10 Terrific Austenesque Stories to Read Around Halloween – Austenesque Top Ten

If you are a reader of this blog, than you might be aware of my great love of making lists.  😉  I thought it would be fun to start making some Top Ten lists for all the different sub-genres and categories of Austenesque literature.  Since Halloween is right around the corner I started with a Top Ten list for my favorite Austenesque novels to read around Halloween!

* These lists are based only on the novels I have read and are MY top ten favorites.

**These lists are subject to change.  


(in alphabetical order)

Bespelling Jane AustenBespelling Jane Austen

Authors: Mary Balogh, Colleen Gleason, Susan Krinard, Janet Mullany

Type of Novel:  Novella, Modern Adaptation, Mature AudiencesParanormal

My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

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“I found this anthology to be well-written, entertaining, and definitely bewitching! Moreover, I would love to see a second Jane Austen paranormal anthology published! I highly recommend!”


Haunting Mr. Darcy

Author: KaraLynne Mackrory

Type of Novel:  Variation, Paranormal

My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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“Written with keen observations, sharp wit, and deep emotions – Haunting Mr. Darcy is the kind of story that enthralls the reader and keeps them captive until the very end (and haunts them all the while in between!)


Holidays with Jane: Trick or Sweet

Authors: Jennifer Becton, Melissa Buell, Rebecca M. Fleming, Cecilia Gray, Jessica Grey, and Kimberly Truesdale

Type of Novel:  Short Story, Modern Adaptation

My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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“It truly is impressive how these authors find such inventive and diverse ways to pay tribute to these Jane Austen’s novels! You don’t need witchcraft to be spellbound by this fantastic and festive collection of Austen-inspired stories! I continue to love each and every one these holiday anthologies! I highly recommend!”


Jane and the Damned

Jane and the Damned

Author: Janet Mullany

Type of Novel:  Paranormal

My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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“Reading Jane and the Damned was a thrilling and adventurous experience! From ambushing and spying on French armies to getting arrested and facing the guillotine, our not-so-dainty-and-delicate-Jane does it all! Ms. Mullany did an adept job of combing true events and people from Jane Austen’s life with French armies and vampires.”


Jane Bites Back_red-_C3E7D4Jane Bites Back

Author: Michael Thomas Ford

Type of Novel: Austen-Inspired Original, Paranormal

My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

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“My favorite aspect of this novel were the two love interests in Jane’s life. One is very Charles Bingley-like, very affable and accepting, while the other is a vampire from her past who is very dark and dangerous. (I personally liked the dark and dangerous one.)”


Jane Goes Batty

Jane Goes Batty

Author: Michael Thomas Ford

Type of Novel: Austen-Inspired OriginalParanormal

My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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“I found to Jane Goes Batty to be a most enthralling and humorous novel, even more so than Jane Bites Back. I loved the new character additions and especially took pleasure in the new conflicts and complications they brought to the story.”




Author: Ola Wegner

Type of Novel: VariationParanormalMature Audiences

My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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“I took great pleasure in reading Moonlighting! The concept was so wholly unique and the plot was full of surprises. With deceptions, marital discord, escape attempts, and plotted kidnappings this novel is a thrilling adventure from start to finish.”



Mr Darcy’s Bite

Author: Mary Simonsen

Type of Novel: VariationParanormal

My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

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“Be not alarmed, dear readers, on reading this novel, by the apprehension of its containing anything gory, monstrous, or violent, which might be repugnant to many an Austenesque reader. It is just a tale about a wealthy and illustrious gentleman, who, because of an unfortunate encounter with a werewolf several years ago, spends two days and nights each lunar cycle as a werewolf roaming the forests and howling at the moon near his ancestral home.”


Nachtstürm Castle

Author: Emily C. A. Snyder

Type of Novel:  Sequel

My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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“Ms. Snyder has produced quite a melodramatic and perfectly “horrid” adventure for our two young heroes, one that wouldn’t be complete without thunderstorms, mistaken identities, and an exhilarating chase sequence. I highly recommend this Northanger Abbey sequel – not only because it is a rollicking good read, but because it is wonderfully well-written and exquisitely captures the spirit of the original!”


The Phantom at PemberleyThe Phantom of Pemberley 

Author: Regina Jeffers

Type of Novel: Sequel, Mystery

My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

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“The Phantom of Pemberley is a brilliant and remarkably well-executed mystery sequel of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Besides having all sorts of intrigue and suspicious incidents, this novel gives us a glimpse of Darcy and Elizabeth’s passionate and harmonious marriage.”


What are some of your favorite Austenesque Halloween reads?

What do you think of my new excuse to make more lists? 😉

**List Updated: October 2017



This is my first Austenesque Top Ten list.  You can find my other Top Ten lists HERE.


  1. Great list, Meredith! There are several on this list I have been wanting to read just haven’t had the time yet. Glad to see they made it to your list though! 🙂 Jane Bites Back has been on my TBR list for some time now.

