Winners of Heartbroken, Mr. Darcy and the Enchanted Library, and Austenesque Quarterly Giveaway #37!!!

Happy Sunday to you my friends! ☀️

I have a bunch of giveaway winners to announce and then I plan to spend the rest of the afternoon reading and walking around with Fezzik outside! 🙌🏼

I’m so grateful to Laura Moretti and Victoria Kincaid for their lovely visits to Austenesque Reviews.

Thank you Laura for that adorably romantic excerpt you shared from Heartbroken. I loved this swoony scene!

And thank you Victoria for answering my questions about the fabulous multi-author round-robin project Mr. Darcy and the Enchanted Library! I cannot wait to read it!

In addition, thank you to all the lovely readers who have entered the latest Austenesque Quarterly Giveaway!!

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners of these lovely prizes are…

EV ~~~  Heartbroken (ebook)
Glynis ~~~ Heartbroken (ebook)
Mary Langton ~~~ Mr. Darcy and the Enchanted Library (ebook)
Terri Mclelland ~~~ Accidentally Yours by Robin Helm (older cover)
Theresa Mattina ~~~ Experience by Meg Kerr
Catherine SD ~~~ Mary Bennet by Jennifer Becton
Natalie H ~~~ Pemberly Ranch by Jack Caldwell (older cover)
Glory ~~~ Suspense and Sensibility by Carrie Bebris
Robin G ~~~ reader’s choice ebook or paperback
What a lucky bunch of readers! ☘️ 🌈

Winners, when you see this, email me the email address or address you’d like your book to be sent to!

*Also, just a heads up that my email responses to any giveaway emails will most likely only be on the weekends. 


Your conversation and participation are always welcome; please feel free to "have your share."