Everyone welcome avid Austenesque reader, Jennifer Leiker! It’s hard to figure out when and where Jennifer and I first met online, but I think we might have first met on Facebook in 2012-13. I think our mutual interest in Jane Austen and Austenesque authors brought us together! 😉 I’m so happy to have Jennifer visit Austenesque Reviews and share a little more about herself!
You: Tell us about yourself
Hello everyone, My name is Jennifer Leiker and I live in Reno, Nevada. I enjoy traveling, reading and photography. I visited the British Isles just this past year, but it wasn’t my first time to England.
My 2nd time to England I called my Jane Austen trek. I went to Bath for the Jane Austen Festival, which falls on my birthday! I also went in search of Lyme Hall and Chatsworth, both beautiful places to call Pemberley.
I have also been to France, Italy, Turkey and Austria. I have a trip planned to celebrate my 40th birthday in September to Spain, south of France and Andorra.
Your Induction
- When and how did you discover the Austenesque/JAFF genre? Probably about 8 years ago. I was always wanting to see like everyone else out there ‘What happened to Darcy and Elizabeth?’ after they got married.
- What was the first Austenesque novel you ever read? If I remember correctly it was Linda Berdoll’s Mr. Darcy Takes A Wife.
- Where/how do you obtain the Austenesque books your read? I find out about them usually from Facebook or Austenesque Reviews. From there I see if I can buy them through Barnes and Nobles.
- What is your favorite time of day to read? I read whenever I can. And sometimes way past my bedtime. A time or two I have been so engrossed in a book that before I know it, I hear birds chirping outside then I realize the sun is coming up!!
- What is your favorite place to read? Anywhere that is warm and comfortable. I wish I had a nice comfy chair to sit in. Most of the time it seems I read in bed.
- What do you like to listen to when you read if anything? Classical music. Or something where I don’t know the words so I don’t concentrate on them. Recently it has been the soundtracks to the Jane Austen movies.
- What do you like to drink or eat when you read if anything? Tonight it was a small glass of Baileys but normally just water or hot apple cider.
- Do you read more than one book at a time ever? I used to. Too busy lately to read more than one book. I need to focus on just one or I will never finish it.
- Do you ever reread? I have for Jane Austen’s novels but not the JAFF or any other books I have read.
Your Collection:
- Where do you store your Austenesque collection? Proudly in my living room. I started my own library!!
- What format are most of your Austenesque books in – paperback, ebook, or audiobook? Paperback. I like the touch, feel of turning the pages and the smell of new books. Can’t get that with the kindle, there isn’t a scratch and sniff option.
- Pride and Prejudice Variation: Cassandra Grafton’s A Fair Prospect series.
- Pride and Prejudice Modern Adaptation: Austenland by Shannon Hale
- Minor Character Story: The Unexpected Miss Bennet by Patrice Sarath
- Non-Pride and Prejudice Sequel: Emma and Knightley by Rachael Billington
- Reference/Nonfiction Work: All Things Austen by Kristin Olsen
- Austen-Inspired Original: anything from Victoria Connelly
Your Desert Island 5: You are about to be stranded on a desert island for unspecified amount of time you must select what you will bring
- Five Austenesque/Jane Austen Movies
with Jennifer Ehle! - P&P 1995 (I got to meet Jennifer Ehle years ago and even had my picture taken with her)
- Austenland
- Mansfield Park with Francis O’Conner
- Emma with Romola Garai and Jonny Lee Miller
- Persuasion with Rupert Penry-Jones
- Five Austenesque Books
- Any books from Cassandra Grafton, Abigail Reynolds and Victoria Connelly. From there it gets harder to just pick 5.
Would You Rather?:
- Have Lady Catherine or Mrs. Norris as a mother. Lady Catherine…hopefully she would send me to go practice the piano in a part of the house so that I wouldn’t be a bother to anyone.
- Live in Bath or live in London. It would have to be Bath, I love Bath. London is wonderful in it’s own way too but I like that the country is a little closer.
- Dance every set at a ball or go horseback riding through the countryside with friends. Horseback riding through the country.
- Marry Edmund Bertram or Edward Ferrars. Edmund Bertram, I think that is because of the way Jonny Lee Miller portrays him.
- Attend a strawberry-picking party at Donwell Abbey or attend the theatre with the Gardiners. Donwell Abbey. I would rather be in the country
- Go shopping with Lydia Bennet or have tea with Mrs. Elton. Do I really have to pick? Guess it would have to be shopping with Lydia. She’d get so caught up in herself she would never know if I went missing.
- Discover and read the finished manuscript (by Jane Austen) of The Watsons or Sanditon. Either one.
