Austenesque ARC Giveaway #3!

Yesterday I spent a couple blissful hours cleaning/reorganizing my bookcase.  As a person who would happily spend hours organizing closets, shelves, and drawers AND as a person who loves to be surrounded by books, you might say that this activity felt more like an indulgence than an actual chore!

And while I was rearranging my books…I found I had some doubles!

As I’ve told you in previous ARC giveaways, even though the ARCs I receive are in such nice condition and usually include a gorgeous cover picture, I like to own the real thing and eventually purchase copies for myself…(I know, sounds a little crazy)

In the past, I’ve been so happy to give away my ARCs here and help them find new homes.  Today, to celebrate my newly organized bookcase and as a way to say thank you for all the wonderful supporters and followers of this blog, I’d like to host a giveaway for 5 ARCs that I have recently replaced with official releases in my library.  All five books have been gently used, bindings in tact, and the pages are clean.

See anything you like?  I know receiving a once-read ARC isn’t as exciting as receiving a brand new release, but perhaps someone out there is interested in owning one of these…

What Would Mr. Darcy Do?

My Jane Austen Summer

Pemberley Ranch

Jane Austen: A Life Revealed

A Weekend with Mr. Darcy

GIVEAWAY TIME!!!!! If you are interested in winning one of these lovely ARCs for yourself, just leave a comment indicating which book you’d prefer to win!  I will randomly select a winner for each book.

  • To save your inbox from unwanted spam, please leave your email address with an [at] instead of @.
    • (You could also leave a Twitter handle or Facebook username instead).
  • The giveaway is open worldwide!
  • This giveaway ends February 25th.
(You can enter this giveaway for one book, two books, or all five!)


  1. Thanks for the giveaway! What Would Mr. Darcy Do, My Jane Austen Summer and Jane Austen: A Life Revealed are all on my (extensive) reading list – I would love a chance to win one of those!

    Thanks again!


  2. Ooo! I have read almost all of these- but not “A Weekend with Mr. Darcy” which sounds delightful (in so many ways.) What a great give-away!
    tarafinlay at gmail dot com

  3. Thank you, Meredith, for the chance to win these books. I would like to have My Jane Austen Summer and Jane Austen: A Life Revealed as I don’t own both books.


  4. I would love a chance to win Jane Austen: A Life Revealed. I have not seen that one.


    felicialso @gmail. com

  5. Hi hi! Yay ARCs! I’m interested in either My Jane Austen Summer or A Weekend with Mr. Darcy.
    Thanks bunches for sharing the wealth. (I’ve always loved reorganizing my bookshelf too.)
    reichanam at gmail dot com

  6. Can I choose D) any of the above? 🙂 Pemberly Ranch or My Jane Austen Summer sound the most fun to me.
    I LOVE once-read ARCS….previously-loved books always have the best attitude, and passing an ARC to someone is giving them an experience that not everyone who reads the finished book gets.
    Thanks for this, and have fun organizing whatever else is left to organize!

  7. My first choice would be What Would Mr. Darcy Do? Or I’d take Pemberley Ranch or My Jane Austen Summer.

    I already have A Weekend With Mr. Darcy. It’s a good book. I’ll have to read more of her books.


  8. I love to organize too….
    and I have none of these books..
    so I will take any of them..
    Stephanie AT lucasaaron_5297)AT(yahooDOTcom

  9. Nice to know I am not the only one who re-organizes book shelves. I would like Pemberley Ranch. Gordon pricebooks at

  10. Thank you for the giveaway, it’s a great idea! I would like all the books, except What Would Mr Darcy Do? and Pemberley Ranch. Crossing my fingers!
    nehlee at hotmail dot com

  11. Aye, it’s always fun to re-arrange your books and bookshelves:) Thank you for holding great giveaway while doing this!
    Please enter me for Abigail Reynolds’ What would Mr.Darcy Do.

    oloore at gmail dot com

  12. Thanks for the giveaway!
    I would love to win any of them but this is my preference order with “What Would Mr. Darcy Do?” being my top choice.

    What Would Mr. Darcy Do?
    Pemberley Ranch
    My Jane Austen Summer
    A Weekend with Mr. Darcy
    Jane Austen: A Life Revealed


  13. Thanks for the great giveaway!
    I would love to win either “What Would Mr. Darcy Do?” or “Pemberley Ranch”.


  14. Thanks for the fantastic giveaway!
    I’d love to enter for any of: What Would Mr. Darcy Do?, My Jane Austen Summer, or Jane Austen: A Life Revealed

    nicolerjlapierre [at] gmail [dot] com

  15. Thank you for sharing you books! I haven’t read those and would be thrilled with any of them, but if I had to pick one, I’ll go with A Weekend with Mr. Darcy.


  16. Thank you so much for passing on your ARCs! I will pass them on, too, but, what exactly does ARC mean? Already Read C? ummm.. Already Read (with)Chocolate?
    As for which, surprises are good!
    jrmwmo at yahoo dot com

    1. LOL! I love your possible ARC meanings! 🙂 I’m afraid the real meaning may not be as exciting though – Advanced Reviewer Copy. Meaning these aren’t the final copies of the book, but the uncorrected proofs that are sent to the author and reviewers before the publishing date.

  17. I am in love with your blog! I cannot wait to read all of your reviews… especially the reviews in which you gave 5 stars! 🙂 I would be absolutely thrilled with any of these wonderful books! It is so kind of you to think to do something like this! Thanks so much!

    My email address is: kimberly[at]brekke[dot]me

  18. I follow you on Goodreads and definitely take note of your reviews in choosing what next Austen novel should I read! 😛 Am interested in getting PEMBERLEY RANCH! Jack Caldwell was very impressive in the Reader’s Choice (Bennet Brother) in AustenAuthors! 😀 ]]

    My email is

  19. Hooray for Advance Reading Copies! I’m grateful for all those publishers who are eager to catch your interest 🙂 You’re very generous for wanting to send them to a good home.

    I’d love to read either What Would Mr. Darcy Do or Pemberley Ranch.

    Thank you, Meredith.


  20. Thank you Meredith for this opportunity! I own two of these books and I’d love to win one of the others! This is my wishlist:
    -Jane Austen: A Life Revealed
    -Pemberley Ranch
    -What Would Mr. Darcy Do?


  21. Meredith, thank you for giving away copies of your books to share with other Austenesque fans! I would dearly love a copy of Pemberley Ranch please, as I have heard such good reviews about it!

  22. I’ll gladly take any of them off your hands, I’m especially interested in My Jane Austen Summer.
    mljcwsu at yahoo dot com

  23. ooh, Jane Austen a Life Revealed, please! Thank you so much for this. Thanks so muhc for having a giveaway! (previous entry deleted because I forgot my eamil! Bettieleetwo @ Yahoo dot com

  24. Oh wow, that´s a great list of books to give away. Thank you for offering them to us, Meredith!
    I´d love to enter for What Would Mr. Darcy Do?, My Jane Austen Summer, Pemberley Ranch and
    Jane Austen: A Life Revealed. Haven´t read them yet but would looove to!

    I have Victoria Connellys A Weekend with Mr. Darcy at home and really really enjoyed it! So for everyone not yet knowing this book – read it!

    kewinkler at gmail dot com

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