Winners of the Darkness Falls Upon Pemberley and BJD Group Watch Giveaways!

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Well isn’t this a fun way to start the week?!?  Time to announce some lucky winners!

Thank you to the lovely and talented Susan Adriani for her visit to Austenesque Reviews, for sharing her exciting and stormy excerpt, and for offering such a wonderful giveaway!

Thank you to all you wonderful readers for stopping by and checking out the posts for our Bridget Jones’s Diary Group Watch.  I know many of you were not able to join in for the actual viewing, but we are so glad many people still popped by to share their thoughts with us!  It is was a blast to share one of my favorite movies with such wonderful friends!

Without further ado…

the winner of Bridget Jones’s Diary is…Sylvia

the winner of Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason is…D Rudy

the winner of Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart is…Lady T

and… the randomly selected winner of Darkness Falls Upon Pemberley is…GabrielFox!!!


Winners, when it is convenient, please email me the mailing address you’d like your book to be sent to!



Your conversation and participation are always welcome; please feel free to "have your share."