pemberley by W. E. Dashwood

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Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy’s First Christmas at Pemberley by W. E. Dashwood

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Frankenstein Darcy by Cass Grix

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guilty-conscience holidays-with-jane kitty-or-beaux-ideals img_0878

Guilty Conscience by Cat Gardiner

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Holidays with Jane: Thankful Hearts by Jennifer Becton, Melissa Buell, Rebecca M. Fleming, Cecilia Gray, Jessica Grey, and Nancy Kelley

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Kitty: or, Beaux Ideals by Monica Reid

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Letter From Ramsgate by Suzan Lauder

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longbourns-interrupted-wedding love-letters-from-mr-darcy mansfield-park-an-annotated-edition miss-darcys-companion

Longbourn’s Interrupted Wedding by Helen Stone

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Love Letters from Mr. Darcy by J. Dawn King

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Mansfield Park: An Annotated Edition Edited by Deidre Shauna Lynch

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Miss Darcy’s Companion (Pemberley Departures Book 2) by Sophia Meredith

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mr-darcy-and-elizabeth-boxed-set mr-darcy-loves-elizabeth-bennet mr-darcy-plays-draughts mr-darcys-christmas-dilemma 

Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Boxed Set by W. E. Dashwood

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Mr. Darcy Loves Elizabeth by Elizabeth Ann West, Barbara Silkstone, Kristi Rose, and April Floyd

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Mr. Darcy Plays Draughts and Other Stories by Bob Newell

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Mr. Darcy’s Christmas Dilemma by Lizzie Elliott

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pemberley-mr-darcys-dragon racing-across-infinity reacquainted rejection-mr-darcy

Pemberley: Mr. Darcy’s Dragon (Jane Austen’s Dragons Book 1) by Maria Grace

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Racing Across Infinity by Ney Mitch

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Reacquainted (Love Remains Book 1) by Meg Osborne

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Rejecting Mr. Darcy by Lizzie Elliott

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secrets-in-the-snow suddenly-elizabeth the-courtship-of-edward-gardiner the-darcys-new-pleasures

Secrets in the Snow by Michaela MacColl

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Suddenly Elizabeth by Anne Louise

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The Courtship of Edward Gardiner: A Pride and Prejudice Prequel by Nicole Clarkston

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The Darcys: New Pleasures by Linda Berdoll

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the-essence-of-love the-honorable-mr-darcy the-jane-austen-kama-sutra the-makings-of-mr-darcy

The Essence of Love by Zoe Burton

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The Honorable Mr. Darcy (A Meryton Mystery Book 1) by Jennifer Joy

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The Jane Austen Kama Sutra by Jane Austen and Joelle Herr

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The Makings of Mr. Darcy: Limited Time Box Set by P. O. Dixon

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the-secret-diary-of-lydia-bennet the-tenants-guest the-world-for-her-favor vampire-darcy

The Secret Diary of Lydia Bennet by Natasha Farrant

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The Tenant’s Guest: Willow Hall Romance Volume 2 by Leenie Brown

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The World for Her Favor by Jemma Thorne

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Vampire Darcy’s Desire by Regina Jeffers (re-release)

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wentworths-bride young-jane

Wentworth’s Bride (Continuing Austen Book 2) by Becky Riker

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Young Jane by Cecily O’Neill

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Heyo!  We have 42 new Austenesque releases for the month of October!

There are so many to choose from!  Which ones do you want to read?

Which of these books have you read?

I haven’t read any yet, but will be reading (and reviewing) Holidays with Jane: Thankful Hearts and Casa Madera: Emma in the Rio Grande Valley soon.

And I’m adding sooooo many others to my wishlist!!

Click here to see the past month’s Austenesque Novel Finds!


  1. Phew Meredith. So many books and so little time. Especially as I have so many that I have to ‘re-read regularly. I have read Love Letters From Mr Darcy, Guilty Conscience & an Unwelcome Guest at the Netherfield Ball. I have the Courtship of Edward Gardiner but haven’t read it yet. I also hope to read New Pleasures, the Honorable Mr Darcy, Constant as the Sun, Mr Darcy’s Dragon, Letter from Ramsgate & Miss Darcy’s Companion and the rest I will check out. Thanks for posting these lists each month but if you could just arrange to have a few more days in the month or a few more hours in a day I would be most grateful

    1. Yikes Glynis! You are a force to be reckoned with; reading-wise. I humbly curtsey to your powers. Seriously. :O

    2. Go Glynis! That is so very impressive that you read so many! 🙂 I here you about wanting to reread books too!

      I wish there were few more hours in each day! I seem to only fit in about 1 hour of reading and I would love to have so many more!!!

