Austenesque Quarterly Giveaway #39!!!

Hi friends! Time for a giveaway! Some end of summer reads to take out and enjoy in the sunshine! ☀️

If you are new to this blog, I shall explain. I sometimes acquire duplicate copies of Austenesque books and then host a giveaway to find them some new homes! 📚🏡

Special contributors to this giveaway include – Jean, Jennifer, and PO Dixon! Thank you so much!

International friends – as you know, Book Depository sadly no longer exists. 😣

If you are an international reader and want to claim a prize, I would need to be able to send it to you through a nearby Amazon site without an exorbitant shipping rate (ie,, 📦

There are 6️⃣  prizes in this giveaway – 4️⃣ paperbacks, 1️⃣  ebook, and  1️⃣  winner’s choice ebook (US only) or paperback (open internationally) . 😃🙌🏼

Yours Forevermore, Mr. Darcy by KaraLynne Mackrory (older cover)
His Heart’s Desire by Jennifer Redlarczyk (ebook)
Must’ve Done Something Good by Cheryl Cory (older cover)
My Jane Austen Summer by Cindy Jones
Together in Perfect Felicity by PO Dixon (large print)*



*not available in ebook



If you are interested in winning one of these lovely books for yourself, just leave a comment indicating which book(s) you’d prefer to win!  

**If you are an international reader or want to be entered ONLY in the Ebook drawing, let me know in your comment.

I will randomly select a winner for each book

+ 1 winner’s choice (open for ebook and international readers)

(You can enter this giveaway for more than one book, just make sure you leave only ONE comment.)

  • This giveaway will end August 30th
  • Please enter this contest with just one name and one entry, multiple entries will be disqualified.


  1. Happy Friday Meredith! Thanks for the another giveaway. I have read all of these but one. P.O. Dixon’s ‘Together in Perfect Felicity”. And I live in Canada, and I would love to have it in print (vs ebook). thanks for all you do! Char

  2. I have the newer cover of Must’ve Done Something Good, but the older cover looks so much more charming. I’d love to have that one. I love these giveaways, I may not win but I almost always wind up adding new classics to my purchase list!

    Must’ve Done Something Good by Cheryl Cory

  3. Happy Friday (and end of the first week of school for teachers in my area)! I’d love a chance at My Jane Austen Summer. Thank you!

  4. “Together in Perfect Felicity “ would be such a lovely book to own, especially since it’s out of print. I could use the large print too.

    1. TOGETHER IN PERFECT FELICITY is my choice. I have read all the other books and even clicked on KU to reread some of them. I also will greatly appreciated the large print.
      Again, you have done a great job in highlighting wonderful books. Thank you (what a wonderful job your have created for yourself).

  5. Yours Forevermore, Mr. Darcy by KaraLynne Mackrory or Together in Perfect Felicity by PO Dixon Thank you!

  6. Yay, free giveaway time! That’s so nice of you Meredith! I’d be grateful for the chance to win Yours Forevermore. Thanks and good luck to everyone! 2nd Choice would be Heart’s Desire, 3rd choice the one by P.O Dixon. I prefer paperback copies if I win, but ebooks cool too.

  7. Yay for a giveaway! I would like either the Jennifer Redlarczyk, Kara Lynn Mackrory or the PO Dixon books, thanks.

  8. Would love to win yours forever more mr. Darcy… or the book by P.O Dixon… thank you so much for doing these giveaways and everything else you do !!!!!!

  9. Oh, Meredith, how I love your quarterly giveaways! You have always been so generous to your readers. I would like to win P.O. Dixon’s (have so enjoyed her books) large print Together in Perfect Felicity.

  10. Hi Meredith,
    You are so generous! Thanks to you and the other ladies
    There are always good choices in the Quarterly post!
    As international reader from Spain, I’d like to have (if I were so lucky to win) the paperback of “Yours forevermore, Mr Darcy” by KaraLynne Mackrory because I love epistolary novels!
    My amazon site is
    A big hug, my friend and good luck to everyone

  11. Meredith! Thanks so much for another quarterly giveaway. I am thrilled share a copy of my book and hope lots of folks will join in the fun and participate. Best Wishes everyone! ♫

  12. I would love Yours Forevermore, Mr. Darcy by KaraLynne Mackrory or Together in Perfect Felicity by PO Dixon. Thank you for sharing your books with all of us

  13. Together in Perfect Felicity would be my first choice. The author has always been one of my favorites. Consequently, I’ve read most of her work, but I can’t find a copy of this in my library.

  14. I would love to read in Together in Perfect Felicity , by PO Dixon or Yours Forevermore, Mr. Darcy by KaraLynne Mackrory. Or His Heart’s Desire by Jennifer Realarczyk.

  15. Hello, Meredith!

    I would love to have either Yours Forevermore, Mr. Darcy or Together in Perfect Felicity.

    Thank you sooooo much for your give-aways as well as your insightful reviews!!

    Susanne 🙂

  16. I would choose Together in Perfect Felicity by PO Dixon (large print)* as it is the only one I have not already read. Thanks for the chance to win.

  17. I’d like to win any of these: the book by P. O. Dixon, KaraLynne Mackrory, or Jennifer Redlarczyk or the winner’s choice (I’m in the U.S.).

  18. Thank you for another giveaway! I would love Yours Forevermore, Mr. Darcy by KaraLynne Mackrory and
    His Heart’s Desire by Jennifer Redlarczyk . Thanks!

  19. Thank you for hosting the giveaway, Meredith. Please enter me as the international reader. I would choose Yours Forevermore Darcy, My Jane Austen Summer or Together in Perfect Felicity.

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