You Right Now:
- What Austenesque novel(s) are you currently reading at the moment? Currently I am not reading any JAFF. I just started reading The Fortune Hunter by Daisy Goodwin
- What Austenesque novel do you wish someone would write? Maybe about Kitty Bennet, or Susan Price, Fanny’s young sister.
- Where can we find you?
Thank you, Jennifer, for taking the time to participate in this feature and share your love and admiration of Austenesque literature with us!! Loved learning more about you!
Want to see some more Ardent Austenesque Admirers? CLICK HERE!
Hi Jennifer
OMG can’t believe you have met Jennifer Ehle! Did you talk to her about 1995 P & P – I would have kept her talking for hours on end! I went to Lyme Park last year for my 50th birthday and stayed in the Lodge that they have on the actual grounds. Absolutely loved it. Thank you for sharing your love of JAFF with us all. It was very nice to meet you. Glad you too like the feel and smell of books – I am still holding back from having a kindle or ebook.
Nice to meet you!
I met Jennifer Elhe when she was doing a Broadway play “Design for Living” (2001) with Alan Cumming. I met Alan too but didn’t get my picture taken with him, I was too starstruck with Jennifer! I think I mentioned P&P but I honestly don’t remember. I was so nervous!
Kindle/nooks aren’t so bad. I take them when I travel. Books take up too much space. But that doesn’t stop me from buying books while I’m traveling!
So nice to meet you Michelle, As with previous “admirers” you have given me some new books and/or authors to check out. I have not any books by Victoria Connelly. I like that there are links so it will be easy to go there and add books to my Wish List. Your library is amazing. You must have a ladder somewhere. And your travels sound delightful. I, too, envy you having met Jennifer. Where was that photo taken? That movie version is my favorite. I like paperback also but the price for books on kindle is just too much of a deal when you read a lot like me and then there is the space to store problem. But I really do prefer paperbacks. And I still buy some books that way. I have never been to Nevada much less Reno. That is a city with a lot of “attractions”. Again – happy to read of you love of JA and JAFF.
Nice to meet you too!
My cousin Joyce did Cabaret with Alan Cumming who also stared in “Design for Living” with Jennifer on Broadway. I used my cousin as an ‘in’ to get back stage! I met Jennifer in her dressing room and then was too afraid to ask for a picture then. So my cousin did it when Jennifer came out into the theatre. So glad! The 1995 P&P is my favourite too.
I understand about prices on Kindle, I too have a few JAFF books on my Kindle and Nook. I read those when I travel. Happy Reading!
Oops, OMG – I typed the wrong name there. Jennifer – so sorry. I should not hit the keyboard until I have my coffee. I was reading Michelle’s comments and that name stuck – so sorry.
It’s ok. Made me smile.
Nice to meet you, Jennifer! You live very close to where I live! I am in Reno all of the time! It was super fun and interesting to get your opinions and feedback not just on books but on all of the other related topics. Thanks for sharing. Thanks, Meredith, for introducing us to Jennifer in such a nice way. I appreciate the links so that we can find Jennifer on social media.
Very nice to meet you!
Yes, I am out there is this vast world of the Internet!
Jennifer, what a delight it is to meet you. Scratch and sniff? You are my kind of gal. Your bookshelf is impressive and it sounds like we enjoy the same style of reading – anywhere.
I’ve not been to Turkey, though I’ve been to Reno many times. My husband and I were married in Tahoe and our license came from Reno. Great memory association!
Thank you, Meredith, for the wonderful interview and for starting out the year in this way.
My bookshelves keep growing! I have 4 more sections of books but they aren’t all JAFF.
Lake Tahoe is a beautiful area to get married! I like taking drives and going around the lake. Just wish we had more snow on the mountains right now. I don’t ski but that mountains look pathetic.
Thanks for commenting and the friend request!
Hi, Jennifer! I always enjoy reading Meredith’s Ardent Austenesque Admirer Blog posts, but I was touched to see my books on your fabulous bookshelf as well! Thank you so much for giving me a mention, you have made my day (and it really wasn’t going very well!)
I can’t believe you met Jennifer Ehle! How fabulous. I met Matthew Macfadyen after he was in Private Lives and I pretty much went to pieces in terms of coherency, much to my husband’s amusement!
Bath is my all time favourite city, so I am delighted you enjoyed your trip. Which year did you go over for the Festival and your tour of Pemberley? I once managed to visit three Pemberleys in one day – it was exhausting, lol, and sadly no Darcy in sight either.
Thanks for sharing this, it was fun to read!
Cassandra!!! Loved your books! They have to be mentioned. (hope your day gets better)
I went in 2011 for the Jane Austrn Festival and my tours of Pemberley. I didn’t do them both in one day. I took my time since I was at the mercy of public transport. I have since been back to Chatsworth in 2012 for Christmas. I’d like to visit Lyme Hall again.