  2. Wow. I look forward to this post every month with a combination of dread and excitement. Dread, because….for heavens sake….I’ll NEVER get to all the JAFF I want to read, and I should have added dismay, because….how did another month fly by so quickly. But of course excitement, because, well…..more JAFF for all of us, of course.

    And as Glynis said above, rereading my favorites. I just (swoon) finished ‘Haunting Mr. Darcy.’ Sniff, sob, JOY! My yearly October read. <3

    1. It makes me so happy to hear you look forward to this post, Michelle! Even if there is a bit of dread and dismay in your feelings! It is by far one of the longest posts for me to put together each month, and I must admit I sometimes question if I want to to continue doing it! But to know that this post is something people really enjoy definitely makes me want to keep doing it no matter what!

      That is a lovely yearly tradition!!! I may have to join you on that next year! 🙂 I love Haunting Mr. Darcy!!!

  3. Meredith, thanks so much for posting all the new book at the end of the month. I love that you do this and love looking at each one to see which books I want to read. I do have a question. I have not been reading JAFF for too long but I have noticed that lots of book are written by some author and a lady. I assume the lady is not or does not want to be known but is the lady the same in each book? I find that I usually like the “lady” books very much. Just curious. Thanks. Amanda

    1. Thank you, Amanda! I’m so very glad you enjoy the list! 🙂

      I think I know the answer to your question…I’m not entirely sure though. I think a group of authors decided it would be easy for JAFF readers to find more JAFF books if they added “A Lady” as an author to their work. It’s a kind of way to classify your book as being Austenesque, since amazon doesn’t have categories or searches that you lead you to those kinds of books So if you click to see all the works published by “A Lady” on amazon you will find a very sizable amount of JAFF by a variety of different authors. “A Lady” is a nod to Jane Austen who had her books published under the same author’s name and not her own. Hope that helps!

  4. Ooh! Robert Rodi committing mayhem on one of my favorite stories in the juvenilia! I am sooo there. His blogs on the novels are quite hilarious. As for this incredibly long list, it must have taken you the whole month just to compile it! Thank you. 🙂

    1. I knew you might be excited about that one, Abigail! How great to see a spotlight shined on the Juvenilia! 🙂 Very interesting!

      LOL! The list did take majority of my Saturday but that is because I’ve been so busy this month that I didn’t have any of it done!

  5. I’ve read a few of these: Letters from Mr. Darcy, The Honourable Mr. Darcy and Pemberley: Mr. Darcy’s Dragon (all in beta form), then there’s Guilty Conscience (can’t wait for Without a Conscience!) and The Makings of Mr. Darcy (all three stories in single volume format).

    I’ve been lucky enough to win a couple more from recent blog tours and am following several more. Candy Morton has the right of it with the title of her blog: “So Little Time… much to read”!

    1. Hi Anji! You are in high demand with beta-reading, my friend!! How awesome!!!

      Yay for some giveaway wins! Hope you get the chance to read them soon! Yes, Candy’s blog’s name is quite perfect! LOL!

  6. Wow! This seems to be a huge release day month. I’ve read three of these, have one on my shelf still to read and see about a dozen that I’ll add eventually.

    Thanks for the release list. I wouldn’t know about so many if it weren’t for your lists. 🙂

  7. I have read 9 of these and yet I feel so far behind. Thank you, as always, for your lists, Meredith. There are many I was not even aware of ….Kama Sutra? What next?

    1. No, Sheila! 9 is awesome! Especially since some of them were only released less than a week ago! You are definitely on top of it! Do you have any you would recommend! There are so many to choose from this month!

      Yes, Kama Sutra! I couldn’t believe! It felt coincidental since I was just finishing up A Moment Forever when making this list and you know what was discussed in those closing chapters! 😉

  8. I have read Guilty Conscience, Letter From Ramsgate, Love Letters from Mr. Darcy, The Honorable Mr. Darcy, The Courtship of Edward Gardiner, Miss Darcy’s Companion, Constant as the Sun (as a WIP), Vampire Darcy’s Desire, Pemberley: Mr. Darcy’s Dragon and I have Zoe Burton’s and Linda Berdoll’s in my possession BUT don’t ask me to select a favorite. I did post reviews.

  9. As usual, thank you for the list. I’ve read most of the P&P variations. Those I have not are the short ones selling for $3 and $4. I enjoy books with depth to them and don’t find it in these short stories.

  10. Thanks again for putting these monthly list together! It’s been a while since I got a chance to look the monthly book list as my TBR list keeps growing, but I love the “add it shelf” aspect that you added! It’s making life much easier to continuing adding to the JAFF pile!

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