Austenesque Agenda – October 2015


Happy October to you readers!  Boy, did September just fly by!  It wasn’t very a very eventful month here for Mr. Bingley and me…just a lot of working (with school back in session, the music studio has been extra busy!)  Summer is officially over!

As I’m sure you saw, we had our share of celebrations here last month!  Thank you so much to all of you who shared such lovely thoughts and words during my blogiversary and participated in our Clueless Celebration Weekend!  Blogging is something I love and want to do because of the amazing and kind people I can connect with on a daily basis!  And I definitely plan on doing it for a long time!


On Saturday my brother and I went to our biannual library book sale and boy did I have luck on my side!  I feel like Lydia Bennet from the LBD saying this…but “check out my haul!”  I already own copies of the bottom two, but I grabbed them anyway to do some fun giveaways with! 

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And as for Netherfield…we now have a roof, windows, plumbing, and some hvac stuff! 😉

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Want to know what Austenesque fun I’m getting into this month?

…here is what’s on this month’s

Austenesque Agenda:


Sketching Mr. Darcy Mrs. Bennet Has Her Say


Sketching Character The-Unthinkable-Triangle-3x4 Brinshore


Since Mr. Bingley and I’ll be traveling to Cancun, Mexico later this month (the band he plays with is gigging there for a week and I am tagging along! Can you blame me?), I don’t think I’ll be able to post the same amount of reviews this month, so I thought I’d ask you all to vote on an Austenesque Top Ten list instead.  According to my reader survey they are one of the more popular features of this blog!  So what Austenesque Top Ten list would you like to see?  My favorite Alternate Point-of-View stories or my favorite Non-Pride and Prejudice Sequels?  To vote, comment below!


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some lovely publishers want to give you the opportunity to win their books!


P1020417 Brinshore

Ann Mychal – October 7th

A Jane Austen Christmas

Carlo DeVito – October 14th

Stan_Hurd Col Fitz cover

Stan Hurd – October 28th

Whew!  October will be busy!! How about you?  What are your plans for this month?


  1. I will vote for the alternate POV novel. Wow! Did you ever luck out on finds at that library book sale. Happy reading. I have read 3 out of the 5 novels you are reading and/or reviewing this month. I know you will enjoy them. The progress on your house is so exciting. Any projected date to move in? I know we were moving in a month after the date we were given and I hope you don’t have that disappointment. Looking forward to the interviews. Have a great time in Mexico.

    1. I usually don’t meet with that much success at library book sales, since my reading preferences are so small a scope! 🙂 I’m greatly enjoying this months reads so far, glad you liked some of these books as well! The date we were originally told was late November, but we had so much rain these past two weeks I’m thinking that not as likely. We aren’t in a rush, so it wouldn’t disappoint us if they were late. 😉

      Thanks for voting! 🙂 APV – 1 / NP&PS – 0

  2. I vote for alternate point of view-one I my favorite JAFF genres. The house looks like it’s coming along; how exciting! I’m so happy for you both. We moved over the summer and the best thing about the entire moving process is when it is over. Have a blast in Mexico!

    1. Hi Heather! Thank you! LOL! I hope your move went well and you are feeling settled in your new home! We moved into an apartment in February so we will have 2 moves this year. While we are enjoying the apartment life, we will be excited to have more space! 🙂

      Thanks for voting! 🙂 APV – 2 / NP&PS – 0

  3. Hi Meredith

    Netherfield is looking splendid and I can’t wait to see it all finished. Some great things happening in October (especially your trip to Mexico!). I vote for Alternate Point of View stories!

    1. Thanks, Michelle! Each time we see it we feel more and more excited! Hope the month treats you well, my friend!

      Thanks for voting! 🙂 APV – 3 / NP&PS – 1

  4. Mr. Hurd has a new book coming out?????!!!!!! Can’t wait for that! Netherfield is looking amazing and your haul from the library book sale is great! I have read Carrie Bebris’ book and ‘The Forgotten Sister’ both which I really enjoyed. As for my vote…alternate point of view please. Enjoy Mexico!

