Austenesque Agenda for October 2013

Austenesque Agenda

Hello dear readers!  I hope you are all doing well!  September and October seem to be pretty busy months of new releases (or at least new releases in the Austenesque world!)  Here are some Austenesque books that were released last month (in case you were curious!)

The Season of Love Steampunk Darcy Cover MEDIUM WEB The Red Chrysanthemum Holidays at Pemberley Happy Birthday Mr. Darcy

A Fitzwilliam Legacy- Seasonal Disorder Vol One Fitzwilliam Legacy New Year Resolutions Volume Two Betrothed to Mr. DarcyATEOTS14iActing on Faith

And I think we will see even more new releases in October!


Speaking of Austenesque novels…Here is what’s on this month’s

Austenesque Agenda:




Jane Actually Happy_Birthday_Mr_Darcy The Red Chrysanthemum Mr. Darcy, Vampyre


jennifer_Petkus-author-pic Jane Actually 

Jennifer Petkus – October 9th

Monica Fairview Steampunk Darcy Cover MEDIUM WEB

Monica Fairview – October 21st

Linda Beutler The Red Chrysanthemum

Linda Beutler – October 30th

I’m so excited!!  So much going on this month!

What book are you planning to read?


  1. Oh! I can’t keep up with all the new releases! You have some up there that I wasn’t aware of! Thanks for keeping me up to date! 🙂

    I’m currently reading The RED Chrysanthemum.

  2. Hi Meredith! How many austenesque novels!. I´m looking forward to hearing about “Steampunk Darcy” because it seems to belong to the Retro-futurism genre which I like since I read “the golden compass”. It must be very interesting to see Darcy and Elizabeth in such a fantastic world!. Thanks for sharing all these releases with us and Happy October!. In Madrid we have started October with stormy weather, one of the most beautiful atmospheres, at least for austenesque fans!

    1. Hello Teresa! Yes, Steampunk Darcy sounds very interesting! I haven’t read anything (or know anything much about steampunk. 🙂 It will be fun to try something new, though! I love some storms and rain (thunder and lightening too) Perfect for getting under a blanket and reading!

  3. Ooh, good finds Meredith! I noticed a couple of new ones myself last month, first was ‘Mary, Mary, Not So Ordinary’ by S M Klassen, and the other was a novella, ‘Mr Hurst’s Ambition’ by Lynne Scott. I have no idea whether either of these are good, haven’t read them, and with the rate things seem to be coming out Idont think I’ll ever get round to them all, I can’t keep up!

    1. Oh, wow, Ceri! I did not know about those two. I didn’t include every book I found (just a sampling) but those two I had no idea about! I like that they are about minor characters, though. 🙂

    1. I know some readers are probably missing the new and upcoming release widget I had on my old blog a while ago, but truth is I just can’t keep up with all the new releases anymore! But…I think I might try and include some updates with my Austenesque Agenda posts periodically. 🙂

  4. Happy to see Tess Quinn’s 2 Volume Fitzwilliam Legacy among your October offerings; I was a beta editor on both volumes this past summer and am thrilled to see them now in print! Go Tess!

  5. These new books are coming out so fast it is hard to keep up. I am reading Midnight in Austenland now. It is a bit of a Northanger abbey twist on the original Austenland and quite entertaining. It is more mystery than romance but I am enjoying it (even though I don’t prefer mysteries).
    Hopefully fall will provide lots of cozy fireplace times to curl up with a good book!!

    1. Hi Joy! I loved Midnight in Austenland – maybe even a little more than Austenland (which I still haven’t seen – I don’t think it is coming to Wilmington!) 🙁 I thought the mystery was a fun spin. Oh yes, reading in front of a fire sounds lovely – although it still reaches 85 here midday, so might not be doing that any time soon! LOL! For now, I’ll enjoy my hammock while I still can. 🙂

      1. Wow! 80 sounds great. We are having massive rainstorms. I am sorry the movie is not near you. Hopefully it won’t take too long to come out on video. I enjoyed it so much I had to read her other books to spend more time in Austenland!!

        1. Yes it is too bad it isn’t coming to a theatre near here. Mr. Bingley and I were just saying that it seems like months since we’ve gone to see a movie.

          I want to spend more time in Austenland too! I hope she writes more!

  6. Thanks for letting us know new Austenesque titles that are already published, Meredith. I know most of the books but there are a few that are totally new to me.

    I may watch Bridget Jones’s Diary this weekend but not with you gals because the time is not suitable (4am Monday morning for me and I have to work the same day). But I look forward to the guest posts by the three invited authors.

    1. Your welcome, Sylvia! I know we can never seem to find a time that works for everyone when we do these group events! 🙁 The good news is that there will be more then one event this weekend and I think I might possibly be able to save the chat transcript this time (not making any promises!) But I’m using a different chat plug-in that is available here on wordpress. 🙂

  7. Wow, that’s a lot of titles released last month. It could be a full time job keeping up with all that reading. Fortunately for all of us, we have you, lovely Meredith, to read and review all these titles so we know what’s up and coming and what we need to dash out and read right away. Thank you thank you thank you!

    Who knows that to read this month! *throw hands up in the air* Too many choices!

    Also, I empathaize about missing Austenland. It was near me for 1 week only and I missed it 🙁 Guess I’ll add it to the Netflix queue. DH won’t want to watch it with me, but when I tell him it’s either that or P&P 95, I’m sure he’ll pick Austenland so he doesn’t have to “watch that stuck up Englishman jump in the lake again” (his words, not mine!)

    1. It seriously would be, Heather! I’m afraid I just can’t read and review fast enough to keep up! You are so sweet, Heather! I hope you will always find my reviews helpful!

      *snort* too funny about your DH! That’s such an “accurate” description of P&P 95. LOL! Mr. Bingley was planning on seeing Austenland in the theatre with me if it ever came here, so I plan on taking him up on his offer when it comes out on Redbox! 😀

  8. Oh so many books to add to the pile! I really want to read Tess Quinn’s set, and Steampunk Darcy catches my eye. I’m just SOOOO far behind because of school I feel like I could do nothing but read and still not be caught up. LOVE LOVE all the Austenesque additions though. Makes my world go ’round. I may have to look up the two mentioned by the PP because I love the minor character focus books as well.

    1. I sometimes feel like I could never get tired of reading, don’t you Stephanie? It has been raining all week and I just want to curl under a blanket and read for a couple hours, but all I’ve been able to grab are snatches of 15 minutes!

      Yes! I love how many books and new ideas are coming out! Thank you authors!!

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