Hi friends! Time for a giveaway! And this month, we’ve got a blue theme going on! 💙📘💙📘💙📘 My mind must be on the ocean and beach days! If you are new to this blog, I shall explain. I sometimes acquire […]

Jane Austen Book Blog
Devoted to the reading, reviewing, and celebrating of all things Austenesque!
Hi friends! Time for a giveaway! And this month, we’ve got a blue theme going on! 💙📘💙📘💙📘 My mind must be on the ocean and beach days! If you are new to this blog, I shall explain. I sometimes acquire […]
Hi friends! I’m so pleased to welcome back author Suzan Lauder for her NINTH visit to Austenesque Reviews today! 😮 Suzan is here to celebrate the release of the newest installment in her Cecilia’s Mismatches series – Secret Affairs! 🙌🏼 […]
Hi friends! I know what you are thinking! Amy D’Orazio just released a new short story two days ago, Jessie Lewis released a novella a mere two months ago. What announcement could they possibly be making today?! Well, let me […]
Hi friends! It’s always exciting when an author releases a new book, isn’t it? And if they release TWO NEW books, that means it is doubly exciting! 🎉🎉 Which is what just happened last month! Did you see? Amanda Kai […]