Winners of Shannon Winslow and The Reluctant Widow Giveaways!!!

Happy Sunday, friends!

I’m finally home for the first weekend awhile and I am catching up on some giveaway winners! (Thank you everyone for your patience!)

I’m so grateful to Shannon Winslow and Suzan Lauder for visiting my blog last month.

Two authors that I have read so much and followed for so long! I’m so happy they have new books out!

Thank you so much for telling Mr. Knightley’s story, Shannon. He is one of my most favorite Austen men! ✍🏼

And I’m excited to spend more time examining Cecilia’s questionable attempts at matchmaking! 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼

Thank you to everyone who commented on these post and shared some lovely support.

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners are…

Susanne Barrett. ~~~ Kindle ebook or Audiobook of one book from the …In His Own Words series (winner’s choice)
Pam Hunter ~~~ Kindle ebook or Audiobook of one book from the …In His Own Words series (winner’s choice)
Nancy W ~~~ Kindle ebook or Audiobook of one book from the …In His Own Words series (winner’s choice)
Jean ~~~ Kindle ebook or Audiobook of one book from the …In His Own Words series (winner’s choice)
Susan Robinson ~~~ Kindle ebook or Audiobook of one book from the …In His Own Words series (winner’s choice)
Julia Goodman ~~~ The Reluctant Chaperon (ebook)

Winners, when you see this, email me the email address you’d like your book to be sent to!*

*Also, just a heads up that my email responses might be slow, there are only so many hours in my day. 😔


  1. Congratulations to all!!!

    And I hope indeed that Suzan Lauder would write a third volet -;)
    The Reluctant Widow sounds like a wonderful title !

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