Welcome to Our New Home!

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It looks like you had a safe journey across the blogsphere to Austenesque Reviews’ new home and I bid you a warm welcome!!  I hope the journey wasn’t too much of an inconvenience for you!

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If you’d like to make sure you can easily find and follow Austenesque Reviews in the future you can:

I hope you enjoy the new decor and layout (thanks to the extremely talented and patience Angie Kroll!)

Feel free to look around and explore!  With the 500+ posts that were moved over, I have spent many hours  reformatting all the texts and altering all the links.  And you will find all 9000+ comments have made the move safely!  In addition, I’ve implemented a lot of changes with the drop down menus (I love me some organization!)

I thought it would be fun to celebrate this momentous move with a TRIPLE GIVEAWAY!!!  I appreciate all of you for following me through this move and I apologize for any inconvenience!


Definitely not Mr. DarcyThe Phantom at PemberleyOnly Mr. Darcy Will Do

I thought it would be fun to do a giveaway based on three different types of novels I often read and review: Austen-Inspired Originals, Sequels, and Variations!  To be entered to win one of these lovely prizes, please leave a comment below and fill out the rafflecopter form!

  • This giveaway is open to residents worldwide!
  • This giveaway will end July 15th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*If you have any questions about the blog move, I’d be happy to answer them!  Many factors came into this decision like the terrible spam comments I kept getting on Blogger, wanting a site that had more customization and organization options, and wanting to shorten my url to AustenesqueReviews.com.


    1. Thank you, Leslie! I’m so excited to finally make the move official! It has been kept secret for so many weeks!

  1. Congrats on a successful move! It looks great – always nice when you can customize to get what you want.

    Good fortune to you here (without the spam trolls) –

    1. Thank you, Tess! I’m so happy to move away from the spam trolls! They were getting a little too comfortable in my old blog!! 😉

    1. Thanks, Abigail! It felt so good to turn off comments on the old blog and not worry about readers catching any that I missed!

  2. Congratulations on your new site! Things look great and I’m sure it won’t take long for it to feel just like home.

    I’m looking forward to commenting on your lovely site from my iPhone, which was always impossibility on the blogger site for some odd reason. But this works a whole lot better for me, so thanks 😉

    1. Thank you, Heather! That’s awesome that this site is easier for you to comment on your iphone! I didn’t know that blogger had issues with that! Another perk for WP! 🙂

    1. Thank you, Sylvia! I’m very happy with how they all came out! I appreciate your kind words!

    1. Thank you, Kara! So far, things are going smoothly… 🙂 LOL! I’m guess you already have a copy of Only Mr. Darcy Will Do?!? 😀

  3. The new site looks wonderful, Meredith!!! I love how you’ve got it set up, although I do miss that beautiful purply-blue background… but the pink works too!! 😉 LOL I love the wedding photo you posted… just beautiful!! Congratulations on the new site & as always, thank you for everything you do for all of us Austenesque fans!! And…. thank you, too, for the giveaway!!

    1. LOL! I did like the blue, too! But it’s fun to change things up once in awhile! Thank you for all your kind words! 🙂 I’m so very happy to be a part of this community and surrounded by such lovely readers, authors, and friends!

  4. I love your new website. Really beautiful and lovely. Well done! Thank you for this magnificent giveaway. My birthday is tomorrow so maybe I will be lucky.

  5. Happy Moving Day! Amazing you could move everything including the comments. Job well done

    1. Thank you, Jennifer! I don’t think I would have made the move if it meant I’d loose all my comments or lose my posts!

  6. Looks good, lady! It sounds like it was a LOT of work to move everything over but I hope you will like it (and I guess I’ll have to stop spamming you now – lol 😛 )

    1. LOL! Monica! Quit spamming! I’m already very satisfied and happy I made the move! Hopefully things will continue to run smoothly!

  7. Hooray! Sometimes change is good. No spam is also an enviable improvement. I’ve recently enjoyed the wonders of the Austen Admirers App, and I’m glad you have taken the opportunity to be a part of it.

    1. Thank you, Amanda! Yes I’m excited about the new look and learning the new format! I’m so glad you are enjoying the Austen Admirers App! It’s a great resource! 🙂

  8. Welcome home, sorta….What you read and the reviews you publish are spot-on. Here’s hoping you have a ‘traffic jam’ on the new website! Always like to participate in a generous give-away….

    1. Thank you, Jeffery, for all your kind words! I greatly enjoy reading your reviews and hearing your thoughts on the books we read! 🙂

  9. New site looks great–added a new bookmark and subscribed for the regular updates. Really looking forward to that!

    1. Thank you, Regina! I’m so glad you are wanting to stay updated with this blog! That makes me super excited!

  10. This looks great, Meredith! Congrats on the migration over to WordPress–it’s worth it for the spam filter alone. Now I just need to remember to add the new site to my feedly when I get home tonight.

    1. Thank you, Nancy! I appreciate you sharing your opinion about wordpress with me way back in March! Hearing so many people say it works for them better than blogger, was very encouraging and helped me make my decision! 🙂

  11. Hello, your new blog looks lovely and I like the Victorian paper background !
    I wish you all the best with this new location for Janeites )

    1. Hello Mariam! Thank you, it was a lot of fun looking for background papers – so many great ones to choose from! Thank you for the kind wishes!

      1. indeed there are so many beautiful background the internet that it is hard to choose, I also wish you to enjoy your trip to Seattle tough I cannot advice you any place since I am a European girl did not visited the American continent yet

  12. Yay!! Welcome to your new home. It´s looks wonderful! Confortable and welcoming. Great job moving, Meredith!! I´m really excited what you have planned here in the future 🙂

    1. Thank you, Kirsten! I was super excited about the drop down menus! I had a blast working on those!

  13. Of course I’ll follow your new blog! It’ s a beautiful way of starting Vacations. Congratulations for the “new home”.

    1. Thank you, Teresa! One of my main concerns about moving my blog was fear of losing some of my readers! I’m so glad so many were able to follow me over!

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