Guest Post + Giveaway with Author D.G. Rampton

Author Guest Post

Hello dear readers, you might remember that I  reviewed a fantastic traditional Regency Romance titled, Artemisia, last month.  Today the author of that lovely novel, D.G. Rampton is here for a visit!  I hope you enjoy Diana’s journey with publishing Artemisia and join me in encouraging her to write more traditional Regency Romances!!

Profile_picI wrote the first paragraph of Artemisia when I was 19 … and 20 years later my novel was ready to be delivered into the world. You may well wonder why it should take such an inordinate amount of time to write a book! In my defence, I had my fair share of distractions: a ‘serious’ profession; a lack of creative discipline; my own insecurities about what it meant to be an author; and, a relocation to the other side of the planet, where I met my own brooding Mr Darcy (the only perfectly unobjectionable distraction).

But my characters were insistent and kept pulling me back to them. Whole conversations between them would pop into my head and I would be driven to my computer for a few feverish hours of writing. Eventually, I realised that if I wanted to finish my creative hobby I needed to stop dabbling and treat writing as a proper job. And so – despite my shocking OCD tendencies to re-write sentences over and over and over again until I was ready to run from the room screaming – my characters finally found their happy ending.

I hold Jane Austen responsible for compelling me to put pen to paper; but both Austen and Georgette Heyer were present in my mind when I wrote Artemisia. Their quick humour and sharp wit has always held me entranced and I still desperately wish they had written more books. To call me a fan would not do justice to the hundreds of hours I’ve spent pouring over each one of their wonderfully crafted phrases. An obsessed literary stalker would be more apt.

Brighter_Front_CoverSo when I read some reviews of Artemisia the other day that compared me to my idols, I was almost brought to tears (actually I welled, but as I’ve recently become British, I did my side proud and held it together). To be honest, most of my reviews seem to make me teary. Of course, it could simply be an uncommonly long hormonal surge. Or the damp English weather. But perhaps it’s just the fact that I have lived with and loved my characters for so long, I’m overwhelmed with joy when I realise that other people can love them as much as I do.

These days I no longer have any hang-ups about calling myself an author, or a novelist or a writer. Though what I really am is a storyteller. A storyteller can entertain people across different mediums, and I recently tried my hand at film-making (such an amazing, fun learning curve!). I wrote, produced, directed and edited a short film ‘Artemisia – The Tea Ritual’, which is based on a scene out of my novel.

The film is currently showing at an art gallery as part of a Georgian exhibition. And as soon as the exhibition is over I will make it available to anyone to download and enjoy for free! If you’d like a sneak peak, I’ll be posting a ‘trailer’ on my Facebook page soon.

 Connect with D.G. Rampton

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Diana kindly brings with her 5 LOVELY ebook copies and 1 paperback copy of Artemisia for me to randomly give away to SIX lucky readers.  Woot Woot!!!

Brighter_Front_Cover  Brighter_Front_Cover  Brighter_Front_Cover

Brighter_Front_Cover  Brighter_Front_Cover  Brighter_Front_Cover

To enter this giveaway, leave a comment, question, or some love for Diana!!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide.  Thank you, Diana!
  • This giveaway ends June 6th!
  • The prizes will be drawn at random and requests to win a specific format can not be accepted.





  1. This is spooky, I was just looking at this on Amazon! This is a definite on my TBR following your review. If comparisons to my two favourite authors, Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer are deserved it’ll be a real treat. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity 🙂

  2. I can think of no lovely comparison to Austen and Heyer that an author could receive. Kudos to you. Thank you for the giveaway!

    1. Thanks Eva, I’m feeling a weight of pressure after such a comparison but it is lovely. Good luck!

  3. This is on my TBR but I haven’t purchased it yet. I agree with PP’s, being compared to Austen and Heyer is great praise indeed. Thanks for the opportunity!!

  4. I have this on my wish list so please count me in. I had read the previous review so know that I am looking forward to a good read. Thanks for this chance.

  5. This is on my TBR list, so please include me in the giveaway chance! It sounds just
    wonderful – Jane and Georgette! Thank you.

  6. Congratulations on becoming a published author, Diana!

    Like Ceri, I’ve also seen your book on Amazon recently and put it on my Wish List straight away. It sounds like a good read and to win a copy would be fantastic.

  7. Sounds good. Hadn’t heard of this one before. I’d like to read the paperback. I don’t do e-books.

  8. I love the phrase “obsessed literary stalker”. That’s awesome and so me. Thanks for the giveaway this book sounds great.

    1. Ah, a kindred spirit! It’s not an easy obsession to explain to people 🙂 Good luck, Robyn.

  9. I am sad that it took you so many years in between the start and the finish but so happy that it stuck with you for so long. I was interested from the moment meredith commented on it before. I would so very much love to have a copy of this. I as the others enjoy heyers wit and plots as well as Austen’s classical novels.i do so look forward to reading this.

  10. I have a copy of “Artemisia” and greatly enjoyed reading it. Due to Meredith’s 4.5 stars, I was “prejudiced” to order the book right away and read it immediately upon receipt. I truly hope that Ms Rampton is “proud” of her excellent work, and Meredith is “proud” of her spot on reviews . I like that your characters have lived with you for 20 years. I hope that you have more characters and stories living inside your head that you will share with us!!
    Since I have a copy, please do not include me in the giveaway.

    1. Oh I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed Artemisia as much as I did! I’m really glad I didn’t steer you wrong. 🙂 Yes, I hope we see more from Ms. Rampton too!

    2. Thank you Catherine. I’m thrilled that you enjoyed it so much! I have my next set of characters brewing nicely in my head…more strong women, of all ages. I love strong women 🙂

  11. I love Georgette Heyer. Any comparison to her is quite a compliment. Kudos to D.G. Rampton. I am definitely adding this book to my TBR list.

