Winner of the Second Glances + Elegant Extracts Giveaways!!!

I’d like to extend a big thank you to Alexa Adams for so kindly sending me a copy of Second Glances to review and for giving me the very special opportunity to give away ONE lovely copy of Second Glances to my readers!! I adored this Kitty-centric sequel to First Impressions!   It was such a pleasure to collaborate with you on your guest post here and learn which Jane Austen quotes inspired your novel and characters!

Thank you to all of you who stopped by to read my review and shared your favorite Pride and Prejudice quote for our “Elegant Extracts” booklets!  It was interesting to see what everyone’s favorite quotes were, some quite different from what I may have expected!

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners of a lovely booklet of “Elegant Extracts” compiled be the readers of Austenesque Reviews are… Beth W. and traveler!!!

The randomly selected winner of a lovely booklet of “Elegant Extracts” and a paperback of Second Glances is… Amy B.!!!

Ladies, when it is convenient, please email me your addresses so I can pass it along to Alexa!


  1. I’ve been out of town, so just saw this. Thank you so much, Meredith and Alexa. I’m excited & grateful!

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