Winner of the Darcy’s Voyage Giveaway

I’d like to extend a big thank you to Kara Louise for her kindness and willingness to participate in this interview!  Having you answer my questions about Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, and your beautiful novel, Darcy’s Voyage was a wonderful privilege and honor!

In addition, I would like to thank Danielle at Sourcebooks for providing this wonderful opportunity. I loved reading Darcy’s Voyage and I am very excited to be giving TWO gorgeous copies of it away!

Lastly, thank you to all of you who stopped by to read this interview!  I hope you found it informative and interesting!

Without further ado… the two winners of Darcy’s Voyage by Kara Louise are… Marcie of To Read or Not to Read and Shanna Sandmoen of Existing’s Tricky!!!

Didn’t win??  You still have 2 days left to enter my Blogiversary Giveaway of Jane Austen: An Illustrated Treasury


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