Greetings, friends! Are you ready for deliciously romantic excerpt from Joana Starnes?! ❣️ Prepare yourself, this might be the most romantic one she has shared with us yet! 😍 Ahhhhh!!!! I am so excited to welcome you back, Joana! Thank […]

Jane Austen Book Blog
Devoted to the reading, reviewing, and celebrating of all things Austenesque!
Greetings, friends! Are you ready for deliciously romantic excerpt from Joana Starnes?! ❣️ Prepare yourself, this might be the most romantic one she has shared with us yet! 😍 Ahhhhh!!!! I am so excited to welcome you back, Joana! Thank […]
Happy Monday, friends! It is exciting to start a new week with a lovely visit from author Grace Gibson! (I just love the alliteration her name gives to the post title! 😆) As you may have seen, Ms. Gibson just […]
Hi friends! I’m so happy to welcome back the lovely Karen Cox to Austenesque Reviews today! Karen is here to celebrate the audiobook release of Undeceived: Pride and Prejudice in the Spy Game and share a little behind-the-scenes look into […]
Hello dear friends!! Did you hear?! The lovely and talented Susan Adriani has a new book coming out with Quills and Quartos next month!! 🤗 You may recall Susan Adriani published two books back in the day – The Truth […]