Winners of the Blog Move Giveaway!!!

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Thank you to all my sweet and wonderful readers for finding my new blog, giving me kind words of encouragement, and entering my triple giveaway!!!  I’m so glad you found my blog’s new home welcoming and attractive!  Hopefully it is easy to use too!

I’m so happy to give away these three lovely novels that I enjoyed over the past two years.  Hopefully they will bring you as much enjoyment as they brought me!

Without further ado…the randomly selected winners of my Blog Move Giveaway are…

Mariam ~~~ Definitely Not Mr. Darcy

Jennifer Leiker ~~~ The Phantom of Pemberley

Jeffrey Ward ~~~ Only Mr. Darcy Will Do 


Winners, when it is convenient, please email me your addresses. 🙂

Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. gniii *__* yeah !!! I am so delighted !!
    thank you so much !!!
    congratulation to jennifer Leiker and Jeffrey Ward 🙂
    I just sent you my address 🙂

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