Winners of the Bluebells in the Mourning and A Weekend with Mr. Darcy Giveaway!!!

Three lucky winners are being announced today!

Thank you to Meryton Press for allowing me to host a double giveaway for Bluebells in the Mourning!! I know a lot of my readers are interested in reading this one, and I’m so happy that I can give away two copies of it on my blog!!!

And thank you Velvet of vvb32 Reads for hosting and organizing a Jane Austen Giveaway Hop!  It was so much fun and greatly enjoyed meeting new people and checking out new blogs!

Thank you to everyone who entered both giveaways and for all the support! As always, your conversation and time is greatly appreciated!!!

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners of KaraLynne Mackrory’s Bluebells in the Mourning are… Suzan (paperback) and Kristia (ebook)!

and…the randomly selected winner of A Weekend with Mr. Darcy by Victoria Connelly is… Jo’s Daughter!!

Ladies, when it is convenient, please email me your mailing address or preferred email address @ merry816[at]aol[dot]com!


  1. Are you kidding me I won “Bluebells”? Whoohoo. I am so excited. I just read a sample on my kindle and I’ve been so eager. Oh thank you so very much! I’ll get my address to you right away. You made my day…it was very stressful. Perfect.

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