Winners of the Legacy Giveaway!!!

I’d like to extend a big thank you to Robin Helm for sending me a review copy of Legacy!  Having loved and admired each book in Ms. Helm’s brilliant and inspiring The Guardian Trilogy, I sincerely hope she has many more novels to gift this genre!  I also am most delighted to have had the opportunity to host a double giveaway of The Guardian Trilogy for my readers!  Thanks again, Robin!

Thank you to all of you who stopped by to read my review!!! I hope you all get a chance of reading The Guardian Trilogy for yourself!

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners that get to choose one novel from Robin Helms’ The Guardian Trilogy are…  Eva (paperback) and Sylvia (ebook)!!!

Ladies, when it is convenient, please email your mailing address or email address AND which book you’d like to receive to Merry816[at]!!


  1. Dear Meredith — Personally, I cannot believe all the gaga reviews over Ms. Helms’ trilogy. Thank goodness I read the excerpt which Amazon provides! It promotes a very ignorant view of Christian theology, which I realize that a percentage of people do ascribe, as well as their so-called ministers who have not had decent theological training. I realize that you may decide not to publish ths comment, which is your right. I also do not like Austenalia, like Lathan’s, which is too sexualized. Basically, I do not like Austen being used for someone’s agenda, whatever it may be.

  2. Thank you for all you do for authors, Meredith. I really appreciate the work you put into your reviews.

    Congratulations, ladies!

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