I am very excited to welcome Lisa Pliscou, author of a soon-to-be published biography of Jane Austen titled, Young Jane Austen, to Austenesque Reviews today. Lisa is here to chat about her writing, Jane Austen, and her new release. Lisa, […]
Dearest Friends – Pamela Lynne
Careful, Your “Inner Fitzwilliam” is Showing! Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author What if after the Netherfield Ball, both Darcy and Elizabeth were hurt by people very close to them? What if Mr. Bennet’s insistence […]
Winners of Amazon Gift Cards!!!
Thank you to Tamara, our latest Austenesque Ardent Admirer for not only participating in this blog series, but also wanting to contribute 2 lovely prizes for two of my readers! The generosity and kindness of everyone in this community is so amazing! […]
Emma, Mr. Knightley and Chili-Slaw Dogs – Mary Jane Hathaway
Austen, Antebellum Homes, and Antiques Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author After reading any thoroughly delighting in Pride, Prejudice and Cheese Grits, the first book in the Jane Austen Takes the South series by Mary […]