The Winner of The Darcy Cousins Giveaway

I would like to say a BIG thank you to Monica Fairview for her wonderful participation in this interview. It was such a pleasure and great honor to have her here once again on Austenesque Reviews!

In addition, I would like to thank Danielle at Sourcebooks for providing this wonderful opportunity. I loved reading The Darcy Cousins and I am very excited to be giving TWO gorgeous copies of it away!

Lastly, I would like to thank all of you who have commented and entered this giveaway. It has been a pleasure hearing your thoughts about which characters you would like to see featured in a sequel! I, myself would love to see more of Kitty Bennet, who was mentioned here frequently, and Colonel Fitzwilliam, who was not mentioned.  I am so thankful that hosting this giveaway has brought some new visitors to my blog! I would like to sincerely welcome these new followers and I hope you will feel inclined to come back again!

Without further ado… the two winners of The Darcy Cousins by Monica Fairview are… Julia Ergane and Casey of The Bookish Type!!!!!

Ladies be sure to email me @ with your addresses so we can get the books out to you ASAP!

Didn’t win??  You can enter a giveaway for The Darcy Cousins at these two wonderful blogs, plus read two awesome interviews with the lovely Monica Fairview!

Austenprose – Giveaway ends April 23rd

The Burton Review – Giveaway ends April 30th

**You don’t need to wait long for another giveaway on Austenesque Reviews since tomorrow I will be interviewing Skylar Hamilton Burris, author of Conviction, and she brings with her a signed copy of Conviction to giveaway to one of my wonderful readers!


  1. Congratulations, Kasey and Julia! I hope you enjoy The Darcy Cousins, and many thanks again to Meredith for hosting me here and giving me the chance to hear what you’re all interested in reading.

  2. WOW!! I am definitely looking forward to getting this in my mailbox!!!
    Yes, Kitty is such an over-looked character! I think she is definitely redeemable as she is a follower of her younger sister, Lydia. Mary also needs to learn not to be so judgmental!

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