    1. Yes he does! I’m excited for it too! Glad to hear you enjoyed The Forgotten Sister, I love when attention is given to Mary and the cover is beautiful! Thank you, my friend! Hope you have a great month!

      Thanks for voting! 🙂 APV – 4 / NP&PS – 2

  5. Great to hear about how Netherfield is coming along (loved the video you and Pedro have posted a few days ago 😀 ) and OMG what a haul! I need a second-hand bookshop like that!
    It’s so wonderful to see my new book in such amazing company! I can’t wait to read Lory Lilian’s and Pamela’s books, I’ve heard such wonderful things about them and they’ve been tempting me from the TBR pile (kept winking at me, like Mrs B at Kitty, I should say 😉 ) and I’m over the moon to hear about Stan Hurd’s and Ann Mychal’s new books! I loved Stan’s trilogy and Ann’s ‘Emma & Elizabeth’ and I can’t wait for more from both, such a treat!

    1. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed our little video, Joana! The library sale only happens twice a year and I don’t think I’ve missed any since I discovered 4-5 years ago. 😉 It was especially well-stocked this time! I’m very excited about everyone’s new books – have greatly enjoyed Lory’s and I’m loving yours, Joana! Greatly looking forward to the rest of the month!

  6. I can’t believe how quickly Netherfield has been going up! Glad you got the roof on before recent storms. As for the “you choose” books, those are really hard to choose among! I would have gone for Brinshore (having a special interest in The Watsons), but for the fact that the author will be visiting. So let’s spread the love: my vote would be for the Joana Starnes book, about which I’ve heard good things! And ooh!! I’m so excited that Col. Fitzwilliam is getting the Stan Hurd treatment! That should be wonderful.

    1. Yes, it has been feeling very quick! I’m so glad they got the roof up too! Will definitely be reading both Joana’s and and Ann’s books this month. 🙂 Sorry if the text and images made it look like you had to choose one of the three. I’m glad to see so many of us our excited and intrigued by Mr. Hurd’s new book!

  7. I enjoy your reviews of P&P variations, not so much other books as I have no interest in
    Regency literature per se.

    1. Thanks, Jerry! I’ll be posting my review of Sketching Mr. Darcy soon, if you haven’t read that one – you definitely should! I love many types of JAFF, by P&P variations are my favorite and what Is seem to read the most often.

  8. So much to be excited about this month from Austenesque Reviews! Look at your house coming along!!! Ooooo a new Stan Hurd book, I cannot wait. The other books coming up look so interesting, and based on others’ replies I think I’m sadly out of the loop as there are two new-to-me authors, it sounds like I’m in for several nice treats this month.

    Just one of the many ‘best things’ about your blog is the caliber of talent that visits your site and comments. Between the authors who visit and comment and the very well-read non-author visitors, reading the comments is as enjoyable in a different way as your reviews and interviews.

    I vote for alternate view. And I shall bow out of the drawing for the giveaway this time, I’ve read most of those. Very happy for some luck winners coming up though. 🙂


    1. Yes, Michelle! It is a very exciting month! I’m super excited about all the visits and new books! I hope you enjoy meeting the new authors. 🙂 You are so kind! I’m so blessed to have such thoughtful and wonderful readers and authors visit AR! I’m so pleased you enjoy your visits and interactions here and I hope you long continue to do so!

      Thanks for voting! 🙂 APV – 5 / NP&PS – 2

    1. It will be my first time there! Any recommendations on food we should eat or activities we should do?

      Thanks for voting! 🙂 APV – 6 / NP&PS – 2

  9. Lots of fun stuff lately. And how lovely to catch the library sale and get a trip to Cancun. I’ll vote for the non-P&P list like many of the others.

