Hello friends! I’m thinking of starting a new post series…and guess what? I’m inviting you to take part in it! (If you want to) 😉 If you were around for Austenesque Extravaganza in 2012, this is similar idea to what we did on Spotlight Saturday (which ended up being one of my favorite features for the event!) I spend so much time talking abo
ut what I read and discussing my favorite books and authors on this blog, but blogging is a two-way street for me. I love hearing from you – what you read, what are some of your favorite books and what are your thoughts! So that is why I’m starting the series back up again – enough about me, I want to hear about you!!!
- All voracious readers, bloggers, and reviewers (you don’t have to have a blog or write reviews to participate)
- Answer some questions about you, your reading habits, and your favorite novels. I came up with a bunch 😉 of questions, most of them are short-answer. You don’t have to answer them all, feel free to pick and choose.
Take some pictures of your books (at least 2). Us book lovers always love images of books grouped together! (even on an ereader!)
- Fill out the form below so I know you are interested and I’ll email you the questions! 😉
- I’ll probably schedule 2-3 Ardent Austenesque Admirer posts a month, separating each post by a week or so in between.
- Absolutely! This is your chance to post on my blog, so if you want to add anything fun, quirky, or creative
to your post, please feel welcome to. If you want to make a video, write an open-letter, share a story, add a giveaway – feel free to make this post your own!
looks super official, doesn’t it?
I can’t wait to see if there is interest in the Ardent Austenesque Admirers series!
Even if you don’t want to participate, do think this a series of posts you’d enjoy reading?
This sounds like a fun series of posts. I don’t know that I’m brave enough yet to do a post 🙂 but would enjoy hearing what others like to read, etc.
Whatever you are comfortable doing, Amy! I’d be happy to host you. 🙂
I remember enjoying these posts too. I’ll think about participating.
Would love to have you, Sophia Rose! You are a long-time reader of this blog, I’d love to know more of your thoughts on what you read!
I would like to participate but it takes a lot of time and I don’ t have it! :'(
But it’ s a great idea and I hope there’ll be readers with spare time, willing to join this new series!
I understand that! Thank you for commenting! I hope you enjoy reading the posts!
I submitted my info on the form, but I’m seeing it on the blog as “message sent” with my info/email info… Was it supposed to do that??
I got your submission! Thanks, Valerie, for wanting to take part! Will email you the questions tomorrow!
Sounds fun! I submitted the form.
Wonderful!! So glad you are game, Ginger! 🙂
I submitted the form and then it said “go back” so I hit that – did anything get submitted? I didn’t see any questions to answer.
Your form was successfully submitted! 🙂 The questions will be sent via email by me (probably tomorrow!)
I love the idea if an ardent admirer spotlight. I had a lot of fun both participating and learning about other readers last time.
I filled out the form so count me in. Not too sure yet how I’ll do that yet, but I love this blog and so I want to participate!
Oh, thank you, Heather! You are so sweet! I’m so glad there is some interest for this sires! Thank you for kind words about my blog! 🙂
What a wonderful response so far!! Thank you everyone for your enthusiasm!! I think there are already enough people signed up to take us through September! 😀 But keep’em coming!
For those of you who filled out the form, I’ll be contacting you via email tomorrow with the questions. 🙂
sorry,though I did not fnish to write I clicked enter by mistake , I happenned to eb an vidoe editor for several years and I started two mv quiet soem time ago about P&P and more I will finish them and share them during the event. But I’ld liek to inform you that during the 2 next weeks I will be busy due to exams -_- soI won’t be able to work on the videos before july. have a good day
Hi Meredith, great idea. I am relatively new to this site so may be join in next time however, I do love reading about what others read so looking forward to this new post.
Hi. Meredith,
I just submitted the form. I don’t have a lot of time to contribute in the next two to three months but if you’re going to continue after September, I could put something together.
Always interested in hearing how folk got into reading Jane Austen and, more recently, their experiences with Austenesque fiction.
Hi Meredith! What a great idea! I think I would like to participate but I’d like to wait until after September if that is okay with you…currently helping out my daughter and grandchildren and time is tight for the next little bit….also why I have been delayed in responding to my favourite blogs!!!
Love this idea!!:)
Sounds great! I look forward to reading about my fellow Janeites!
Awesome! 🙂
I just submitted the form. Got brave or stupid–I’m not sure which.
Brave!!! WOOT! I’m excited! I’ll send the questions soon!