Mrs. Bates of Highbury – Allie Cresswell

Mrs. Bates of Highbury – Allie Cresswell

A Spotlight on A Beloved Highbury Family Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author TYPE OF NOVEL: Prequel to Emma, Alternate POV TIME FRAME: Begins 30 years before Jane Austen’s Emma SYNOPSIS: In Jane Austen’s Emma […]

Interview with Karen Cox and Emily Rahm!!!

Interview with Karen Cox and Emily Rahm!!!

Hi friends!! I hope you are enjoying a great weekend! I am very excited to welcome back author Karen Cox to Austenesque Reviews today! Karen is gearing up to release an audiobook for her lovely Emma retelling –  I Could Write […]

I Could Write a Book – Karen M. Cox

I Could Write a Book – Karen M. Cox

A Thoughtful and Reverent Retelling of Emma Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author While she may be “handsome, clever, and rich,” Emma Woodhouse finds herself living a life not entirely of her own choosing. In […]