Winners of the Alias Thomas Bennet Giveaway!!!

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I’d like to thank author Suzan Lauder for stopping by Austenesque Reviews and sharing such an intriguing “deleted scene” with us!  How kind you are to write something special for us, I can’t wait to read  more of Alias Thomas Bennet!!

Also, thank you to Meryton Press for sponsoring a fabulous two-book giveaway!  So happy that some of my readers will be receiving a new book!

Thank you to all of you who stopped by to “meet” Suzan and read her excerpt!!  I hope you enjoyed it!

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners of Suzan Lauders’ Alias Thomas Bennet are…Robyn Brown (paperback) and Laura Hartness (ebook)!!!


Ladies, when it is convenient, email me an address/email address you’d like your book to be sent to!


  1. Congratulations to Robyn and Laura, and I hope you enjoy the book. I’d love to know your reactions! Laura, you may be interested knowing that in the story I’m working on right now, I’ve named Col. Fitzwilliam’s older brother’s wife Laura.

    Thanks to everyone who dropped by and left a comment. Authors really appreciate interactions like that. Have a Happy New Year!

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