    1. Thank you, Jakki! I know what you mean! I have some books that might eventually make it onto this list, but I just haven’t had the chance to read them yet! Jane Bites Back was a lot of fun – I greatly enjoyed the first two books in that series! Great for lit lovers!

  2. Firstly, I am a fellow list-lover so I am 100% supportive of any new excuse for a list! Secondly, I think Halloween Austenesque is practically a sub-genre on its own as it would encompass vampires, werewolves, zombies, etc as well as Halloween tales. I’ve read so few of these, although I have some of them. Thanks for the recommendations!

    1. Yay for list-lovers! You know, I resisted this sub-genre for awhile, I didn’t think I would like all these paranormal creatures in my Austen! But apparently I do! I’ve read a lot more paranormal Austenesque than I had realize!

      I’m so glad you found the list helpful!

  3. I’ve read 3 of these (Mr Darcy’s Bite, Pulse & Prejudice and Phantom of Pemberley) and enjoyed them all. I also liked Vampire Darcy’s Desire, All Hallows Eve and The Mysterious Death of Mr Darcy (which is not really paranormal but it is creepy). And I liked Darkness Falls upon Pemberley when it was posting on Austen Authors. I’m way overdue for a spooky Austenesque read!

    1. LOL! Spooky Austenesque is perfect this time of year! I’ve been enjoying Mr. Darcy, Vampyre these last two days. The three (four counting Susan Adriani’s book) you mentioned are ones I haven’t read yet but do want to! They seem like fun reads!

  4. Love lists too! I’ve read five of those and have three others on my TBR pile. I see someone added Amanda George’s vampire book. I would also add Regina Jeffers’ vampire book and Vera’s other paranormal ones. Her Pride and Platypus is more cute then scary. Wendi Sotis has one, All Hallow’s Eve, that I just read about P&P with good and bad spirits in it. Of course there is Susan Adriani’s new vampire one too. So many more…

    1. Yay for lists! I know there is so many! At first I didn’t think I would have read enough to make a “Top Ten” list (which would have been quite funny considering it is my first one!) but apparently I did! I’d love to read Regina’s book as well as Wendi’s and Susan’s.

  5. I don’t think anyone mentioned “Dracula, My Love” by Syrie James. It’s a retelling of Bram Stoker’s Dracula from Mina Harker’s POV. I almost fell in love with Dracula myself after reading it.

    1. Oh I love Syrie’s two vampire novels – Dracula, My Love and Nocturne, Susan! I have read and reviewed both here. Definitely some of my favorites, but I thought it might be best to stay with Austenesque novels for these lists.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts, Susan!

  6. I love this list, Meredith, so they are goods recommendations for me. I have read two of those “Pulse and Prejudice” and “Mr. Darcy’s Bite.” Both are great!!
    Somebody I already have mentioned for Vampire of Reggina, It is marvelous this story. I had so much fear, but I enjoyed it too.
    You are reading Mr. Darcy Vampire. I will be interested for yours comments; I read it last year.

    Thanks for the recommendations!. 😀

    1. Thank you Warmisunqu! I’m glad you enjoyed the post! I’m enjoying Mr. Darcy, Vampyre a lot – definitely a gripping read! I hope I get to read Regina Jeffer’s vampire soon! sounds fun! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  7. Meredith, Thank you for including Mr. Darcy’s Bite. Did you know there was a sequel: Mr. Darcy Bites Back? It’s on sale for .99 through Halloween on Nook and Kindle.

    I love Halloween and dark (but not gory) stories. Thanks for the list.

    1. Loved Mr. Darcy’s Bite! Of course, I had to include it! Yes, I’m a fan of the Halloween stories that are dark, gothic, and maybe include some fangs and fur! 🙂

    1. I noticed yesterday that Mr Darcy’s Bite has a huge discount on The Book Depository too. This was the UK site, not sure if it is discounted in other countries too.

  8. It’s a terrific list! 😉
    I’ve read the reviews and “Moonlighting” seemed to me very intriguing. Mr Darcy a werewolf! Although I think he perfectly fits in a vampire type. I agree that Susan Adriani’s book is perfect for Halloween too and speaking about lists I think you’ll have plenty of lists with so many sub-genres

    1. Thank you, Teresa! I loved seeing Darcy both as a vampire and werewolf – he can be very alpha male. 😉
      Oh yes, there will be plenty more lists for me to make in the future! I look forward to that with great anticipation!

  9. Thank you, Meredith! I had been searching for a good Austenesque Halloween read. Now I just need to pick one 🙂 Nachtstürm Castle sounds great!

    1. Happy Halloween to you Anna! I greatly enjoyed Regina’s The Phantom of Pemberley. I need to catch up with her novels and read The Disappearance of Georgiana Darcy, The Mysterious Death of Mr. Darcy, Vampire Darcy’s Desires – I’m so woefully behind with her!

  10. What a great post and what a BEAUTIFUL blog.

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  11. Id throw my own book, Haunting Mr. Darcy out there for consideration if I thought it had any real spookiness to it. Its jreally just a love story, despite the title. 🙂 _ karaLynne Mackrory

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