Winners of the Austenesque ARC Giveaway!!!

Thank you all, for the wonderful response to this giveaway contest!  I’m so happy my once-read ARC’s are finding new homes!  I am so happy to do things like this here to express my gratitude for all the kind support and friendship my readers give me!  I expect that my bookshelf will need to be cleaned in about six months or so (maybe sooner) and I will host another ARC giveaway then!

Without further ado…

the winner of What Would Mr. Darcy Do? is…Oloore

the winner of My Jane Austen Summer  is…mljcwsu

the winner of Pemberley Ranch is…Chelsea K.

the winner of Jane Austen: A Life Revealed is…petite

the winner of A Weekend with Mr. Darcy is…Roxey

And…the winner of the thirty-page excerpt of Miss Jane Austen’s Guide to Modern Life’s Dilemmas is…Patricia Finnegan

Winners, when it is convenient, please email me your addresses!  (Merry816 AT



Your conversation and participation are always welcome; please feel free to "have your share."