Answers + Winners of Love at First Slight Giveaway!

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For those of you who are dying to see the answers to J. Marie Croft’s delightful little matching game, here they are!

But first, I’d like to extend a BIG thank you to Joanne for setting up such a fun diversion and sharing all these amazing images with us!  I know that I will be thinking of them and picture these people and places in my head when I read Love at First Slight!  And thank you for including such a lovely prize package for the winner! (I’m green with envy!)

Also, thank you to Meryton Press for sponsoring a fabulous two-book giveaway!  So happy that some of my readers will be receiving a new book!

Thank you to all of you who participated in this event and took a chance with the matching game!!  We hope you enjoyed it!



A-6. Mrs. Ruth Bingley (Mr. Hurst’s counterpart)


  B-10. As they approached the manor’s façade, Olivia apprised her cousin of its features—specifically the number of panes, how much it had cost to replace casements with sashes, and the estimated taxes on so many windows.

  6  C-11. Ryd Evon (the Widow Devonport’s dog)


  D-7. Sir Lewis de Bourgh (Lady Catherine’s widower)

10  E-2. Clarence Lucas (counterpart to Charlotte Lucas)


  F-4. Charles had not intended to ride in that general direction but soon found Netherfield manor in his line of sight.

 12   G-9. Martin Bennet (Longbourn’s heir but Mary Bennet’s counterpart)


  H-1. More than once did William, in his solitary walks within the Park, unexpectedly meet Elizabeth. At first, he wondered how and why fate brought her to the same unbeaten path he had come to consider his own private sanctuary. The second time it happened, he cursed fate for being perverse and explicitly informed Elizabeth it was his favourite haunt, certain such intimation would prevent further occurrences.


  I-8. As they left the park, a bridle-path led them across a diverse landscape of farms, gently sloping hills, verdant dales, and moorland carpeted in ling heather.


  J-5. Cordelia (William Bennet’s dog)


  K-12. In spring, pasqueflower bloomed on the mount’s slopes, and the purple flowers were believed to grow in locations once saturated with Dane and Roman blood.


L-3. Miss Olivia Collins (original character; sister of William Collins – Hunsford)


  • 12/12 – Sagan Childs
  • 12/12 – Luthien84
  • 12/12 – Ceri
  • 12/12 – Colleen
  • 12/12 – Joana
  • 12/12 – Catherine Commons
  • 12/12 – Meredith
  • 10/12 – Stephanie L. (2, 9)
  • 10/12 – Katrin (5, 11)
  • 10/12 – Oloore (5, 11)
  • 10/12 – Natalie Richards (5, 11)
  • 10/12 – Jo’s Daughter (2, 9)
  • 8/12 – Emily Bell (2, 8, 9, 12)
  • 8/12 – Eva E. (1, 2, 8, 9)

And…without further ado… the randomly selected winner of Joanne’s lovely prize package is…Ceri!!!

And the randomly selected winners of J. Marie Croft’s new release Love at First Slight are…Oloore (paperback) and Colleen (ebook)!!!

Ladies, when it is convenient, please email me your mailing address or preferred email address


  1. Meredith, you promised the answers to the first more difficult matching game. I’m very proud that I was one of the people with the correct answers to the less difficult game!!

  2. Congrats to our three winners! Ceri, your prize will be on its way once I have your address. Oloore and Coleen, I do hope you’ll enjoy LaFS.

    Honourable mention goes to three participants (plus Meredith) who attempted the daunting 26-image version. Nobody correctly matched them all, but both Catherine and Oloore came closest with 21//26. Meredith had 19 right, and Emily had 14.

    My Pinterest board ‘Love at First Slight’ has lots of captioned images, if anyone’s interested in seeing more.

    I forgot to credit three photos used in the game. ‘Netherfield’ (F4) is Greys’ Court, a National Trust estate in Oxfordshire. That picture (as well as H1) was taken by Kevin Tuck, and the pasqueflower one (K12) is by Michael/Christa Richert.

    Thanks to all entrants and commenters. Thank you, Meredith, for being ‘game’ and making Austenesque Reviews a Matchmaking site for a week. It was excessively diverting. 😉

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