Winners of the Alias Thomas Bennet Giveaway!!!

Winners of the Alias Thomas Bennet Giveaway!!!

I’d like to thank author Suzan Lauder for stopping by Austenesque Reviews and sharing such an intriguing “deleted scene” with us!  How kind you are to write something special for us, I can’t wait to read  more of Alias Thomas […]

Winner of the Holidays at Pemberley Giveaway!

Winner of the Holidays at Pemberley Giveaway!

I’d like to extend a big thank you to Alexa Adams for so kindly visiting Austenesque Reviews once again while on blog tour!  What a happy conclusion to your charming Tales of Less Pride and Prejudice series!  What a treat it was […]

Winner of the Project Darcy Giveaway!!!

Winner of the Project Darcy Giveaway!!!

A big thank you goes to Jane Odiwe for so kindly stopping by Austenesque Reviews on her very busy blog tour!  It was such a delight to share a charming and enticing excerpt from Project Darcy!  I know you all […]