Winners of Light and Shadow, What Happened on Box Hill, and the Lory Lilian Giveaways!!!

Happy Sunday, friends!  💗

This post is coming to you from the mountains of North Carolina! 🏔

My gratitude to the three lovely authors who have paid visits to Austenesque Reviews these last few weeks.

Lee Elliott, thank you so much for sharing an excerpt from Light and Shadow at Pemberley with us! 🌳

Lory Lilian, thank you so much for stopping by to share more about the rerelease of Torn! 📗

Cherith Boardman, I am so grateful for the opportunity to have you visit and share an entiing excerpt from Total Want of Propriety for your first mini blog tour. 🎩

Thank you to all these authors for sponsoring some generous giveaway prizes for me to give away! 🎁

Dear readers, thank you so much for all your lovely comments and conversation on all these lovely author visits!!! 🙏🏼

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners are…

Wyndwhyspyr ~~~ Light and Shadow at Pemberley (winner’s choice -paperback or ebook)
 dholmcomb1 ~~~  What Happened on Box Hill  (ebook)
 Eva Edmonds ~~~  What Happened on Box Hill  (ebook)
Anne ~~~  What Happened on Box Hill  (ebook)
Kim P.  ~~~  What Happened on Box Hill  (signed paperback)
Maddy ~~~ Any ebook release from Lory Lilian – winner’s choice (ebook)
Glynis ~~~ Any ebook release from Lory Lilian – winner’s choice (ebook)


Winners, when you see this, please email me the email address you’d like your book to be sent to!

*Also, just a heads up that email response may be slow, there are only so many hours in the day. 😔


Your conversation and participation are always welcome; please feel free to "have your share."