Winners of the Austenesque Author Spotlight Giveaways!!!

What a joy it was to have four accomplished and gracious authors stop by Austenesque Reviews to celebrate their new releases this past month!  I loved learning about your the history, gossip, modernization, or passion in your novels and with you the very best with their releases!

I’d like to thank Regina, Shannon, Karen, and Linda for taking time to compose interesting and thoughtful guest posts and for providing such lovely prizes for me to give away!

To my dear readers, thank you so much for your participation this month and for showing these authors so much love and support!  The Austenesque crowd is such a great group of people!

Without further ado… here are the randomly selected winners:

  •  of  Regina Jeffers’ The Disappearance of Georgiana DarcyAngieK
    • since Angie just informed me that she already has Regina’s book, the new randomly selected winner is… Samantha McNulty
  • of Shannon Winslow’s For Myself Alone (paperback)… Margay
  • of  Shannon Winslow’s For Myself Alone (ebook)… Amy B.
  • of Shannon Winslow’s For Myself Alone (ebook)… Faith Hope Cherrytea
  • of Karen M. Cox’s Find Wonder in All ThingsSuzan
  • of Linda Berdoll’s The Ruling PassionJakki. L
  • of Linda Berdoll’s The Ruling PassionA Scattering
Winners, when it is convenient, please email your mailing address/email address @merry816[at]aol[dot]com



  1. I am so excited! thrilled to be a winner! I am certainly looking forward to reading Karen’s book. Thank you Karen and thank you Meredith for this wonderful opportunity.

  2. I also want to say thanks to Meredith & the authors/publishers for their generosity! I am looking forward to my new book!

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