    1. Thank you Raquel! I hope you think I deserve the compliment when you’ve read Artemisia.

  12. Congratulations, D.G., on moving from creative hobby to a proper career as a writer! You must be so proud to have finally taken the plunge and it will be us readers who will benefit, I’m sure. If you’re being compared to Austen and Heyer, I absolutely must must must read this book.Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.

    1. Thank you, Heather! I must admit I am a little intimidated to be compared to them so directly. They each have their own unique voice which no one can replicate. I hope you find Artemisia to be in their ‘tradition’ and a fun read 🙂

  13. I love Georgette Heyer and Austen. I would love a copy and will add this book to my TBR list.

  14. I am intrigued. Austen + Heyer= awesome!! I can not wait to read “Artemisia” and appreciate the giveaway opportunity.

  15. To be honest, I have not come across your book until Meredith reviewed it. But it sounds like the kind of book I could not resist as I love Regency romance novels, Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer’s books. Congratulations on your success and I hope you will write more lovable stories.

    1. Thank you! I do hope you enjoy it, I certainly enjoyed writing it. I love ‘living’ part of my life in the Regency 🙂

  16. I’d love to read your book, and appreciate the opportunity to win a copy. Beautiful cover, by the way…

    1. Thanks Leslie, I had a wonderful designer. And I was fortunate to get the rights to use such an amazing portrait by Hoppner. His skin tones have the most beautiful glow to them!

  17. My favorite authors are Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer, so I want to read the book.

    As I’m sure Mrs. Rampton knows, Jane Austen started First Impressions many years before it was reworked and published as Pride and Prejudice. Maybe, subconsciously, she took those many years so that she could be more like JA. 😉

    Thanks to you two ladies for the opportunity to win a free copy.

    1. Thanks for the reminder Angela. I had completely forgotten that she spent years reworking it. Well I feel better now 🙂 Still, I hope book number two is a little faster!

  18. I have had this on my wish list since It was reviewed here. Congratulations on being a published author!! Thanks for the giveaway.

  19. Hello, Facebook brought me here and if I’m usually sceptical about what they’re trying to sell me the description was intriguing. Do sign me up for the book give away. Its been a while since I’ve found something good to read.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to check out my novel, Ranjini (I must admit I have similar feelings in regards to internet ads. They seem to follow me from site to site! I hope mine wasn’t annoying). Good luck with winning a copy of Artemisia.

  20. I found this via Goodreads and I’d love to read it! 🙂 Congratulations on eliciting conparisons to your idols; that must be such a lovely feeling!

    1. Thanks Trai. There is a certain amount of basking in the glow of my lovely reviews, but also a good deal of trepidation! You want to keep making people happy and you can only hope that what comes out of you next will be just as good 🙂

  21. This book sounds great and with it taking so long in come to completion it must be spectacular! I really get where you are coming from and it was lovely to read a little about your journey! Thank you Diana and Meredith for the giveaway!

  22. How generous of you, Diana! I love Regency novels and since my favourite author is Jane Austen I’m very curious to read your book! Besides, I’ve recently started to read Georgette Heyer’s work, too, and I love her writing a lot! Thank you for the giveaway and good luck with both your novel and your film! 🙂

    1. Thanks, Maria. Isn’t Georgette Heyer great? I enjoy all her books but my favourite are the more ‘grown up’ romances. I would love to see her taught in English classes! Her research is impeccable.

  23. Fingers crossed! This is on my “read” list after reading the Amazon “sample” – Ms. Rampton has an engaging, quality writing style – one that makes you want to snuggle up in front of the fire with a good glass of “something” and settle in for a good read – a welcome addition to the world of all things Regency!

  24. I’m happy that your characters wouldn’t let you give up on them! I added this to my tbr after Meredith’s review and I look forward to reading it. Thank you for the generous giveaway!

  25. First, congratulations! Artemisia is on my wishlist as well. Georgette Heyer was the first first ‘Regency’ author I ever read many, many years ago. I devoured all her books! So looking forward to doing the same with this one! Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy!

  26. First, thank you for your generosity. A good regency romance is right down the middle of my reading highway! If you like it, Meredith, it has to be that good!

  27. I have already been reading this on my Kindle (81% done 🙂 ), so please don’t enter me in the giveaway. I just wanted to say how much I am enjoying it & to thank you, Meredith, for the recommendation! I hope the winners enjoy it as much & that Ms Rampton writes more soon!

  28. This book sparked my interest when you first reviewed it, Meredith. A little Austen and Heyer…sounds perfect! Thanks for this wonderful giveaway!!:)

  29. Two thumbs up to Diana for many reasons. Most impressive was that you lived with the characters and story for 20 years between starting and finishing the book. They must be comfortable old pals by now. Congrats for the marvelous comparisons to two of my favorite ladies. How wonderful for you and for us readers.

    Meredith, great review, as usual. I, too, check to see what you have written about a story before I decide whether or not to purchase. Thanks for hosting the giveaway and for loving Jane so well. Also, two thumbs up for being a sponsor of the Austen Variations fundraiser. Such a worthy cause.

    1. Please do not enter me in the giveaway. I could not wait. It is now on my tablet waiting to be read.

  30. Ooh, this sounds like a really lovely read! I must confess I stayed up ’til 2 last night finished a Georgette Heyer gem 🙂 These Old Shades, The Devil’s Cub, and The Grand Sophy are all favorites of mine. Can’t wait to put this book on my list!

    Also, congrats to Diana for sticking it out 20 long years to give us this book! I hope the next book doesn’t take another 20 years 😀

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