Spotlight Saturday – #3

Spotlight Saturday – #3

On behalf of Team Austenesque, I’d like to welcome you to AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA, a month-long CELEBRATION of AUSTENESQUE novels and authors! Today’s Austenesque Event is… Today we have three VERY special Ardent Admirers who share with you their LOVE of Jane Austen and Austenesque literature!  We hope you enjoy […]

Ardent Admirer – Anna

Ardent Admirer – Anna

An Ardent Admirer Survey What is the first Austenesque novel you ever read? Either Mr. Darcy’s Diary by Amanda Grange or Me and Mr. Darcy by Alexandra Potter, and I think it was way back in 2007.  I remember being surprised that there was […]

Ardent Admirer – Heather

I used to keep my Austenesque books in a drawer, but after I won a few giveaways, they suddenly no longer fit. So then I stacked them on the top of a bookcase, spines facing towards the wall. That worked […]

Ardent Admirer – Rebecca

Ardent Admirer – Rebecca

Austenesque Bookspine Poetry Hi everyone! I’m so excited to share a bit of my Jane Austen story with y’all. When Meredith put out the call for contributors, I had a brilliant idea for showcasing my collection of Austenesque reads: bookspine […]