Seeking Adventures & Friends Abroad!

Hi friends!

If you know anything about me, then you know that right up there next to my love of Jane Austen and Austenesque is my love for traveling. ✈️

I do it any chance I get, and have a long list of places I dream of visiting. 🗺

In the past I’ve been lucky enough to meet up with some wonderful and dear Austenesque friends and authors when I traveled near where they live. 🤗

I’d love to continue to do this in my future travels. But I think I need some help remembering where Austenesque friends and authors are located – and which Austenesque friends and authors are open to meeting up! 👋🏼

I think it is great fun to meet treasured online friends – that I’ve known for so many years – in person! 🥰

I thought I’d make a private spreadsheet to help me keep track and remember the general location of Austenesque readers and authors around the world. 🌍

So…if you are open to getting a drink or sharing a little tête-à-tête whenever I find myself near your neck of the woods, please answer the 3 questions below.*

* this is completely voluntary – if you aren’t open to meeting up, you don’t have to fill out the form

🏝 Also…this is totally reciprocal – if YOU find yourself in MY neck of the woods – let me know! I would love to meet up with you! 🙌🏼

And if you didn’t already know, I’m in Wilmington, North Carolina – southeastern part of the state and happy to drive around both North or South Carolina to meet up! 🚗

Thanks so much helping this young lady seek both adventures & friends abroad!


  1. I can’t believe you included me. How kind of you. I was so thrilled to meet you in person when you came to Seattle.

  2. Thanks so much for adding the Pemberley photo. It brought back such happy memories! It would be wonderful to see you again soon. Love and hugs and have a fabulous time on your travels!

Your conversation and participation are always welcome; please feel free to "have your share."