Ardent Austenesque Admirer – Nancy


Everyone welcome avid Austenesque reader, Nancy!  Nancy, I believe is a relatively new reader of this blog.  But as you will soon find out she is a longtime reader of Austenesque novels! 🙂

You:  Tell us about yourself 

Nancy Dworak, over the age of 60. Reside in New Jersey

Your Induction:

  • When and how did you discover the Austenesque/JAFF genre? I needed to get back to reading so I stopped at Borders. There was a display of P&P and JAFF novels. It piques my interest and brought me back to reading again. I am still in awe with this genre.
  • What did you think of it? Not what I expected, but I enjoyed it. In fact I read it twice.

Your Habits:

  • About how many Austenesque novels do you read a month? A year? Two to three per month
  • Around what percentage of your total reads a year are Austenesque novels? A good 90%
  • Where/how do you obtain the Austenesque books your read? Amazon
  • What is your favorite time of day to read? Any free time.
  • What is your favorite place to read? Living room.
  • Do you read more than one book at a time ever? Does stories on-line count? Because in addition to my books I follow Maria Grace’s story on-line
  • Do you ever read the ending of a book first? Oh yes, many time.. I cannot stop the temptation.
  • Do you ever reread? Yes, I have several favorites that I read several times over.

Your Collection:

  • Collectively around how many Austenesque works do you own? (all formats) About 150 to 175
  • Where do you store your Austenesque collection?  Kindle
  • What format are most of your Austenesque books in – paperback, ebook, or audiobook? Ebook
  • How many Austenesque books are currently in your TBR at this moment?  Maybe 25 to 50. If I stop buying them.. I can’t believe that there are so many books in this genre and new book coming out weekly. I find it simply amazing.

Your Faves: 

  • Pride and Prejudice Variation: I have too many variations to name. I will give my last favorite Thursday’s Child by Pat Santarsiero
  • Minor Character Story: I have to pick Dr George Darcy from Sharon Lathan’s Darcy series, The Darcy Saga
  • Austenesque Genre: I enjoy variations the most

Your Desert Island 5: You are about to be stranded on a desert island for unspecified amount of time you must select what you will bring

Alias Thomas Bennet Fitwzilliam Darcy an Honorable Man Chance Encounters He Taught Me to Hope1 Mr._Fitzwilliam_Darcy_Cover

You Right Now:

  • What Austenesque novel(s) are you currently reading at the moment? None
  • What Austenesque novels are on your wish-list? Any new books by Brenda Webb, Abigail Reynolds, Linda Wells, Lory Lillian, P O Dixon.
  • What Austenesque novel do you wish someone would write? I think every aspects are covered. Though I liked to see Darcy marry Anne, I know that Thursday’s Child covered this but Anne was not Lady Catherine’s daughter.
  • What do you love most about Austenesque novels? I loved the time period.

Thank you, Nancy for taking the time to participate in this feature and share your love and admiration of Austenesque literature with us!  I enjoyed seeing your answers!!! 


Want to see some more Ardent Austenesque Admirers?  CLICK HERE!


  1. So nice to read about you. So you live in NJ. I live in the ABE/Lehigh Valley area and have a son in Belford, NJ. Lovely to meet you. (And you are just a little younger than I am so I feel a connection that way also.)

  2. It’s wonderful to meet you Nancy! I have the ‘Second Mrs. Darcy’ by Elizabeth Aston on my wishlist. I have already read her first two (Mr. Darcy’s Daughters and The Exploits and Adventures of Alethea Darcy). So how did you like ‘Fitzwilliam Darcy An Honourable Man’? That too is on my wishlist and it intrigues me but I keep hesitating. Mind you, so many other books from my favourite authors keep jumping to the forefront!

  3. Nice to meet you Nancy! I grabbed a different Elizabeth Ashton off that same type of book store display when I saw all the books. Loved reading your favorites choices.

  4. Hi Nancy!
    I find it remarkable how we admirers find our way to JAFF! Happy Reading! Thank you again, Meredith, for this series!

  5. What a pleasure to meet you, Nancy. It is always intriguing to me to find out what brought an individual to Jane Austen’s fan fiction. I am happy that I am not the only one to take a peek at the ending before I finish reading it. Sometimes I need to know that there will be a happily ever after. Aren’t we happy that Meredith is doing these interviews? I sure am.

    1. You are such a dear, Joy! Thank you! I’m glad you are finding this series fun to follow! 🙂 This community is full of such fantastic and kind people!

  6. Hi Nancy!
    Glad to meet you!. It´s amazing the amount of novels you´ve read!. I also love the time period.
    I hope to see you again in Austenesque Reviews.
    Greets from Spain!.
    Thanks Meredith for giving us the chance to meet new friends on line!

  7. Hi, Nancy. It’s fun to get to know you. You Sheila and I are not too far apart as I live on the outskirts of NYC. Maybe when Joy comes to NY, we can all get together. The only book you’ve mentioned that I haven’t read is Alias, Thomas Bennet, but it is on my TBR list. Too many books and too little time, but I can never say ‘There’s nothing to read.’

  8. I love reading these interviews! I’m a tad jealous of you people who live close to each other. There are days I feel we are back in the 1800’s for many reasons: I’m out here in Indian Territory all by myself. LOL

    Nancy, you and I love the same original character. Dr. George is my very favorite. Love him! Your favorites include a couple still on my TBR and wish lists. I need to look at those.

    Thanks for taking the time to share!!

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