Austenesque Agenda for February 2013

Austenesque Agenda

Today Mr. Bingley and I are en route back to our little home in Wilmington, North Carolina.  We have thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful, exciting, and adventurous country of Colombia these past two weeks.  It has been a fantastic and blissful trip (which you will hear more about in a couple days), but both Mr. Bingley and I are looking forward to returning to our lives and (I can’t believe I’m saying this) our jobs!

In addition, we are both looking forward to returning to our hobbies!  Mr. Bingley to his Minecraft and Youtube channel, me to my Austenesque reading, reviewing, and blogging.  I feel like I’ve missed so much in the Austen blogging community while I was gone with the 200th Anniversary of Pride and Prejudice and everything.  I hope everyone enjoyed celebrating this special day!

Thank you so much to everyone who stopped by and read my posts these past few weeks!  It was so nice to come back to the hotel each night, check my phone, and see the kind and encouraging comments left on my blog!  I’ve missed you all these last two weeks, thank you so much for all the support and love!

While I have been able to read a lot during our vacation…I’ve sort’ve taken a vacation from writing reviews and need to catch up!  So that’s the plan for me this first half of the month! Then I hope to make some progress with the Pride and Prejudice Bicentenary Challenge!


Speaking of reading and reviewing, here is what’s on this month’s
Austenesque Agenda:



What about you?  

What is the next Austenesque novel you plan on starting?


    1. Oh, Sophia! I am so enjoying getting back in our routine, our home, our jobs! We are so blessed! Today was devoted to business paperwork and laundry! I hope you enjoy Jennifer Becton’s Charlotte – I thought it was great!

  1. Looking forward to your review of Austensibly Ordinary! That’s next up for me on my TBR after I finish a re-read of the original P&P. I just finished a couple of variations that left me disappointing, so I’m refreshing!

    1. Hopefully I will get it posted tomorrow, Nicole! And hope to re-read P&P this year, too! Btw – I definitely didn’t find Austenibly Ordinary disappointing! 🙂

  2. I really liked Falling for Mr. Darcy by KaraLynne Mackrory, so have fun reading it! My next book will be Mr. Darcy’s forbidden love by Brenda J. Webb. I really liked her first book, so I hope this one is equally interesting!

    1. I can’t wait to read Falling for Mr. Darcy – I’ve heard so many good things about it! I haven’t read any books by Brenda Webb yet, hope you enjoy it!

  3. So happy that you’re back safe and sound. It sounds like you and Mr. Bingley had a lovely time! I look forward to seeing some pictures and hearing all about it.

    I’m reading Sharon Lathan’s Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy. Yeah, I know, I’m late to the party 🙂

    1. Thank you, Heather! We are so happy to return to our home, lives, and jobs! Hoping to prepare a post for next week!

      I’m even later then you – I haven’t read any book in that series yet, I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

  4. Welcome back, Meredith. I missed your reviews so hope you’ll catch up on posting them.

    I have just started Happily Ever After by Susannah Fullerton and loving every bit of it. Hope you will get the chance to read her book to compare notes. The US title is Celebrating Pride and Prejudice.

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