Visually Appealing and Informative Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Source: Purchased If you are a long-time reader of this blog then you may already know that I am slowly working my way through reading annotated editions of Jane Austen’s […]

Jane Austen Book Blog
Devoted to the reading, reviewing, and celebrating of all things Austenesque!
Visually Appealing and Informative Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Source: Purchased If you are a long-time reader of this blog then you may already know that I am slowly working my way through reading annotated editions of Jane Austen’s […]
An Incomplete Continuation? Rating: 3 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher This review ended up being very timely as the Sanditon miniseries just finished airing in the US this past Sunday and I’m sure many of us […]
Managing One’s Meddlesome Relations! Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Purchased It is always regrettable when a great author, composer, or artist leaves an unfinished work, especially when that work has the potential to become a beloved masterpiece. Jane […]
Seaside Speculations and a Scrutinizing Look at Sanditon Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher OVERVIEW: With the new eight-part period-drama adaptation written by screenwriter Andrew Davies coming out this supremely elegant, informative hardcover edition of […]