Winners of A Quick Successions of Busy Nothings, From Another Perspective, Worthy of Her Trust and The Mysterious Disappearance of Mr. Darcy!!!

Hi friends! We are enjoying a weekend of beautiful weather here in North Carolina – I hope you are too!

But before I take myself and Fezzik outside for some fun and sun, I want to announce some lucky winners! ☀️

I’m so grateful to all these lovely authors: Jayne Bamber, Melissa Anne, and Kelly Miller for their recent visits to Austenesque Reviews and for sponsoring some love giveaway prizes. 

Look at the wonderful variety of books they are bringing into the Austenesque World – a Mansfield Park/Pride and Prejudice mash-up(!), an Elizabeth is not a Bennet variation, and a romantic suspense about a disappearing hero!

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners of these lovely prizes are…

Amanda Paragon ~~~ A Quick Succession of Busy Nothings (ebook)
SAF ~~~ From Another Perspective (paperback)
EV~~~ Worthy of Her Trust (ebook)
Pam Hunter ~~~  The Mysterious Disappearance of Mr. Darcy (ebook)
Janey ~~~  The Mysterious Disappearance of Mr. Darcy (ebook)
Some beautiful books to enjoy in beautiful weather! 😎

Winners, when you see this, email me the email address or address you’d like your book to be sent to!


  1. Congrats to all the winners. I’m going to check out some of these titles myself!

    And enjoy your sunny fun with fuzzy Fezzik!

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