As some of you know, bloggers are often asked if they would like a review copy of a specific book in exchange for a fair and honest review.  Recently I was asked by Sourcebooks if I was interested in reading some fabulous new Austenesque novels that will be released April 2011.  I chose What Would Mr. Darcy Do? by Abigail Reynolds and Wickam’s Diary by Amanda Grange.

A funny thing happened though, the lovely people at Sourcebooks accidentally sent me two copies of each book instead of one!  Since Sourcebooks said not to send them back, I get to share my good fortune with you, my lovely readers!!!

**Keep in mind these are Advanced Reviewer Copies, they are not what appears on the shelves.  This means you will see a glossier cover and might find some uncorrected errors.  The nice thing is that they look so gorgeous it is almost hard to tell they are not the final product!

Here are some pictures I took of what the ARCs look like:

GIVEAWAY TIME!!!!!  If you are interested in winning one of these terrific ARCs for yourself, just leave a comment indicating which book you’d like to win, with your email address!  I will randomly select a winner for each book.

– You can enter for one book or for both!

– This giveaway is open internationally

This giveaway will end February 23rd.  BEST OF LUCK and thank you for entering! 


  1. that’s amazing, i would love “What Would Mr. Darcy Do?” by Abigail Reynolds 🙂

    simplesmenteoutro @ hotmail . com

  2. Wow ! Great for us that the publisher made a mistake.

    I would like either of the books but if I had to pick it would be Wickham’s Diary.

    Thanks for opening the giveaway to worldwide entries.

    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

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