Interview + Giveaway with Author Ann Mychal

Interview + Giveaway with Author Ann Mychal

Hello dear readers, today Austenesque Reviews is paid a visit from a lovely new author, Ann Mychal, who just published a novel based on Jane Austen’s unfinished fragment, The Watsons, titled Emma and Elizabeth.  Ann has been kind enough to answer some […]

Emma and Elizabeth – Ann Mychal

Emma and Elizabeth – Ann Mychal

A Compelling and Captivating Rendition of The Watsons Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher Upon seeing the title of this book you might first assume that it is a fascinating and brilliant mash-up of Emma […]

Follies Past – Melanie Kerr

Follies Past – Melanie Kerr

A Tale of Three Heroines Prior to Pride and Prejudice  Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher In this charming and praiseworthy debut novel, author Melanie Kerr pens a prequel to Pride and Prejudice that surprisingly […]

Ask Eleanor – Laura Briggs and Sarah Burgess

Ask Eleanor – Laura Briggs and Sarah Burgess

Inspired by Sense and Sensibility, But with Quite A Few Twists Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Authors In their latest collaboration, Ask Eleanor, authors Laura Briggs and Sarah Burgess pen a contemporary tale about two […]