    Looking forward to your guests especially Stanley Hurd b/c it looks like he wrote a book about my favorite P&P character. 😉

    1. This time of year is always eventful and busy! 😉 Hope you are enjoying a lovely October so far! It’s great that Mr. Hurd is giving Colonel Fitzwilliam some attention, isn’t it? 😀

      Thanks for voting! 🙂 APV – 6 / NP&PS – 3

  10. Really looking forward to seeing Netherfield finished. Can’t remember, but have you posted any artist’s impressions of the finished house? I sometimes drive past a house called Netherfield House on my way to work but as it’s got a big solid wooden gate and high walls and hedges, I’ve actually no idea what it looks like!

    Sound like you’ve got a busy month ahead. We’re in the middle of remodelling our kitchen, which we’re doing in two halves. It’s a galley type so it makes sense to do it like that, then we don’t lose total use of it at any time. I’ve a lot of reading to catch up on as I’ve been really busy working, harvesting and preserving fruit and veg from the garden. What “reading” of published works I’ve managed has mainly been audiobooks whilst coping with the aforementioned work journeys and garden stuff. What actual reading I’ve done has mainly been beta reading. Time to dust off the Kindle!

    Looking forward most to your review of Sketching Character as I had the privilege of being one of Pam’s betas over the summer. All the rest looks very exciting. I loved Ann Mychal’s Emma and Elizabeth and to hear that Stan Hurd has a new book coming out is fantastic news. Totally envious of your second hand book haul, by the way.

    Finally, I’d like to vote for the alternative POV list, please. Have a wonderful time in Mexico, both of you!

    1. Thank you, Anji!! I’ll post an image and maybe floor plan next month! Good idea! How awesome that you live near a Netherfield House! I wonder if it is named after Jane Austen’s Netherfield?

      How fun to be remodeling your kitchen- I bet you will love it when it is done! And that’s great that you have so much harvest and preserving to do. I love making meals from veggies and fruits that are home-grown! It must be very satisfying! Hope you get the chance to read for pleasure a little this month!

      Thanks for dropping by, Anji! It was wonderful to catch-up with you a little! 😉 Happy October!

      Thanks for voting! 🙂 APV – 7 / NP&PS – 3

  11. I will definitely vote for the alternative POV stories as I only read books about Darcy and Elizabeth. Have a great time in Mexico and hope the renovation doesn’t take too long

  12. Enjoy your trip to Cancun! !
    Your Netherfield is getting more beautiful every post!.
    I’m very glad you keep blogging 🙂
    My vote is for the alternate point of view top ten list. And what an interesting agenda!. I’m looking forward to Brinshore and I’m curious about Stan Hard ‘ s Colonel Fitzwilliam!

  13. You have a nice haul there! I have read the books top left and top right and I think you’ll enjoy them both, I know I did.

    As for your reader’s choice, I think either list would be excellent, but I would particularly love to see a list of your favourite non-P&P sequels. Let’s see some more love for Jane’s other novels!

    1. Thank you, Ceri! I’m really enjoying everything I’ve read by Karen Witemeyer! I’m glad she has so many books published!

      I knew you would give some love to the other JA novels!

      Thanks for voting! 🙂 APV – 10 / NP&PS – 4

  14. I must confess that I love alternate POV of P&P so that category has my vote. Have a relaxing time in Mexico.

  15. Sounds like you have a great month ahead. I hope you have a wonderful time in Mexico and can enjoy lots of reading on the beach! I loved Sketching Mr. Darcy and look forward to your review. I don’t think I can pick which list you should make. I like both choices and will look forward to either.

  16. I’ll vote for non P&P sequels. I moved house eight years ago and I’m still recovering!!!! One of the most stressful things I’ve ever done. (Especially when I had one van full of boxed books!!!

    1. I can imagine! The book boxes are always the heaviest! I have mine in totes right now at my office (we temporarily moved into an apartment). One of the best things about moving in will be unpacking my books! Can’t wait!

      Thanks for voting! 🙂 APV – 12 / NP&PS – 6

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