Everytime I am in England I have to visit Bath! Even though I know there is so much in England to see! I always go back.
Wish I was in England right now.
We used to live an hour and a half from Chatsworth before we came here to Switzerland and used to go there for the Christmas display but we missed 2012! My favourite was 2013 when they had a theme of The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe!
I was at the JA Festival in Bath in 2009, 2010 and 2013 – looks like we have kept missing each other! 😉
I must admit, I wish I was in England too!
We do keep missing each other! One of these days I would love to meet you.
When I saw Chatsworth at Christmas it was storybook tales, Red Riding Hood, Peter Pan, Jack and the Bean Stalk and many others. It was pretty neat.
Wow, I love your JAFF collection of books! I agree with you, there’s just something about holding an actual book and the smell of them. I would love a scratch & stiff option for the e-reader…
I would be star struck meeting Jennifer as well! Glad you were able to take a picture with her!
Meredith, thank you for another interview and getting to know another Ardent Austenesque Admirer. Love this community!
Now if I could only meet Colin Firth!!
Hi Jennifer!
Nice to get to know you through your post. Drool-worthy bookcase of lovelies there. It is so neat that you have been over to the British Isles twice and met Jennifer Ehle.
Good choices as your favs and desert island five.
Haha! fun quick answers.
Thanks! It’s hard to narrow it down. I made a list then had to narrow it down even more! I’m proud of my collection! Some really good books out there!
Hi Jennifer, glad to meet you!
What an awesome library you are creating, WOW!. And the picture with Jennifer Ehle is a treasure for Janeites! (I didn´t recognize her at first because she was blonde LOL). In the movies to take to a desert island I also would bring “Emma” with Romola and Johnie: I had watched “Emma” with Gwyneth Paltrow and I thought it was the best version but last summer I saw Romola and Johnie´s version and I liked it very much! 🙂
I agree with you about the paperback matter: it´s very special to have a real book in your hands as well as the feeling of touching the pages. I often listen to Pride and Prejudice soundtrack (I mean the movie with Keira Knightley) even when I´m working and it´s really relaxing. Thanks for sharing, and thanks Meredith for bringing us more ardent admirers!.
P.S: I´d like a sequel with Susan Price too.
Hello Teresa!
Yes the blonde is a bit different then what we all know.
I like Gwyneth but I love how Romola plays Emma. I seem to watch that version more even though it’s longer!
It is wonderful to get to know more about you Jennifer. I love your bookshelves. I had to cull my paperbacks because they were taking over the house and so ended up with some NOOKS. Now it is growing again. I too love Cassandra Grafton’s books. I agree that it is almost impossible to choose books for the categories Meredith gave us, there are so many I love.
I have never been to Reno, but plan on it one day. DH wants to go to the National Automobile Museum there. Love your picture with Jennifer Ehle.
I was never an avid reader in high school. But now I can’t seem to find enough time to read! I’m proud of my book shelves and try and keep them orderly. I even have them listed in an excel spreadsheet! Sadly it’s been a few years since I have updated it.
Hi Jennifer! So nice to meet another of Meredith’s Ardent Austenesque Admirer! Meredith comes up with the greatest ideas!
I’m tempted to say “ditto” to all the comments above. So I guess I will!!
I love (read envy) your bookshelves! So neat and tidy. My books are every where and the bookshelves are a “before” picture!
You are so fortunate to have traveled so much. What wonderful memories you must have, not to mention pictures! Jennifer Ehle is such a beauty. If I were ever so lucky to have met her, I would have to ask about Colin Firth. Of course, I doubt I could say my name! Ahhhhh….
I know Reno well having lived the first 64 years of my life in Stockton CA. I think it’s a nice place to live. There are interesting places and lots of history. Have you lived there long?
Thank you, Jenifer and Meredith for sharing with us. All my best!
I too have more books scattered. I have another book shelf hiding in my closet, it’s my to read pile. And that pile never seems to get smaller!!
I have lived in Reno since 1987. It’s nice but I like exploring the world.
Catherine, you are so sweet! I’m so glad you are enjoying this series! Big thanks to Jennifer for participating and sharing!
What a pleasure to ‘meet’ you Jennifer! I am very envious of your meeting our ‘heroine’ Jennifer Ehle!! I too didn’t recognize her with the blond hair but her smile helped! Yes, your bookshelves are fabulous. You are very fortunate indeed to have visited all the Jane Austen sites. I hope one day to do the same. I will have to check out some of the authors you have listed that I am not familiar with. Bye for now!
My list of sites to visit has grown. And I always want to go back to places I have been! Chatsworth is so beautiful and it’s wondeful to explore the grounds. There is just so much to see in England! (And other places). Just not enough time or money.
Hope you like some of the authors I mentioned! Happy Reading!