Cover Reveal of Nine Ladies!!!

Cover Reveal of Nine Ladies!!!

Hi readers! It has been such an exciting month for cover reveals! Authors have been keeping busy in 2020 and are giving readers so much to anticipate in 2021! 🥰  Today, I am happy to welcome back author Heather Moll […]

The Heiress – Molly Greeley + GIVEAWAY!!!

The Heiress – Molly Greeley + GIVEAWAY!!!

The Raw and Real Reclamation of Anne de Bourgh Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author TYPE OF NOVEL: Secondary character story, Pride and Prejudice sequel featuring Anne de Bourgh THE PREMISE: For 29 years Anne […]

The Longbourn Quarantine – Don Jacobson

The Longbourn Quarantine – Don Jacobson

A Perilous Pox Plagues Pride and Prejudice Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author TYPE OF NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Variation novella THE PREMISE: A small pox pandemic is running rampant throughout England, and the Darcy […]